During the late Pleistocene and the Holocene the eas- tern Sahara was subject to dramatic climatic changes oscillating from very arid to humid and finally increa- sing arid conditions again (Pachur 1987; Kröpelin 1987; 1993; Kuper and Kröpelin 2006). Holocene pluvial con- ditions began about 9800 BP, at the end of the Younger Dryas cold interval. During the climate optimum the re- constructed annual precipitation was between 400 mm (Kröpelin 1993) and 600 mm (Vernet 1995). As a conse- quence, between 9500–3500 BP the southeastern Saha- ra was characterized by a raised groundwater table and numerous lakes (Kröpelin 1993). Analysis of about 320 charcoal samples from prehistoric sites in the eastern Sahara furnishes evidence for a fundamental change of vegetation during the Early and Middle Holocene. Around 7000 BP the Sahelian vegetation zones were 500–600 km north of their present range (Neumann 1989). A savanna-type vegetation existed that attracted Sudano-Sahelian fauna and therefore human groups to the region until about 5000 BP, when the current epi- sode of hyperaridity ensued (Haynes 2001; Kuper and Kröpelin 2006). There is evidence that the prehistoric inhabitants adapted their economic systems to the changing cli- matic conditions in the Wadi Howar region, one of the main research areas of the ACACIA-project of the Uni- versity of Cologne (»Arid Climate Adaption and Cultu- ral Innovation in Africa«). Here, within 3 000 years the prehistoric inhabitants developed from gatherers and hunters to pastoralists with intensive cattle herding. In response to increasingly arid conditions goats and sheep were finally added to the herds (Keding 1998; Keding and Vogelsang 2001; Jesse 2006a; 2006b). To- day, the Wadi Howar region is very inhospitable and only a few nomads with their camels thrive there, but traces of the prehistoric occupants are visible in many places (e. g. Jesse 2005; 2006a; 2006b). Not only ar- chaeological material such as pottery sherds, lithic ar- tefacts and faunal remains can be found but also more subtle traces which can be detected for example by pedological analysis. The study of soils does not only give indications on climatic changes but can also show the effects of human impact on the landscape. In this paper, the results of pedological studies made during the 2006 archaeological field season of the ACACIA project in Lower Wadi Howar are presented. Study area The Wadi Howar is located in the north-west of the Su- dan and traverses over a length of about 1 000 km the southern margin of the Sahara between Jebel Marra in the west and the Nile Valley in the East. Once it was a tributary of the river Nile and joined it north-west of Ed Debba (Pachur 1987; Pachur and Kröpelin 1987; see fig. 1). Today, the Wadi Howar region is located within the two 100 mm rainfall isohyets at 17° N and 31° N (Ritchie et al. 1985) and is part of the hyperarid core of the eastern Sahara desert with partly less than 25 mm an- nual rainfall and a potential evaporation of 5–6 m (Petit- Maire and Guo 1998). Vegetation in the eastern Sahara is very sparse and mainly confined to a few oases and to wadi channels, where single Tundub-bushes (Cappa- ris decidua), acacia trees and transient communities of annuals and herbaceous perennials are present. The area of Wadi Howar is mainly characterized by sedimenta- ry rocks (Nubian sandstone), aeolian sediments, fluvial and lacustrine deposits. Partly volcanic (basalt), plutonic (granite) and metamorphic (quartzite) rocks were found. During the last years, research of the ACACIA pro- ject in the Wadi Howar region focused on the lower section of Wadi Howar which comprises the 400 km between Jebel Rahib in the west and the Nile Valley in the east. Intense occupation during the Neolithic period, especially the 4th and 3rd millennia BC, could be evi- denced in the area of Abu Tabari and Conical Hill: more than a hundred sites were found and mapped. The sites are either located on slightly elevated former sandbanks or on top of up to 15 m high, artefact covered