TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Wittek et al. The importance of lithologi- cal heterogeneity of the On- aping Formation for under- standing post-impact defor- mation of the Sudbury Im- pact Structure, Canada Poster Andrea Wittek1 Ulrich Riller2 Lutz Hecht2 The suevitic Onaping Formation over- lies the layered Main Mass of the 1.85Ga Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) of the Sudbury Impact Structure, Ontario. The Formation consists of four Members, namely from top to bottom, the Black, the Green, the Gray and the Basal. Post-impact NW- SE shortening during the Penokean Orogeny (ca. 1.9–1.75Ga) affected the Onaping Formation and led to the lobate shape of the SIC in plan view. In order to investigate the possible fold origin of the NE-lobe of the SIC, a field-based structural analysis of the Onaping Formation was conducted in the Frenchman Lake area. The analysis is based on structural measurements at 580 stations and encompasses the orientation of mineral shape fabrics as well as their intensity. In addition to these quantities, lithological variation and metamorphic overprint of the On- aping Formation was examined. Special attention was paid thereby to the Green Member since previous workers stated that it forms a continuous unit at the base of the Black Member. Individual Members of the Onaping For- 1 Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Ge- ologische Wissenschaften, Malteser Strasse 74-100, 12249 Berlin 2 Humboldt-Univer- sität Berlin, Institut für Mineralogie, Invaliden- strasse 43, 10115 Berlin mation differ in mineral composition, size and abundance of clasts as well as in color and texture of the matrix, the latter one of which ranges from cryp- tocrystalline to coarse-grained as well as in the content of felsic minerals. Over- all, grain size of the matrix as well as size and content of clasts increase from the top of the Onaping Forma- tion towards its base. The Green Mem- ber is well apparent by the presence of angular mineral aggregates, composed chiefly of chlorite. Therefore, these aggregates became known as ‘chloritic shards’ and possibly represent original fragments of melt particles. In the Frenchman Lake area, the Green Mem- ber forms a 70–100m thick, discontinu- ous band, whereby the strike of its con- tacts at surface varies highly. By con- trast, intra-formational lithological con- tacts of the lower units of the Onaping Formation are rather straight. Microscopic inspection of samples from the Black, Green and Gray Members shows that mineral shape fabrics are chiefly defined by chlorite and epidote. This points to post-impact deformation under lower greenschist-facies metamor- phic conditions. Deformation of the On- aping Formation varies greatly with po- sition. This is indicated by the ori- entation and intensity of planar min- eral shape fabrics. Fabric intensity was visually estimated and is based on the shape-preferred alignment of matrix minerals and clasts. It varies as a func- tion of the mineralogical composition and grain size of the matrix, as well as in distance to the NE-lobe. More specif- ically, fabric intensity increases towards the top of the Onaping Formation sug- gesting that mechanical strength during deformation of the Formation increased toward its lower contact. This is corrob- 1 Wittek et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 orated by the variation in strike of intra- formational lithological contacts, which are straight at the base but highly irreg- ular towards the top of the Formation, and may well account for the discontin- uous nature of the Green Member. An increase in shape fabric intensity is also apparent towards the east. Simi- larly, the strike of planar shape fabrics becomes more uniform in this direction, i.e., NE–SW, which is axial-planar to the acute bisectrix of the NE-lobe. This may indicate that the effect of folding of the SIC on the fabric development in the Onaping Formation decreases to- wards the west. The planar shape fab- rics also display a progressive change in their overall strike from NE-SW in the NE–lobe to ENE–WSW towards the west of the lobe. This change in strike can be explained by the curvature of the fold axis of the NE-lobe. Despite the strong heterogeneity of deformation in the Frenchman lake area, the orien- tation in, and gradients in intensity of, planar shape fabrics in the Onaping For- mation are consistent with a fold ori- gin of the NE-lobe, which formed un- der lower greenschist-metamorphic con- ditions. 2