TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Ullemeyer & Behrmann Neutron time-of-flight tex- ture measurements in Dubna: Status and developments Vortrag Klaus Ullemeyer1 Jan H. Behrmann1 Introduction The multidetector texture diffractome- ter SKAT (from Russian: Spektrometer Kolitshestvennovo Analiza Tekstury) at the pulsed reactor IBR-2 in Dubna, Russia, started operation in March 1997 and is open for users from all countries. Application of time-of-flight (TOF) diffraction to texture measure- ments offers the opportunity to record complete diffraction patterns, i.e., to measure several pole figures simulta- neously (Fig. 1(a)). To allow high spectral resolution for measurements on polyphase geological samples with many diffraction patterns, the instrument was placed at the end of an over 100m long flight path. In this paper, we will sum- marize advantages and disadvantages of the SKAT, as well as intended improve- ments. Characteristics of the SKAT — ad- vantages and disadvantages The main characteristics of the SKAT are as follows (Ullemeyer et al. 1998, Fig. 2): - 19 detector modules are arranged around the incident neutron beam at a unique angle of 2Θ = 90◦. Par- ticular Bragg peaks are assigned to one and the same neutron wave- length λ, hence, all λ and Θ de- pendent intensity corrections may be avoided. 1 Geologisches Institut, Universität Freiburg, Albertstr. 23B, D-79104 Freiburg Figure 1: (a) Time-of-flight diffraction pat- tern of olivine (forsterite). Some Bragg re- flections are indicated. (b) Best possible experimental resolution ∆d/d, determined on quartz powder sample. - The sample is positioned in the cen- tre of the detector ring and rotated around an horizontal axis Z at an angle of 45° with respect to the in- cident neutron beam. Supposing that the detector modules include an angular range of 180°, complete pole figures may be measured by a single sample revolution (measure- ments are fast). - The goniometer angle of 45° al- lows installation of axial symmet- ric sample environment with min- imum restrictions to the incident and diffracted beams. 1 Ullemeyer & Behrmann TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Figure 2: Photograph of the SKAT. Planned sample motions around X (α) and Y (β) are indicated. - Due to the long flight path, high resolution may be achieved by colli- mation of the diffracted beam (Fig. 1 (b)). - The beam cross section of 50 × 85mm2 allows application of large sample volumes. Although the SKAT is well-suited for the measurement of bulk textures on ge- ological samples, restrictions are valid. Due to the pulse repetition rate of 5Hz at the IBR–2 reactor, the maximum ac- cessible lattice spacing dmax is restricted to about 4.9Å. This may be sufficient for texture analyses even on three-phase samples (e.g., carbonate rocks consist- ing of calcite + dolomite + quartz). On the other hand, successful texture analysis may be hampered (e.g., in case of ultrabasic rocks or phyllosilicate- bearing gneisses). Intended upgrading of the SKAT Expansion of accessible d-range im- proves the possibilities for texture mea- surements. From Bragg’s law, λ = 2d sinΘ and invariability of λ follows that ex- pansion of dmax may be achieved by de- crease of 2Θ only. We consider construc- tion of a second detector system with 2Θ = 65°, keeping the old detector sys- tem for alternative use. Accessible d- range extends to about 6.5Å, allowing access to more non-overlapped Bragg re- flections. Inevitable deterioration of res- olution ∆d/d by about 15–20% (com- pare to Fig. 1(b)) appears to be accept- able. In addition, the scanning possi- bilities will be improved by two more sample rotations around an horizontal and a vertical axis, respectively (Fig. 2). Thus, the recording of orientational data even for alternative methods of quantitative texture analysis (Bernstein et al. 2005) will be possible. Upgrad- ing of the SKAT is scheduled contem- poraneously with modernization of the IBR-2 reactor (2007–2009). Acknowledgements Operation of the SKAT is supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research through grant 03DU03FB. Valuable support of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics – Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Dubna) is also gratefully acknowledged. Literatur Bernstein S, Hielscher R & Schaeben H (2005) The Generalized Spherical Radon Transform and Its Application in Texture Analysis. Preprint 2005-2, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Ullemeyer K, Spalthoff P, Heinitz J, Isakov NN, Nikitin AN & Weber K (1998) The SKAT texture diffractometer at the pulsed reactor IBR-2 at Dubna: experimental layout and first measurements. Nucl Instr Meth Phys Res A412, 80–88 2