@article{gledocs_11858_7244, author = {Caspers, Gerfried}, title = {Potenziale zur Realisierung des Natur- und Klimaschutzes in niedersächsischen Mooren}, year = {2015}, volume = {Beiheft 5}, pages = {159-182}, abstract = {Abstract: In addition to the widespread use of peatlands for agricultural purposes, which is also common in other German states, the raised bogs in Lower Saxony are still also used up to the present day for housing, as well as for industrial peat extraction. The Peatland Conservation Programme in Lower Saxony launched in 1981 therefore only covered raised bogs to disentangle the different uses, and to systematise the nature protection activities in raised bogs. The priority areas for the extraction of peat defined in the Federal State Regional Planning Programme are to be rescinded. The new State Development Programme being formulated will not only include the nature conservation of peatlands, but also for the first time, deal with the climate protection afforded by these very important storage areas for carbon. An important aspect in this regard is the incorporation of fens, and the discharge from peatlands into underlying water bodies. The database and the conclusions which contribute to the implementation of climate protection in peatland conservation programmes, will be discussed and compared with the peatland conservation previously implemented pursuant to the Peatland Conservation Programme in Lower Saxony. An overview describes various approaches for peatland and climate protection implemented by private initiatives, nature conservation societies, EU-Life-Projects, contractual nature protection, publicly owned businesses and authorities in Lower Saxony, research projects on alternative uses, and climate certificate trading. These varied instruments are compared to highlight their relative areal effectiveness, and relevance, followed by an estimate of the potential for future peatland and climate protection in Lower Saxony.}, note = { \url {http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/7244}}, }