TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Gröger et al. The timing of polyphase Miocene tectonics in North- ern Romania Vortrag Heike R. Gröger1 Matthias Tischler1 Bernhard Fügenschuh2 Stefan M. Schmid1 This study addresses the polyphase Miocene tectonic evolution in the Maramures area (northern Romania, Fig. 1) by combining field obser- vations, stratigraphic arguments and fission-track analysis (Tischler et al. in press). Fission-track analysis has been carried out on basement sam- ples from the Rodna horst, situated in the East Carpathians (Bucovinvian nappes). This area was affected by Cre- taceous medium- to low-grade metamor- phism, followed by post-collisional ex- humation and renewed moderate ther- mal overprint due to the deposition of Eocene to Early Miocene sediments. Based on paleostress analyses of meso- scale structures, three main tectonic phases can be disdinguished in the study area, all of which are post- date the earliest Miocene (Aquitanian, 20.5Ma, Fig. 2). In late Early Miocene (Burdigalian) the Pienide nappes, non- metamorphic flysch series, were em- placed onto the Paleogene to Early Miocene sedimentary cover of the Bu- covinian nappes. Emplacement of the Pienides is consistently SE-directed and dominated by brittle thrusting while folding is of subordinate importance only. The curved map appearance of the thrust contact is due to lateral ramps and tear-off faults, accentuated by later 1 Geologisch Paläontologisches Institut, Uni- versität Basel, Bernoullistrasse 32, 4056 Basel, Switzerland 2 Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52, Bruno Sander Haus, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria folding. This early Miocene thrust con- tact was sinistrally offset later on along the Bogdan-Voda fault (Fig. 1). Activity along the Bogdan-Voda fault started in Middle Miocene times as a sinistral transpressive fault related to the formation of open NW-SE trend- ing folds in the sedimentary units. In a next stage (late Middle Miocene to Late Miocene) kinematics along the co- evally active Bogdan-Voda fault and its eastern prolongation, the Dragos-Voda fault, formed one through going fault, characterised by sinistral transtension. Towards the east the left lateral offset along the main fault is continuously re- duced by coevally active SW-NE trend- ing normal faults (e.g. Greben fault, Fig. 1), thus terminating the Dragos- Voda fault in an extensional horsetail splay. The main activity along the Bogdan-Voda fault ends at about 10Ma, as is indicated by almost unaffected Neogene volcanics. In the western part of the study area, along the Bogdan- Voda fault, sedimentary and volcanic rocks provide timing constraints for the deformation. In the Eastern part of the study area, along the Dragos Voda fault, only basement units and Pale- ogene sediments crop out. Therefore the fault activity is indirectly dated and inferred from the cooling history of the syn-kinematically exhumed Rodna horst. A vertical profile covering about 1000m of altitude difference has been sampled for apatite fission-track analy- sis. Burial by Eocene to Oligocene sed- iments led to full annealing of apatite in the Rodna Horst, and all samples yielded Middle to Late Miocene cool- ing ages (8.6–11.6Ma, see also Sanders 1998, Fig. 3). The altitude vs. age re- lationship indicates enhanced exhuma- tion between 12–11Ma with exhuma- 1 Gröger et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Figure 1: Tectonic map of the study area. tion rates of at least 1mm−1, while a fast decrease in the rate of exhumation to around 0.1mma−1 is observed after 10Ma (Fig. 3). Our fission-track data suggest enhanced exhumation of the Rodna horst be- tween 12–10Ma, i.e. during the strati- gaphically dated transtensional sinistral strike-slip phase. Literatur Sanders C (1998) Tectonics and erosion: com- petitive forces in a compressive orogen. A fis- sion track study of the Romanian Carpathi- ans. Ph.D. thesis, Free University of Ams- terdam, 204 p. Tischler M, Gröger HR, Fügenschuh B & Schmid SM (in press) Miocene tectonics in the Maramures area (Northern Romania)- implications for the Mid-Hungarian fault zone. Journal of international Earth Sci- ences. 2 TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Gröger et al. Figure 2: The three main Miocene tectonic phases observed in the study area. Figure 3: Apatite fission track data from the Rodna horst (encircled datum point from Sanders 1998) together with altitude vs. age diagram. 3