TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Timar-Geng et al. Two-dimensional finite ele- ment models of convective heat transfer in the upper crust — implications for the interpretation of fission-track data Poster Zoltan Timar-Geng1 Andreas Henk1 Andreas Wetzel2 Fission-track (FT) thermochronology is a tool routinely used for studies of sur- face denudation because of its sensitiv- ity to the low temperatures found in the uppermost part of the crust. FT ages and associated track length dis- tributions are regularly interpreted as- suming a steady-state temperature field and only conductive heat transfer. How- ever, application of the method to ther- mochronological studies based on such interpretations may lead to invalid con- clusions, if the temperatures at a certain depth had actually varied with time. For example, the convective transfer of heat by hydrothermal fluids can cause transient thermal events within the up- per crust. In particular, fluid circulation along fault zones can result in substan- tial convective heat transport and cause temperature anomalies in the adjacent rocks (Zuther & Brockamp 1988, Flem- ing et al. 1998, Lampe & Person 2002, Bächler et al 2003). As a consequence, any refined interpretation of FT data re- quires a thorough understanding of the upper crustal temperature field and its evolution through time. The main objective of this study is to as- sess quantitatively how convective heat transport influences the upper crustal 1 Geologisches Institut, Universität Freiburg, Albertstr. 23b, D-79104 Freiburg 2 Geol.-Paläont. Institut, Universität Basel, Bernoullistr. 32, CH-4056 Basel temperature field as well as the cooling ages and track length distributions ob- served in apatite FT data. Modelling utilizes Finite Element techniques and the software FEFLOW, respectively. In- depth parameter studies (including fault geometry, erosion rate, hydraulic po- tential, hydraulic and material proper- ties) are conducted on two-dimensional (cross-sectional) models of fault zones. After evaluating the relative importance of different variables relevant to fluid circulation in a palaeogeothermal sys- tem, the time-temperature (tT) histo- ries of particle points are tracked as erosion moves them closer to surface. These tT-paths are used in a forward modelling approach to determine the ex- pected FT age and track length distri- butions. For each parameter study, a corresponding set of FT parameters is produced, thus, providing a catalogue of FT ages and track length distribu- tions, which will help to interpret real data sets. One of the goals of the project is to investigate the regional impact of con- vective heat transport on the inter- pretation of FT data and other ther- mal data from the Black Forest (SW- Germany). The modelling techniques outlined above will be applied to field data from the Baden-Baden and Offen- burg troughs in the northern and central Black Forest. References Bächler D, Kohl T & Rybach L (2003) Im- pact of graben-parallel faults on hydrother- mal convection; Rhine Graben case study. Phys. Chem. Earth, 28, 431–441 Fleming CG, Couples GD & Hazeldine RS (1998) Thermal effects of fluid flow in steep fault zones. Ű In: Jones G, Fisher QJ & Knipe RJ (eds) Faulting, fault sealing and fluid flow in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Geol Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 147, 217–229 1 Timar-Geng et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Lampe C & Person M (2000) Episodic hy- drothermal fluid flow in the Upper Rhine- graben (Germany). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69/70, 37–40 Zuther M & Brockamp O (1988) The fos- sil geothermal system of the Baden-Baden trough (Northern Black Forest, Germany). Chem. Geol. 71, 337–353 2