TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Voit et al. Kinematics and deformation structures in a crustal-scale shear zone on Kea (W. Cy- clades, Greece) Poster Klaus Voit1 Bernhard Grasemann1 Erich Draganits3 Michael A. Edwards1 Monika Müller1 Christoph Iglseder1 Konstantin Petrakakis2 Ulrike Exner1 It is generally agreed upon that the ex- humation of metamorphic rocks in the Aegean is caused by post orogenic ex- tension in the late Oligocene to early Miocene. This extension is in princi- ple largely accommodated by low-angle crustal detachment faulting possibly re- sulting in the formation of metamorphic core complexes (MCC). Here, we present data from recent struc- tural investigations on the island of Kea in the W. Cyclades, Greece. Our work focussed in the north of the island. Of the ca. 270m total structural thickness that was mapped, the entire section of rocks are highly strained. Exhuma- tion during progressive deformation is recorded by the transition from ductile to brittle/ductile to brittle conditions. The regional characteristics and types of deformation structures vary depend- ing on the protolith and the intensity of strain. The lower portions comprise albite blast-bearing greenschist gneiss that be- comes intensely folded structurally up- wards and then changes through in- creasing strain and decreasing temper- atures into a fine-grained greenschist- 1 Department of Geodynamics and Sedimen- tology, Structural Processes Group, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 2 De- partment of Geodynamics and Sedimentol- ogy, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 3 Institute for Engineering Geology, Vienna University of Technology, A-1040 Vi- enna, Austria bearing internal gneiss lamellae. This central unit of fine-grained green- schist comprises a series of interlayered cm- to m-scale marbles and composi- tionally varying schist layers. These host structural features such as macro- scopic S–C fabric, lensoidal to angular boudins. All sections are overprinted by polyphase brittle/ductile to brittle deformation. Also present are brit- tle fault zones that are concentrated on rheologically-distinct weak layers. These layers often contain serpentinite lenses and talc. Additionally, cata- clasites with slickensides and Riedel- fractures are present in these zones. A high density of syn-post mylonitic quartz veins are present as well as dis- tinctive ultramylonite (graphitic) shear zones testifying diffusive mass trans- fer and solution/precipitation mecha- nisms during deformation. Late stage fluid-related activity resulted in alter- ations and minaralizations including a conspicuous ankeritization of dolomitic megaboudins. The uppermost portion comprises a 10’s m thick marble-ultramylonite with dolomite lenses at its base that forms very coherent km-long blocks. The com- petency contrast between the marble- ultramylonite layer and the underlying fine-grained greenschists is frequently marked by a metre-scale zone of very high strain as indicated by the pres- ence of sheath folds. Within the marble- ultramylonite, a-type flanking folds rep- resent the last stage of deformation. The lineations show a NNE–SSW- direction on mostly NE-dipping folia- tion planes (with an average dip of 30°). All ductile (SC′ or SCC′, clasts with monoclinic symmetry, shear bands, SPO and LPO in quartz mylonites), brittle/ductile (rotated veins, flanking 1 Voit et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 structures, asymmetric boudinage) and brittle (Riedl fractures, slickensides) shear sense indicators show a consis- tent top to SSW direction. Although the low-angle fault system in the north- ern part of Kea has the current orien- tation of a thrust, in analogy to other metamorphic core complexes (e.g. Seri- fos) we speculate that the fault zone is part of an up-warped extensional crustal scale detachment. The low-angle extensional faulting re- lated structures are overprinted by younger and possibly still active steeply dipping conjugate fault zones, which strike NNE–SSW and NW–SE respec- tively. A possible regional genetic link with the actively widening Gulf of Corinth is subject of further investiga- tions. 2