TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Kouankap Neotectonic markers in the Panafrican belt formations of Cameroon: elements of inter- pretation and their environ- mental impacts Poster Nono Gus D. Kouankap1 The North equatorial Panafrican Belt, whose Cameroonian formations are dated between 650 and 400 million years, and which are located in the North of the Congo Craton, is subdi- vided in to three major geodynamic do- mains: a north Cameroon domain, a central Cameroon domain and a south Cameroon domain. These major do- mains are generally, particularly the central domain, affected by great strike- slip faults in which the most important are the central cameroonian shear zone and the Sanaga fault. Studies that establish the order of oc- currence of geological events, generally performed in these domains and partic- ularly at Banefo area (West Cameroon) reveal markers of recent tectonics (post panafrican) that affect the granitogneis- sic basement. They include: 1. pseudotachytes observed in the re- gions of Yaoundé, Tibati, Edea, and Banefo (Fig. 1); 2. Net and fresh stries of movement observed on the quartzofeldspathic injections sampled in some faults in the Banefo locality (Fig. 2). The impact of the repeated action of this fault on the environment is ex- pressed by: • the fissuration of the tarred road at the level of the Banefo road cut, 1 Université de Yaoundé I, Départe- ment des Sciences de la Terre, BP : 812 Yaoundé-Cameroun Figure 1: pseudotachylites in the same direction as the major fractures of this locality; • the crumbling of gneissified massifs in the Banefo Region in 1955, pre- ceeding a series of local minor earth tremors; • fissuration, in parallel directions, of houses in some urban areas of the Yaoundé town; capital of the Re- public of Cameroon (Fig. 3); Figure 2: Stries of movement. 1 Kouankap TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Figure 3: Fissurations of the houses. • the most recent regional earth tremor (March 2005) recorded along the Sanaga Fault, which was registered right at Yaoundé situ- ated 70 km away from the fault. The tectonic processes that occur in the North Equatorial Panafrican belt since the end of panafrican orogeny (400My) to the present day can be explained in the context of the neotectonic processes. The causes of the neotectonics, accord- ing to Ngako (1999), might be due to the processes of progressive peneplana- tion of the Panafrican reliefs by erosion, thus controlling the mechanism of iso- static rising of the crust/mantle inter- face from the end of the orogeny. The genetic link existing between the pseudotachytes and the seismic faults coupled with the recorded minor earth tremors make the geotectonic environ- ment of these areas a non-aseismic one, and for this reason, a particular atten- tion should be focussed in the study of those major accidents in order to pre- dict, monitor and take the necessary measures to minimize the consequences of an eventual natural seismic catastro- phe in this environment which seems aseismic. 2