@article{gledocs_11858_7275, author = {Günther, Jürgen}, title = {Die Moorbrandkultur und der Buchweizenanbau als eine frühe Form der landwirtschaftlichen Hochmoornutzung in Nordwestdeutschland}, year = {2012}, volume = {42}, pages = {57-70}, abstract = {Abstract: The development of the bog burning for food production on the raised bogs of Europe will be described using the example of buckwheat cultivation. The cultivation of buckwheat together with the bog burning on several thousand hectars every springtime till the end of May in some years even till the end of June resulted in a substantiable smoke and haze harassment which could be sensed over several hundreds until up to more than thousand kilometers afar. The “Nordwestdeutsche Verein gegen das Moorbrennen” (Northwest German Society against the bog burning) in Bremen donated already shortly after its foundation an award which was given to E. Birnbaum for his paper “Über das Moorbrennen und die Wege zu seiner Beseitigung” (On the bog burning and the means to its abolition) in 1873. In 1877 the “Preussische Moorversuchsstation” (Prussian Moor Research Station) was established in Bremen. This research institute became later as “Bodentechno logisches Institut” (Institute for Soil Technology) a part of the” Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie” of the Federal State of Lower Saxony in Hanover till its closure in 2008. The research of this institute resulted in the development of the “Deutsche Hochmoorkultur”, a new method of agriculture on bogs, which replaced the bog burning in Germany after 1900. The use of buckwheat as a staple food for instance as groats and flour is mentioned as well as the rather new medical application as a remedy against problems with blood vessels and veins.}, note = { \url {http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/7275}}, }