TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Ustaszewski et al. Neotectonics in the Swiss Alps — A late Alpine to post- glacially active fault at the Gemmi Pass Vortrag Michaela Ustaszewski1 Adrian Pfiffner1 Marco Herwegh1 Introduction The area of the central and western Swiss Alps reveals not only the highest uplift rates of Switzerland (1.5mma−1 near Brig, Schlatter & Marti 2002), but also shows a strong concentration of earthquakes (e.g. Deichmann et al. 2004). This raised the ques- tion, whether the region hosts any lin- ear topographic expressions that can be attributed to motion along poten- tially seismogenic faults. The area was therefore chosen for the investigation of postglacially active lineaments. Firstly, aerial photographs from the entire area were searched for linear features, which could be of gravitational or tectonic ori- gin. Subsequently, selected lineaments were visited in the field to study their origin. We found scarce but positive ev- idence for neotectonic fault movements. One particular lineament that exhibited the most promising exposures was inves- tigated in greater detail. This lineament is a prominent NW–SE striking fault lo- cated at the Gemmi Pass, runs perpen- dicularly to the regional fold axes and cuts through the Helvetic nappe stack. The position and orientation of the fault discounts gravitational reactivation. A close examination of the fault rocks re- veals a long term evolution of this fault starting already at a late stage of Alpine nappe emplacement and related defor- 1 Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Baltzerstrasse 1–3, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland mation. Late Alpine deformation The fault is characterized by a high den- sity of fault-parallel joints and veins, which become less abundant away from the fault zone. Initially the fault ori- ginated as a–c joints forming an array with variable widths of 10–20m. With progressive deformation, the joints con- nected in the center of the array gen- erating a major 1–3m wide large-scale fault zone. Deformation associated di- latancy and the presence of a fluid re- sulted in filling of the newly formed cav- ities by calcite. Cathodo-luminescence on the vein filling shows zonation and subsequent disruption by brittle defor- mation as is indicated by the existence of discrete cataclastic areas. Several cy- cles of veining and brittle deformation can be observed. Changes in cathod- ofacies suggest variations in fluid chem- istry pointing to episodic fluid pulses. The youngest deformation features in these fault rocks are micro-scale faults impregnated by iron-hydroxide bearing minerals. Kakirites are absent, which suggests that they have a low preserva- tion potential in carbonate rocks. This could be due to syndeformational disso- lution of the fine grained fault gouge, or recent erosion. Postglacial deformation The fault crosses a small (ca. 60×30m) postglacial, sediment-filled depression, which was targeted for a large trench (15.4m long, 2m wide and up to 2.2m deep) in order to verify its postglacial re- activation. The trench bottom reached limestone bedrock almost all along the trench (x in Fig. 1). It delineates a basin, which deepens towards the north- 1 Ustaszewski et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 east. The base of the sediment-fill of this depression is made of an up to 1.5m thick dark brown moraine layer. The moraine material consists partly of lodg- ment till (h in Fig. 1), partly of trans- ported till (e, f and g in Fig. 1). Large rock boulders (up to 1m in diameter) were found in the till material. A very constant 20 to 30 cm thick, fine-grained (silt to fine sand fraction), yellow layer, for which the working term ‘loess’ is used (d in Fig. 1), was sedimented on top of the moraine. It has a sharp up- per contact, whereas the basal contact to the moraine material is sometimes unclear. This yellow layer delineates the basin form as well. An up to 1.5m thick grey-brown B horizon (b in Fig. 1) of soil is overlaying the yellow loess layer. It consists of brown fine-grained silt mate- rial intercalated by numerous sand and grit lenses, and up to 7m continuous clay bands, which are up to 5 cm thick (c in Fig. 1). This horizon shows onlap- structures onto the loess at both sides of the basin. The uppermost 5 to 15 cm are made up by the active soil layer, the A horizon (a in Fig. 1). A cataclas- tic fault zone disrupts the partly kars- tified limestone bedrock from meter 6.4 to 6.8m. This 40 cm wide zone is split in the middle by an open joint or fault plane. No surface displacement was seen on the bedrock surface. Right above this fault zone, the about 50 cm thick moraine layer does not show any distur- bances. However, the yellow loess layer, which represents a very continuous hori- zon in the trench with a clear upper sur- face, is heavily disrupted, incorporating moraine material from below and dis- playing flame-like structures and up to 5 cm large vertical displacements at its upper boundary (Fig. 2). These structures can not be explained by any sedimentary or erosional pro- cesses. The overlaying B horizon does not seem to be displaced at all, thus sealing the movement. These obser- vations indicate strike-slip kinematics, which would also be favored by the recent stress-field. Samples for OSL- dating of the Loess layer and the B hori- zon were taken in order to limit the age of the movement. Conclusion To summarize, this example of an ac- tive fault allows studying active and an- cient deformation structures/processes that occurred at shallow and greater depth, respectively. We expect that the episodic cycles of brittle deformation and fluid pulses forming veins and cat- aclasites equivalent to the older struc- tures observed at the surface, were on going at a few kilometers depth during 2 TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Ustaszewski et al. Figur e 1: T ren ch-log . (a — soi l h or iz on A , b — so il h or iz on B , c — cl ay ba n d s in so il horizo n B , d — fine -graine d yel lo w ‘l oes s’ la yer , e, f + g — trans p orte d m ora in e material , h — lo d gm en t ti ll , x — li me st on e b edr oc k, p artl y karstified , y — ca taclas it ic zo ne ) 3 Ustaszewski et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Figure 2: Photo and sketch of a detail of Fig. 1 showing the disrupted zone in the loess layer. the time of post-glacial activity. Given the regional seismicity pattern we con- clude that such veining and cataclasite formation at depth is still recurring and in concert with this earthquake activity. References Schlatter A & Marti U (2002) Neues Lan- deshoehennetz der Schweiz LHN95. Ver- messung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik 1, 13–17 Deichmann N, et al. (2004) Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2003. Eclogæ geologicæ Helvetiæ 97-3, 447– 458 4