dunes of parabolic shape (Jesse 2003; in press; Lange 2005). Two sites in the area of Abu Tabari were selected for pedological studies: S02 / 52 and S02 / 28. Further inves- tigations took place near the fortress Gala Abu Ahmed, situated about 100 km west of the Nile (fig. 1). Material and Methods Sampling At each study location an assessment of topographic units and potential interesting soil profiles was perfor- med by an intense survey. Soil profiles were described Desert soils in Lower Wadi Howar (Northwest Sudan) Evidence of climate change and human impact during the Holocene ANDREAS GUNDELWEIN according to the US Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff 1999). Disturbed as well as partly undisturbed soil sam- ples were taken from each horizon. The description and sampling in the field was completed by laboratory ana- lysis of the soil samples. Carbon quantification Bulk density was determined according to Schlichting et al. (1995) by sampling two replicates of undisturbed soil material from each horizon in 850 cm3 stainless steel cylinders. The soil was air-dried and weighed with a precision balance (Sartorius, Göttingen). Total carbon (TC) of air-dried soil samples (< 2 mm), milled to < 63 µm, was determined with a CHN-Analy- ser (Vario EL III, Elementar, Hanau). To determine in- organic carbon (TIC) the samples were heated to 550° C for 6 h to destroy organic carbon before measurement. Organic carbon (TOC) was determined as the difference of TC and TIC: TOC = TC – TIC (1) The size of the soil organic carbon stocks on a spatial basis was determined based on the carbon contents of the different horizons: ∑ C i = ∑ c i x l i x d i x 10 (2) where C i is the TOC content of a soil layer in kg m-2; c i is the TOC concentration in g 100g-1soil (< 2mm); l i is the depth of the layer in cm; and d i is the bulk den- sity in g cm-3. To determine total P concentrations, 10 ml of concentra- ted HNO 3 (13 M) were added to 0.5 g soil and heated to 185° C for 20 min in a closed PTFE container. P concen- trations were measured photometrically by a continuous flow analyzer (Skalar, Erkelenz) with a detection limit of 0.55 µM P, according to Murphy and Riley (1962). Conductivity 10 g of soil was mixed with 25 ml of de-ionized water and stirred for 30 min by hand. The conductivity was determined at 20° C with a Cond.315 (WTW instruments, Weilheim). Andreas Gundelwein2 Fig. 1: Study area eastern Sahara with selected sites. 3 margin were studied. The results of the two profiles in the extreme upper and lower position (# 8 and # 10) are as follows (tab. 2a and 2b). Profile 8 on the hilltop showed a weakly develo- ped soil with a small accumulation of organic carbon between 2 and 65 cm below the surface (fig. 2). The sediment was well rooted and showed large phospho- rus contents, which decreased with depth. The soil was characterized as a Typic Torripsamment, according to US soil taxonomy. The thickness of the upper soil horizon with a mean organic carbon content of 0.12 % and a bulk density of 1.63 g cm-3 was 0.6 m. It covered an area of approxima- tely 4 000 m2. So, the site contained an estimated amount of 4.7 t of organic carbon or 9.4 t organic material. OSL-Dating The sample for Optically Stimulated Luminescence da- ting (OSL) was collected from the centre-part of an un- disturbed soil layer during night and sealed in light-safe black plastic bags. Sample preparation involved drying and sieving, followed by the removal of acid soluble carbonates and organic material in dilute hydrochloric acid (10 %) and hydrogen peroxide (10 %) and Na-oxa- late (0.01 %) according to Aitken (1998). Sodium poly- tungstate at 2.58 g cm-3 specific gravity for potassium­ feldspars and 2.68 g cm-3 specific gravity for quartz grains was used to enrich the quartz- and feldspar-frac- tion. The quartz­fraction was etched in hydrofluoric acid (40 %) for 40 min to remove any residual feldspars and the outer 10 µm of quartz grains. Following another treatment with hydrochloric acid to remove soluble fluo­ rides and final