@article{gledocs_11858_7232, author = {Schrack, Matthias}, title = {Das Naturschutzgebiet „Waldmoore bei Großdittmannsdorf“ im Naturraum „Königsbrück-Ruhlander Heiden“ (Sachsen)}, year = {2008}, volume = {38}, pages = {161-174}, abstract = {Abstract: Within the Saxonian lowlands transitional bogs, moor waters and lowland spruce forests are spread especially in the natural regions „Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichgebiet“, „Muskauer Heide“ and „Königsbrück-Ruhlander Heiden“. Situated in the transitional area to the natural region „Westlausitzer Hügel- und Bergland“ the forest peat bogs in the der Laußnitzer und Radeburger Heide at the southwestern edge of the „Königsbrück-Ruhlander Heiden“ are characterized by several particularities. The occurrence of biotopes and species that are rare and worthy of protection was the reason for the establishment of the two nature reserves „Moorwald am Pechfluss bei Medingen“ and „Waldmoore bei Großdittmannsdorf“, but also for the notification of NATURA 2000 areas.}, note = { \url {http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/7232}}, }