TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Kühn & Austrheim Metastability and HP meta- morphism at fluid deficient conditions, an example from the Bergen Arcs (Western Norway) Poster Alexander Kühn1 Haakon Austrheim2 In the Lindæs Nappe, Bergen Arcs Western Norway, Precambrian gran- ulites facies anorthosites (P<10 kbars, T=800°C) and their Caledonian eclogite (P<17 kbars, T=700°C) and amphibo- lite facies equivalents alternate on me- ter scale. It has recently been sug- gested by Camacho et al. (2005) that the granulite facies anorthosites, remained at low temperatures (350°C) and were only locally heated to 700°C and reacted to eclogites by spasmodic hot fluids. This is in contrast to previously pub- lished models (Austrheim 1987) where the fluid-triggered mineral reactions in a terrain that was at 700°C during the Caledonian Orogeny. In the lat- ter model the dry granulites metastably survive the Caledonian HP/HT meta- morphic event at 425Ma. In pristine granulites, occurring adja- cent (less than 1m distance) to the com- pletely eclogitised parts, visible Cale- donian metamorphism is very limited. Reactions are confined to local (15m wide kyanite, zoisite, garnet and K- feldspar aggregates and feathery inter- growth of K-feldspar and zoisite growing on plagioclase-plagioclase grain bound- aries. In addition 0.1 to 0.5mm thick coronas are observed around spinel and corundum that is embedded in pla- gioclase (Fig. 1). During progres- 1 Institut für Geowissenschaften, Becher- weg 21, Universität Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany 2 Physics of Geological Processes (PGP), University of Oslo, PO Box 1048 Blin- dern, 0136 Oslo, Norway Figure 1: Eclogite facies garnet-omphacite- kyanite corona around spinel/corundum embedded in a plagioclase groundmass within an otherwise unreacted granulite fa- cies anorthosite. The grain boundaries be- tween plagioclase grains show tiny growth of K-feldspar and kyanite. sive reaction/fluid availability these re- action rims (coronas) become thicker and change their mineral assemblage from garnet, omphacite, kyanite to om- phacite, amphibole, kyanite. In addi- tion to these changes, plagioclase trans- forms to an increasing amount of fine- grained zoisite and phengite needles. The little H2O needed to facilitate these transformations is provided from the breakdown of primary hydrous phases like scapolite and hornblende that are typically found in the granulites. Based on the above described textural and chemical characteristics (e.g. the oc- currence of omphacite and garnets rich in Alm and Grs component, distinctly different to the granulite facies mineral compositions), that can be observed in the most pristine granulites we suggest that these coronas and can be assigned to the Caledonian metamorphism. This in turn means that also the least re- acted granulites record the same P–T conditions as are recorded in the ad- jacent eclogites but not the same fluid 1 Kühn & Austrheim TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 conditions. The little water needed to balance the zoisite formation on the mi- cro scale can be balanced by the break- down of hydrous primary phases (horn- blende and scapolite). These ‘granulite facies’ anorthosites remained fluid de- ficient compared to their fully equili- brated eclogite facies equivalents. Fluid deficiency and meta-stability at meta- morphic conditions as recorded by the nearby eclogites explain the observed close occurrence of granulites and eclog- ites. The granulites from the eclogitised ar- eas in the Lindæs Nappe contain suf- ficient amounts of fluid to record the high-pressure event on the microscale. However, these signs of metamorphism are easily miss-interpreted as of lower grade origin. Extending our observa- tions to a completely dry bulk composi- tion it is inferred that such a rock will miss all signs of the Caledonian meta- morphism and that the first metamor- phic mineral assemblage will first form when fluid is introduced. References Austrheim A (1987) Eclogitization of lower crustal granulites by fluid migration through shear zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 81, 221–232 Camacho A, Lee JKW, Hensen BJ & Braun J (2005) Short-lived orogenic cycles and the eclogitisation of cold crust by spasmodic hot fluids. Nature 435, 1191–1196 2