dry sieving a monolayer of grains was mounted with silicon on 1 mm diameter steel discs for analysis. Optically stimulated luminescence was determined by SAR-BLSL (Single Aliquot Regenerative Dose Blue Light Stimulated Luminescence, according to Murray and Wintle 2000) for quartz and SAR-IRSL (Single Ali- quot Regenerative Dose Infrared Stimulated Lumines- cence, according to Wallinga et al. 2000 and Preusser 2003); for details see table 1. Results and discussion Paleo-environmental conditions and soil formation at Neolithic settlements in the region of Abu Tabari The site S02 / 52 was located on a former sandbank. The sandbank was elevated up to 2 m above the plain ground of the Wadi Howar and covered an area of about 100 m by 400 m. The surface was covered by a dense layer of artefacts, comprising pottery sherds, lithic objects and animal bones. Via the pottery an attribution of the site to the 4th or the first half of the 3rd millennium BC can be supposed (Lange 2005). The ground of the wadi was co- vered by fluviatile sediments and pebbles. To get an idea of the former environmental conditions, soil profiles, lined up from the centre and top of the site to the lower Desert soils in Lower Wadi Howar (Northwest Sudan) Feldspars Quartz Radiation Sr / Y-90 beta source 0.1426 Gy / s Sr / Y-90 beta source 0.1085 Gy/s Stimulation IR-diodes (880 ± 80 nm) 300 s @ 50° C Blue diodes (470 ± 30 nm) 50 s @ 125° C Detection filter Schott BG39 Schott GG400 Corning 7–59 U­340­filter (7.5 mm, transmission at 290–370 nm) Pre-heating 230° C, after test dose 250° C 240° C, after test dose 200° C Tab. 1: Parameters for OSL-dating of quartz and feldspars. Fig. 2: Weakly developed soil at the Neolithic site S02/52, Lower Wadi Howar, profile 8. 4 Profile 10 at the wadi ground showed cemen- ted, lacustrine sediments (»Playa sediment«) with high contents of inorganic carbon and also distinct contents of organic carbon. The phosphorus content was distinctly smaller than in the centre of the site. These Playa sediments covered an area of about 0.5 km2. The sediments contained relicts of a land mol- lusc, most probably Subulina isseli (Jickeli 1874; pers. comm. N. Pöllath). In both soil profiles we found large concentrations of salt in 20–40 cm depth, which is typical for arid and semi- arid soils due to an upward groundwater movement. With up to 500 µS cm-1 the conductivity was within the normal range of arid soils, as reported by Gabriel (1986). Site S02 / 28 was also located on a relatively flat former sandbank with a maximum height of about 1 m above ground level. The site consists of a large scatter of archaeo- Andreas Gundelwein Location: Lower Wadi Howar Parent material: Aeolian sediments covered by artefacts (rock tools, bones, etc.) Horiz. Depth [cm] Text. C inorg [%] C org [%] P t [mg kg-1] other 0–2 sand – – – 50 vol. % rock fragm. > 2 mm (artefacts) 7.5YR7 / 6 single grain no roots A 2–23 loam. sand 0.05 0.12 353 < 5 vol. % rock fragm. > 2 mm 10YR4 / 3 coherent single grain 6–20 roots 10 cm-2 conductivity 99 µS cm-1 bulk density 1.63 g cm-3 AC 23–65 sand 0.03 0.12 208 < 5 vol. % rock fragm. > 2 mm 10YR6 / 4 6–20 roots 10 cm-2 single grain conductivity 490 µS cm-1 C > 65 sand – – – < 5 vol. % rock fragm. > 2 mm 10YR7 / 6 no roots single grain Tab. 2a: Typic Torripsamment (profile 8) on the top of the settlement site S02 / 52, Lower Wadi Howar; Munsel colour was determined with moist soil. Location: Lower Wadi Howar Parent material: Lacustrine sediments (»Playa«) Horiz. Depth [cm] Text. C inorg [%] C org [%] P t [mg kg-1] Conduct. [µS cm-1] other 0–1 sand – – – – 50 vol. % rock fragm. > 2 mm single grain no roots Ccm 1–20 20–> 42 silty sand 1.28 1.57 0.17 0.17 – 153 142 608 2.5Y6 / 3 massive (petrocalc.hor.) no roots Tab. 2b: Calcareous sediments (profile 10) at the margin of the settlement site S02 / 52, Lower Wadi Howar; Munsel colour was determined with moist sediment. 