TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Klimczak & Riller Deformation of the Onaping Formation in the NE-lobe of the Sudbury Igneous Com- plex, Canada: Evidence for fold adjustment flow in the core of a km-scale foldPoster Christian Klimczak1 Ulrich Riller2 The synformal geometry of the 1.85Ga Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC), an im- pact melt sheet resulting from large- magnitude meteorite impact, attests to post-impact deformation. However, in contrast to the overlying Onaping For- mation, a heterolithic impact melt brec- cia, the SIC shows little evidence for pervasive ductile strain. This pertains in particular to its NE-lobe character- ized by a curvature of about 100° in plain view. This curvature has been in- terpreted either as a fold or as a primary feature. In order to test these scenarios, a detailed structural analysis was con- ducted in the core of the NE-lobe, which consists of rocks of the Onaping Forma- tion. Structural measurements and litholog- ical observations made at a total of 700 stations collectively led to the con- struction of a detailed structural map of the Onaping Formation in the NE-lobe. The map displays a non-systematic fold pattern evident by individual units of the Onaping Formation, which from bottom to top are known as the Basal, the Grey, the Green and the Black Mem- bers. The fold pattern of these units is characterized by elongate domes and basins, the axes of which trend ap- proximately NE–SW. These axes are 1 Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Ge- ologische Wissenschaften, Malteser Strasse 74-100, D-12249 Berlin 2 Humboldt-Univer- sität Berlin, Institut für Mineralogie, Invaliden- strasse 43, 10115 Berlin collinear to the uniformly SW-dipping planar mineral shape fabrics suggesting that the formation of these fabrics is ge- netically related to that of the domes and the basins. Near km-scale struc- tural discontinuities, which in the field and digital elevation models are evident by their strong gradients in topography, the strike of the mineral fabrics gener- ally matches that of the discontinuities. In terms of scale and structures devel- oped, deformation of the Onaping For- mation in the core of the NE-lobe is, therefore, highly heterogeneous. Based chiefly on the shape-preferred alignment of metamorphic minerals, the intensity of shape fabrics was visually estimated. Fabric intensity is strongest at the top of the Onaping Formation but decreases dramatically towards its con- tact with the SIC. This intensity gradi- ent corresponds well with the size of ma- trix minerals as well as with granitoid and metasedimentary fragments, which increases toward the base of the Onap- ing Formation. Apart from this litholog- ically controlled correspondence, shape fabric intensity is maximal in the cen- tral portion of the NE-lobe and, along with the axial-planar geometry of the planar mineral fabrics, attest to gener- ation of the NE-lobe be folding of the SIC around a south-westerly plunging axis. During such folding, deformation of the mechanically less competent On- aping Formation was accomplished het- erogeneously, evident by the highly vari- able fold geometry and shape fabric in- tensity. Such heterogeneous deforma- tion is typical for fold-adjustment rock flow in fold hinge zones of mechanically more competent rocks, i.e., the SIC. 1