TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Wagner et al. Structural investigation and strain analysis of a polyphase flower structure in the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany Poster Lars Wagner1 Tina Lohr2 David C. Tanner3 Charlotte M. Krawczyk2 Onno Oncken2 Introduction The Lower Saxony Basin (LSB) is a part of the post-Variscan Central European Basin System. We used a 3-D reflection seismic dataset in the northern LSB, provided by RWE-DEA AG, Hamburg (c.f. Lohr et al. submitted) for our in- vestigation, which is concerned with the detailed structural and kinematic anal- ysis of a flower structure within Meso- zoic strata. This data is used in turn to determine input parameters for fur- ther 3-D geometrical retro-deformation. The retro-deformation verifies our as- sumptions about the structure and tec- tonic processes, and gives further infor- mation about sub-seismic strain distri- bution with respect to the branch faults of the flower structure. Structural and kinematic analysis In a preliminary step, structural anal- ysis was carried out to ensure our in- terpretation of the investigated flower structure was correct. We analysed it by using the criteria of Harding (1990). The investigated structure shows a pla- nar, steeply-dipping main fault zone 1 Department of Geology, University of Gießen, Senkenbergstraße 3, D-35390 Gießen 2 GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Tele- grafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam 3 Department of Structural Geology and Geodynamics, Geoscience Centre, University of Göttingen, Goldschmidtstraße 3, D-37077 Göttingen Figure 1: Interpreted 2-D seismic cross- section of the flower structure (width of fig- ure ca. 4 km, depth from 0–3.5 sTWT). An earlier Upper Cretaceous compressive stage leads to reduced sedimentation towards the central part of the structure. The following Paleocene extension led to increased sed- imentation and reduction of displacement in the deeper parts of the branch faults. which indicates wrench tectonics, and also divergent branch faults at higher levels; both features are characteristics of a flower structure (Fig. 1). In ad- dition, competing structural interpreta- tions could be ruled out. For example, the collapsed crest of an anticline would not show a deeper main fault zone. Fur- thermore, cross-sections at varying dis- tances from a nearby Zechstein salt di- apir to the SE of this structure show no change in structural style, suggesting salt tectonics was not the main driving force for the tectonic evolution of the flower structure. The structure shows a polyphase synsedimentary evolution, with a compressive stage from Late Cre- taceous up to earliest Tertiary, followed by extension during the later Tertiary (Fig. 1). The main goal of the kinematic analy- sis was to determine the transport vec- tor as one of the input parameters for later retro-deformation. In this exam- ple, direct determination of the trans- port vector was not possible because 1 Wagner et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 of the lack of suitable markers, and also of the polyphase tectonic history of this structure. Instead, minimum transport distances are defined on fault planes by the cutoff relationships of sed- imentary horizons. Additional kine- matic indication is given by the topog- raphy of the branch fault planes, which shows strongly-corrugated morphologies (Fig. 2, 3). These asymmetrically- shaped corrugations have an amplitude of some ten meters and a spacing of approximately 1000meters. Their axes, which indicate the direction of tectonic transport (Needham et al. 1996), show less than 20° deviation from the dip azimuth of the fault plane (Fig. 3). As a consequence of this, the post- Paleocene evolution of the flower struc- ture seems to have been mainly dom- inated by extensional tectonics, since lateral transport is negligible. Indica- tions for splitting of the strike-slip and dip-slip components to different branch faults was not found, since all of the fault planes show steeply-dipping curva- ture lineations. Restoration and strain analysis We perform 3-D geometrical retro- deformation of the fault displacement using the Midland Valley 3DMove soft- ware. For this, input parameters such as heave distance, transport direction, and inclined shear vector were obtained from the previous structural and kine- matic analysis. Iterative tests of some of the parameters and the use of different restoration algorithms provide an indi- cation of the reliability of our modelling and give some insights on their effect on the distribution of sub-seismic strain distribution (Fig. 4). The 3D retro-deformation points to a strong correlation between fault sur- Figure 2: Branch fault planes, showing a strongly-corrugated morphology. Figure 3: Stereonet-diagram with dip az- imuth (crosses) and corrugation axis direc- tion (circles) of branch fault planes (great circles). Calculation of the displacements and dipping angles of the branch fault planes, typically between 40–50°, allows to calculate the minimum extension amount of 240m, or 10%, with respect to Base Ter- tiary level’s width of 2400m. face morphology and strain distribution in the hanging wall, especially above ramp structures and with respect to fault surface corrugations. Further- more, the strain distribution also de- pends strongly on the angular differ- ences between the orientation of cor- rugation axes and transport direction. The modelling shows that deviations of more than 20–30°between transport di- rection and corrugation axis may lead to 2 TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Wagner et al. Figure 4: Greyscale map showing the rela- tionship between strain accumulation (light grey — highest strain (15%) in the hanging wall of the Base Tertiary horizon and the fault surface morphology. View from top, fault plane dips toward upper right. significant higher strain amounts. This is in agreement with the modelling re- sults of Needham et al. (1996), in their analysis of North Sea faults. The use of different restoration algorithms shows only few differences (and therefore the results shown here are representative) in amount and distribution of sub-seismic strain in our models. That is, we pre- dict strains of 10–15% (e1 magnitude) within 200m of the faults, extending to 400m above ramp structures. Conclusions Using the criteria of Harding (1990), we established the flower structure nature of the investigated structure. Our inves- tigation demonstrates that this flower- structure has undergone a polyphase evolution, with compression in the Up- per Cretaceous and predominately ex- tension during Paleocene to Eocene times. The minimum amount of this extension is 240m, with respect to the Base Tertiary level. There is no evi- dence for wrench tectonics in the lat- ter tectonic stages. The 3D retro- deformation points to a strong correla- tion between fault surface topography and strain distribution, but the strain value also depends strongly on the an- gular difference between the corrugation axes of fault planes and transport di- rections. In our models, the use of dif- ferent restoration algorithms shows only few differences in amount and distribu- tion of sub-seismic strain. The mod- elling show that deviations of more than 20–30° between transport direction and fault plane corrugation axis may lead to significant higher strain amounts in the hanging-wall. Acknowledgements We thank RWE-DEA AG, Hamburg for allowing us to use their 3D seismic database and borehole data for this project. The project is part of the DFG SPP 1135; we acknowledge DFG grants TA 427/1 and KR 2073/1. References Harding TP (1990) Identification of wrench faults using subsurface structural data: cri- teria and pitfalls. AAPG Bull 74, 10 Lohr T, Krawczyk CM, Tanner DC, Samiee R, Endres H, Trappe H, Oncken O & Kukla PA (under review) Structural evolution of the NW German Basin over time from 3-D reflec- tion seismic data — a case study at the bor- der between Lower Saxony Basin and Pom- peckj Block. Submitted to Journal of Struc- tural Geology Needham DT, Yielding, G & Freeman B (1996) Analysis of fault geometry and displacement patterns In: Buchnan, PG & Nieuwland, DA (eds) Interpretation, Validation and Mod- elling. Geol Soc Sec Publ 99 3