5 logical finds stretching over an area of about 500 m x 450 m. Radiocarbon dates point to an occupation of the site around 3000 BC (Jesse in press). A geomagne- tic survey in 2006 showed anomalies near the western edge of the sandbank.1 In the test trenches distinct redo- ximorphic features and concentrations of iron nodules in 30–80 cm depth were found (fig. 3, table 3). The boundary between the upper, oxygen rich and well ae- rated zone and the groundwater zone with reducing soil conditions followed the relief of the slope (fig. 4). The lacustrine sediments and the redoximorphic features prove, that during the Holocene humid phase this land- scape was most probably at least temporarily covered by the shallow waters of an extended lake with several flat islands such as the sandbanks of the sites S02 / 52 and S02 / 28. So, most probably both settlements were ori- Fig. 3: Nodules of iron-oxide at the western edge of the Neo- lithic settlement S02/28, Lower Wadi Howar, profile 17. 1 The geophysical survey was done by Carsten Mischka of the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Cologne. Location: Lower Wadi Howar Parent material: Aeolian-fluviatile sediments, covered by artefacts (stone tools etc.) Horiz. Depth [cm] Text. other 0–1 sand 35 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 7.5YR6 / 6 single grain no roots Ak 1–20 weak silty sand < 2 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 2.5YR5 / 3 coherent single grain 6–10 roots B 20–40 weak silty sand < 2 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 2.5YR5 / 3 coherent single grain 6–10 roots 10 cm-2 10 % redoximorphic features, single ironoxide nodules Bc 40–50 weak silty sand 2–5 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 10YR6 / 4 coherent single grain 10–20 roots 10 cm-2 50 % redoximorphic features, 15 % ironoxide nodules BC 50–> 100 weak silty sand < 2 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 2.5YR5 / 3 coherent single grain 6–10 roots 10 cm-2 10 % redoximorphic features, single ironoxide nodules Tab. 3: Typic Torripsamment with distinct relictic redoximorphic features (profile17) at the margin of the settlement site S02 / 28, Lower Wadi Howar; Munsel colour was determined with moist soil. Desert soils in Lower Wadi Howar (Northwest Sudan) 6 Tab. 4: Paleosoil (Typic Torriorthent, profile 1) at the basis of the tumulus S06 / 1 near the fortress Gala Abu Ahmed, Lower Wadi Howar; Munsel colour was determined with moist soil. sample paleodose (Gy) error (Gy) dose rate (Gy / ka) error (Gy / ka) depth (cm) water content (%) age (ka) Error (ka) S106 Q 1,09 0,11 0,777 0,031 25 ± 5 2 1,40 0,15 S106 KF 1,18 0,09 1,402 0,214 25 ± 5 2 0,84 0,14 Tab. 5: OSL-ages of the covering sand layer of profile 1, site S06 / 1, Lower Wadi Howar. Fractions: – Q quartz; – KF potassium- feldspar; – D e paleodose; – D o dose rate. Rel. SD: 43 % for quartz and 38 % for potassiumfeldspar. Location: Ground of Wadi Howar; Parent material: lacustrine sediments under a thin aeolian sand cover Horiz. Depth [cm] Text. C inorg [%] C org [%] other 0–5 sand – – < 5 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 7.5YR7 / 6 single grain no roots ACb 5–45 silty loam 0.13 0.13 10YR4 / 3 blocky 6–10 roots 10 cm-2 conductivity 99 µS cm-1 – 45–83 no samples C 83–134 Silty loam 0.09 0.15 10YR5 / 4 blocky no roots conductivity 490 µS cm-1 Cg > 134 Silty loam – – 7.5YR5 / 2 blocky Tab. 6: Typic Torriorthent (profile 7) on the wadi ground near the fortress Gala Abu Ahmed, Lower Wadi Howar; Munsel colour was determined with moist soil. Location: South slope (20°) of Lower Wadi Howar; Parent material: rocky debris under recent aeolian sand cover Horiz. Depth [cm] Text. C inorg [%] C org [%] other 0–20 sand 0.02 0.03 < 2 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 7.5YR8 / 8 single grain no roots Ab 20–34 silty sand < 0.02 0.05 60–80 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 7.5YR4 / 4 coherent single grain 3–10 roots 10 cm-2 Bb 34–66 silty sand 0.04 0.05 > 90 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 7.5YR5 / 6 coherent single grain 1–5 roots 10 cm-2 BCb 66–82 silty sand 0.03 0.04 > 90 vol. % rock fragments > 2 mm 7.5YR6 / 