TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Nüchter and Stöckhert Fracturing and vein forma- tion in the middle crust - a record of co-seismic loading and post-seismic stress relax- ation Vortrag Jens-Alexander Nüchter1 Bernhard Stöckhert1 Metamorphic rocks approaching the crustal scale brittle-ductile transition (BDT) during exhumation are expected to become increasingly affected by short term stress fluctuations related to seis- mic activity in the overlying seismogenic layer (schizosphere), while still resid- ing in a long-term viscous environment (plastosphere). The structural and mi- crostructural record of quartz veins in low grade – high pressure metamorphic rocks from southern Evia, Greece, yields insight into the processes and conditions just beneath the long-term BDT at tem- peratures of about 300 to 350°C, with switches between brittle failure and vis- cous flow as a function of imposed stress or strain rate. The following features are characteristic: 1. The veins crosscut the foliation and all pre-existing structures; 2. The veins have formed from tensile fractures, with a typical length on the order of 10−1 to 101 m. Vein orientation is uniform on the kilo- meter scale; 3. Some veins branch symmetrically with an aperture angle of 30°, which is interpreted to indicate high en- ergy dissipation rates and crack tip propagation velocities approaching the terminal velocity similar to the Raleigh wave speed; 1 Ruhr Universität Bochum, Institut für Ge- ologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik 4. Fabrics of the vein quartz indicate that the veins formed during a sin- gle sealing stage by mineral precip- itation in open cavities; 5. The veins show a low aspect ratio of about 10 to 100 and an irregular or characteristic lenticular shape, which requires distributed ductile deformation of the host rock; 6. The sealing quartz crystals reveal a broad spectrum of microstructural features indicative of crystal plas- tic deformation at temperatures of about 300 to 350°C and high stress. 7. Fluid inclusions entrapped in vein quartz reveal a markedly sublitho- static pore fluid pressure during crack sealing. Fractures propagated in a single step. Therefore, fluid overpressure as the only source of crack-driving energy is ex- cluded. The drop in pore-fluid pressure related to incremental growth would cause arrest of the fracture until re- covery. Hydraulic fracturing is there- fore expected to result in cyclic vein- ing, which is not observed in the present case. Opening of the fractures, com- mencing immediately after crack arrest, was controlled by ductile deformation of the host rock. Vein-parallel shortening is less than about 2%. The structural and microstructural record reflects an isothermal switch from short-term brit- tle failure at quasi-instantaneous load- ing to decelerating viscous creep with little strain accumulated. Individual veins are the result of a single sequence of events: 1. A major stress peak is imposed to the uppermost part of the plasto- sphere, probably as a consequence 1 Nüchter and Stöckhert TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 of co-seismic loading by fault dis- placement in the overlying schizo- sphere (timescale is seconds). 2. Fractures presumably initiate after a stage of enhanced stress corrosion with sharpening of ear- lier blunt flaws, resulting in a rise of the stress intensity factor KI (timescale is not certain, but estimated to be between seconds and days). 3. Flaw sharpness rises abruptly after critical fracture initiation and re- sults in a KI peak. The fracture propagation velocity increases ex- tremely in this early stage. Dilation during fracturing causes an instan- taneous drop in pore fluid pressure; this implies a drop in driving force and consequently an arrest of the fractures. The time span from ini- tiation to arrest must be a few mil- liseconds. 4. After fracture arrest, decelerating viscous deformation during post- seismic stress relaxation causes the opening of the fractures. Sealing of the fissures to become a vein takes place by precipitation of minerals from the pore fluid percolating into the evolving cavity. This process is estimated to take some time on the order of 100 to 104 years. Opening of fractures and development to a vein is therefore interpreted to be a short-term and episodic process dur- ing a stage of post-seismic creep. The record of the exhumed rocks provides insight into earthquake related dam- age in the uppermost plastosphere and transient crustal properties during post- seismic creep and stress relaxation. 2