TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Hilgers et al. Microstructures of fibrous halite veins Poster Christoph Hilgers1 Gill Pennock2 Zsolt Schléder1 Stansilaw Burliga3 Janos L. Urai1 Introduction Halite veins hosted in clastic sedimen- tary rocks are frequently observed next to evaporite layers. Their microstruc- ture can be enhanced by gamma ir- radiation and etching, which can be used to infer the deformation mecha- nism of halite (e.g. Howard & Kerr 1960, Schleder & Urai 2005). In this study, we present results from gamma- decorated vein microstructures of fi- brous halite veins hosted in claystone. Data Samples were taken in the Klodawa salt mine in Poland and the Hengelo mine in the Netherlands. Both locations ex- pose halite veins with a white and or- ange colour. The halite host rock, which is the source of halite precipitated in the vein, is located centimeters to me- ters away from the veins. The vein mi- crostructure is fibrous with variable fi- bre diameters, and slightly widens to- wards the vein-wall interface. This in- dicates antitaxial vein growth from the centre towards the wall and precipita- tion of new material on both sides of the vein. Fibre grain boundaries are straight and not serrated. Irradiated samples show that some fibres consist of subgrains, which formed during growth. 1 Geologie-Endogene Dynamik, RWTH- Aachen, D-52056 Aachen, Germany 2 Utrecht University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands 3 Wroclaw University, Department of Struc- tural Geology, ul. W. Cybulskiego 32, 50-205 Wroclaw, Poland Figure 1: Gamma-irradiated fibrous halite veins show different fibre widths ranging between millimeters to microns. Micron- scale fibres are growth subgrains, while de- formation subgrains are absent in the vein. Klodawa mine, Poland. Overall, the vein is devoid of defor- mation subgrains. Repeated solid- or fluid inclusion bands have not been ob- served in the veins, which would point to the crack-seal mechanism causing vein opening (see also Hilgers & Urai 2005 for similar conclusion on antitaxial gyp- sum and calcite veins). EBSD analysis suggests a random tex- ture (Fig. 2), which is also apparent in colored maps showing the crystal direc- tions of the grains. Thus, significant growth competition is absent and grains continue to grow regardless of their crys- tallographic orientation. Growth in an 1 Hilgers et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Figure 2: The fibrous halite vein from Hengelo shows a random texture (137 grains measured). open vug would result in euhedral crys- tals and significant growth competition, while randomly oriented fibrous grains require contact with the wall rock dur- ing growth (Hilgers et al. 2001). Conclusion Fibrous antitaxial halite veins formed in extension fractures in claystone. Mi- crostructural indicators for repeated crack-seal mechanism are absent, and thus veins may rather have formed dur- ing a continuous growth process. The bulk permeability of the fractured rock was low even if the vein aperture reaches several centimetres, because a random crystallographic texture of the vein mi- crostructure requires close contact be- tween the growing vein and the host rock. References Hilgers C, Koehn D, Bons PD & Urai JL (2001) Development of crystal morphology during unitaxial growth in a progressively widening vein: II. Numerical simulations of the evo- lution of antitaxial fibrous veins. Journal of Structural Geology, 23, 873–885 Hilgers C & Urai JL (2005) On the arrange- ment of solid inclusions in fibrous veins and the role of the crack-seal mechanism. Jour- nal of Structural Geology, 27(3), 481–494 Howard & Kerr, RC (1960) Blue halite. Sci- ence, 132(3443), 1886–1887 Schleder Z & Urai JL (2005) Microstructural evolution of deformation-modified primary halite from the Middle Triassic Röt Forma- tion at Hengelo, The Netherlands. Interna- tional Journal of Earth Sciences, 94, 941–955 2