8 coherent single grain 1–5 roots 10cm-2 Andreas Gundelwein 7 ginally located adjacent to open water surfaces. Similar lacustrine sediments were found in the Oyo Depression in NW Sudan (19° N, 26° E) and were dated by 14C to 6 500–2 500 BC (Ritchie et al. 1985). Considerable sand contents were lacking. This indicates carbonate deposition in a stratified lake with stagnant bottom wa- ters, according to Ritchie et al. (1985). A comparison with actual sedimentation cycles allows the reconstruc- tion of a humid tropical climate with annual monsoonal rainfall of at least 400 mm (ibid.). This humid period with formation of lacustrine sediments ended between 4500 BP (Nicoll 2001) and 3700 BP (Petit-Maire and Guo 1998). The study of the faunal remains of site S02 / 52 in- dicates a subsistence strategy of the Neolithic dwellers based on cattle herding and especially fishing. It seems that site S02 / 52 was used as a preferred and specialized fishing place (N. Pöllath, pers. comm.). The exposed po- sition within a shallow lake offered the best conditions for such a specialized, maybe seasonal use. Fish bone finds from early to middle Holocene sites in the Middle Wadi Howar showed a rich ichthyofaunal spectrum, which allows to reconstruct the main freshwater bioto- pes that once characterized the Wadi Howar area (Pöl- lath and Peters 2003). The input of organic residues re- sulted in an enrichment of phosphorus and carbon in the upper soil layers as could be evidenced at site S02 / 52. The large amounts of phosphorus prove an intense and long term use of the site. This anthropogenic input of organic residues favoured and initiated the formation of raw soils. Such enrichment was exclusively found at settlement sites (for example also at the nearby site S02 / 01). This could be explained by the special conser- vation conditions for soils under the dense artefact cover of the settlements and an erosion of the upper soil lay- er elsewhere. But it is also plausible that soil formation took place exclusively at former settlements, and was triggered and initiated by the human input of organic re- sidues. That would mean that not only the environment determined human behaviour and living conditions but also that man influenced his environment. Archaeological sites as climate archives About 1.5 km east of the fortress Gala Abu Ahmed a number of tumuli were found along the southern shore- line of Wadi Howar (see Kröpelin 1993; Jesse and Ku- per 2004). One tumulus was excavated, site S06 / 1. It was located in the middle of the slope. Instead of the expected burial we found distinctly weathered soil mate- rial at the base of the tumulus in 0.2 m depth (profile 1; fig. 5; tab. 4). Organic carbon contents were very low, even if there was a weak enrichment in 0.2 to 0.66 m depth. The upper soil layer (horizon Ab) was well rooted and the minerals were distinctly weathered. The soil was classified as Typic Torriorthent. The OSL­age of the covering sand layer was 0.8 to 1.36 ka (tab. 5). Even for an arid soil the organic carbon contents were very low compared to mean organic carbon con- tents of other extra arid desert soils, which are normal- ly between 0.2–1.5 kg C m-2 (Lioubimtseva 1997). In contrast to the low carbon contents the red-yellowish colours indicate a distinct weathering of soil minerals, which requires humid climate conditions. Due to the protection by the tumulus this soil was preserved from erosion. Remnants of well developed fossil soils were also found under the dense artefact cover of the Neo- lithic settlements near Abu Tabari (see above) and also reported from other sites in the Sahara, e. g. in Egypt (Blume et al. 1984), Niger (Vogg 1986; Völkel 1987; 1988), and Wadi Shaw in north-western Sudan (Gabriel 1986). These paleo-soils verify more humid climate con- ditions during the middle Holocene (6000–5000 BC). The covering sand layer of profile 1 at site S06 / 1 de- veloped later as the result of erosion processes of the southern slope of Wadi Howar. The resultant OSL-age can therefore only be used