@article{gledocs_11858_7342, author = {Weichhardt-Kulessa, Katja and Brande, Arthur and Zerbe, Stefan}, title = {Zwei kleine Waldmoore im Hochspessart als Archive der Landschaftsgeschichte und Objekte des Naturschutzes}, year = {2007}, volume = {37}, pages = {57-76}, abstract = {Abstract: Pollen content, flora, and vegetation of small forest mires (< 1 ha) in the mesozoic sandstone region of the Spessart (SW Germany) are presented. According to pollen and radiocarbon data, peat formation began 600 – 700 (mire at the Birkwasser, southern Hochspessart) and 300 years ago (mire at the Ödborn, northern Hochspessart). The pollen diagrams comprise FIRBAS (1949) forest succession stages X a and b which can be correlated to the data of forest history. The present day composition of plant species and vegetation (mainly Caricetum fuscae and Caricetum rostratae) indicate oligo-/mesotrophic acid conditions. Some species, e.g. Carex canescens and Sphagnum compactum, are endangered in the Spessart-Rhön region and in Bavaria. Despite their small size the investigated mires enhance the biodiversity of the Spessart mountains on the species and habitat level and fulfil ecological functions, like the storage of water, nutrients, and harmful substances. They are also of singular and irreplaceable importance as archives of landscape history. For these reasons they have to be protected from external interference (e.g. afforestation, clearcutting) with changes in the water balance. In respect to conservation, development, and regeneration of different mire types in Central Europe, it is necessary not to neglect small forest mires as specific habitats.}, note = { \url {http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/7342}}, }