TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Gudmundsson & Geyer Effects of damage-zone thick- ness on fault displacement Poster Agust Gudmundsson1 Adelina Geyer2 When viewed as ideal elastic cracks, seismogenic faults are often modeled as mode II or mode III cracks in semi- infinite elastic bodies or half spaces. These models normally assume the rock to be homogeneous and isotropic. Such assumptions may be justified and neces- sary when using closed-form analytical solutions for fault displacement. They are not justified, however, when we at- tempt to understand fault-displacement profiles along earthquake rupture sites or in paleofault studies. This follows because crustal segments hosting faults are, as a rule, not homogeneous and isotropic, but rather heterogeneous and anisotropic. In particular, the fault rocks commonly form layers or units parallel with the fault plane. Also, the mechanical properties of the rocks next to the fault change as the fault develops (Gudmundsson 2004). During repeated earthquakes in a seismogenic fault zone, two main rock units develop around the fault plane. One unit is the core, located next to the fault plane and normally composed of soft (low Young’s modu- lus) breccia, gouge, and other cataclas- tic rocks. The other unit is the dam- age zone, containing some cataclastic rocks but characterized by fractures of various types. Field studies show that the fracture frequency in the damage zone is often quite variable, but nor- mally decreases with distance from the 1 Department of Structural Geology and Geo- dynamics, Geoscience Center, University Göt- tingen, Goldschmidtstrasse 3, D-37077 Göttin- gen, Germany 2 Institute of Earth Science, Jaume Almera, Barcelona, Spain Figure 1: Fault zones consist of two main mechanical units: a comparatively thin core and a much thicker damage zone. The effective Young’s modulus (stiffness) grad- ually decreases from the host rock to the boundary between the core and the dam- age zone. core-damage zone boundary; similar re- sults are obtained for microfaults in lab- oratory experiments (Shimada 2000). The higher the fracture frequency, the lower will be the effective Young’s mod- ulus (stiffness) in a direction perpendic- ular to the main fracture trend. The Young’s modulus of a damage zone thus normally decreases on approaching the fault core (Fig. 1). On the basis of vari- ations in fracture frequency, the dam- age zone associated with a fault can commonly be divided into several sub- zones or units, each with a different ef- fective stiffness (Gudmundsson & Bren- ner 2003). Field studies also show that as the fault zone evolves the core and the damage zone both increase in thickness. A fault zone composed of units (core and dam- age zone) with stiffnesses that are differ- ent from those of the host rock develops local stresses that may be very different from the far-field stresses (Gudmunds- son & Brenner 2003). 1 Gudmundsson & Geyer TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Figure 2: Boundary-element model of fault displacement when the damage-zone thickness is gradually increased in 10 steps, showing the maximum normalized displacement (MND) in the fault center in each of the steps. Here MND = 104 MDFL , where MD is the maximum displacement and FL the fault length, both expressed in model length units. Using these observations as a basis, we present numerical results on how the fault slip in a fault zone, for given fault geometry and loading conditions, may change when the thickness of its damage zone increases. Our results indicate that when the damage-zone thickness grad- ually increases, the maximum displace- ment on the fault also increases (Fig. 2). It follows that the fault slip generated during a particular earthquake, includ- ing the postseismic slip, may gradually increase with increasing damage-zone thickness. Thus, for an active seismo- genic fault of constant rupture (trace) length, the ratio of the maximum dis- placement to the rupture length should decrease with time. These theoretical results are supported by field observa- tions. Acknowledgments This work was supported by a grant from the Euro- pean Commission through the project Prepared (EVG1-CT-2002-00073 PRE- PARED). References Gudmundsson A (2004) Effects of Young’s modulus on fault displacement. C.R. Geo- science 336, 85–92 Gudmundsson A & Brenner SL (2003) Load- ing of a seismic zone to failure deforms the nearby volcanoes: a new earthquake precur- sor. Terra Nova 15, 187–193 Shimada M (2000) Mechanical Behavior of Rocks under High Pressure Conditions. Balkema, Rotterdam 2