as a terminus ante quem for the soil formation and the tumulus. A well in the Wadi Howar Near the fortress Gala Abu Ahmed a circular embankme- nt with a diameter of 5 m was found on the wadi ground, which is typical for former wells (Kröpelin 1993). The sediments were studied by drilling up to a maxi- Fig. 4: Stratigraphic situation at the margin of the Neolithic settlement S02 / 28, Lower Wadi Howar, soil profiles 16–18. The horizon Bc with high concentration of iron nodules marks the former shore line. Fig. 5: Distinctly weathered soil material at the basis of the tumulus S06 / 1, Lower Wadi Howar, profile 1. Desert soils in Lower Wadi Howar (Northwest Sudan) mum depth of 134 cm below surface (profile 7; fig. 6; tab. 6). Below the aeolian sand cover, we found silty- loamy sediments with high contents of organic carbon and a distinct enrichment of salt in 83–134 cm depth. The soil was characterized as a Typic Torriorthent. The sediments prove the existence of a small lake at the dee- pest point of the wadi for a longer period. After the dry- ing up of the lake, the existing groundwater reservoir on this spot was obviously still used for water supply. The age of the well is unclear. But it is conceivable that it was used by the habitants of the fortress, which is dated by several finds and 14C­ages to the first half of the first millennium BC (Napata-time; Jesse and Kuper 2004). Maybe, the water supply even was the reason for the maintenance of a large fortress more than 100 km west of the River Nile. Finds of pottery prove that already in former times the Wadi Howar was used as an important trading route from the Nile to the west. Controlling the few water supplies with punctual checkpoints would have meant controlling the whole border line. Conclusions The analysis of desert soils near archaeological sites allowed new insights in the environmental and living conditions of the early inhabitants of the Wadi Howar and their interactions with their environment. It also provided us with more information about the soil gene- sis in arid regions. Further studies should concentrate on dating the described indicators of a more humid cli- mate in the eastern Sahara during the Holocene. Acknowledgements The field work was possible within the scope of the Sonderforschungsbereich 389 ACACIA (Arid Climate Adaption and Cultural Innovation in Africa) of the Andreas Gundelwein8 University of Cologne, sub-project A2 »Wadi Howar: Siedlungsraum und Verkehrsweg am Südrand der Li- byschen Wüste.« This project owes its funding to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Special thanks to the ACACIA­Project for financial support of the laboratory work and the organisation of the expedition’s logistics. The chemical analysis of the soil samples was conducted by J. Siemens and his team from the Institute of Soil Science, Technical Universi- ty of Berlin. OSL-dating was done by the Department of Geography, University of Cologne. N. Pöllath from the Institut für Paläoanatomie und Geschichte der Tier- medizin, Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich, determined the aquatic Fauna and F. Jesse from the Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Forschungsstel- le Afrika, University of Cologne, gave strong support concerning the details of Sudanese archaeology. References Aitken 1998 M. J. Aitken, An introduction to optical dating (Ox- ford 1998). Blume et al. 1984 H. P. Blume, F. Alaily, U. Smettan and J. Zielinski, Soil types and associations of South-West-Egypt. Berliner Geowiss. Abhandl. A 50, 293–302. Gabriel 1986 B. Gabriel, Die östliche Libysche Wüste im Jung- quartär. Berliner Geogr. Stud. 19 (Berlin 1986). Haynes 2001 C. V. Haynes, Geochronology and climate change of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the Darb el Arba’in desert, eastern Sahara. Geoarchaeology 16, 2001, 119–141. Jesse 2003 F. Jesse, New Archaeological Work in The Lower Wadi Howar (Northern Sudan) – A Preliminary Report on the field season 2002. 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