TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Kouankap Textures in mylonitised gran- ite from Banefo area in the central part of the Cameroon Central Shear Zone (central Africa) — Kinematics and gradian deformation indica- tors Poster Nono Gus D. Kouankap1 The North Equatorial Panafrican belt is constituted by orthogneissified meta- morphic and magmatic sets linked to tectonometamorphic events of the neo- proterozoic orogeny. This belt whose formations are situated in the North of the congo craton is divided into three distinct geodynamic domains: a south- ern domain, a northern domain and a central domain. The deformation and metamorphism relationships are a func- tion of the different geodynamic do- mains of the belt. The central domains, to which belongs the Banefo region, is affected by large strike-slip faults among which is the cen- tral cameroonian shear zone. This do- main is marked out by numerous syn- tectonic granitoids. At Banefo (NE Bafoussam, West Cameroon), those massifs are mainly constituted by my- lotinised orthogneisses and granites of various degrees. The country rock is made up of gneiss and amphibolite. In the Banefo massifs, the orthogneiss is the least deformed petrographic unit. It shows a heterogranular granoblas- tic texture with a mineral assemblage formed by quartz, K-feldspars, biotite, etc., within the orthogneiss, remains of magmatic fluidality can still be observed marked by feldspar megacrystal. 1 Université de Yaoundé I, Départe- ment des Sciences de la Terre, BP : 812 Yaoundé-Cameroun Figure 1: C/S/C′ structure Field observations reveal a net progres- sion of the intensity of deformation of orthogeisses to ultramylotinised gran- ites having an identical chemical com- position as the orthogneisses. The my- lonitisation is marked by a reduction in grain size, in the percentage of the megacrystals of feldspars and by the flattened, elongated and stretched forms of minerals, with the main ones includ- ing: • orthoclase, which is present as elon- gated crystals with sigmoidal and elliptical shapes, with oblique fis- suration planes at the long axes of the mineral; • quartz which is in the form of rubans and xenomorphic stretched crystals; • biotite which is less abundant, with crystals disposed parallelly at the borders of orthoclase clasts, the latter showing shadow zones with quartz grains. The organization of those minerals in the rock forms the S/C′ structure whose identification in the field permitted to determine the sinistral trend of the shear movement. 1 Kouankap TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Figure 2: S/C′ structure These S/C′ structures evolve with the intensity of the deformation; from the orthogneisses where they are observed, they pass to mylonites sensus stricto with S/C/C′ structures (Fig. 1) and fi- nally to the ultramylonites where one observes the S/C′ structure in which C is parallel and confused with S (Fig. 2). The gradian of the deforma- tion is marked by stretched crystals of quartz, by the reduction of the sizes and proportions of feldspar megacrys- tals. This has implications at the level of orthogeissification of structures, re- duction of the angle between S and C, the increase in the density of C and the appearance of the C′ plane, such that in the ultramylonites, S is almost parallel to C and the angle between C and C′ attains its maximum. 2