TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Gessner et al. Strain Localisation, Fractur- ing and Hydrothermal Miner- alisation: Numerical Models of the Mount Isa Copper De- posit, Australia Vortrag Klaus Gessner1,2 P.A. Jones3 A.S. Wilde4 There is substantial need in mineral exploration to understand the struc- tural controls on ore deposition for these types of deposits in order to predict the localities of new ones. Applica- tion of basic principles of rock mechan- ics, and numerical simulations of defor- mation and fluid flow processes provide fundamental insights to Proterozoic hy- drothermal mineralization at Mount Isa, Australia. The rheology of layered meta-sedimentary rocks, and the ori- entation and position of these layered rocks relative to major fault systems were the key controls on ore deposition. Rock deformation is a crucial require- ment for creating fluid pathways and depositional sites in post-metamorphic hydrothermal ore systems, since meta- morphism creates a largely imperme- able wall rock. Compositional layering in the host rock partitioned mechani- cal behaviour and strain, leading to se- lective permeability generation and fo- cussing of fluid flow during separate hy- drothermal events. Differences in phys- ical property values between shale and siltstone lead to a significant variation in 1 Computational Geoscience, CSIRO Explo- ration and Mining, PO Box 1120, Bentley WA 6102, Australia 2 Earth Systems Modelling, School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, The University of Western Australia, Craw- ley WA 6009, Australia 3 School of Earth Sciences, James Cook University Townsville QLD 4811, Australia 4 School of Earth Sci- ences, Monash University Clayton, VIC 3400, Australia deformation behaviour and changes in deformation related permeability. From field and mine observations it is rea- sonable to assume that the shale lay- ers had less cohesion and a lower fric- tion angle, but higher tensile strength than the siltstone layers. A layering of these rock types is thus likely to lead to a partitioning effect known as shear-lag, which occurs when ongoing stretching in the weak phase of a two-layer com- posite reduces s3, resulting in a pref- erential partitioning of tensile stresses into the strong phase. This rheologi- cal contrast may be the reason why a number of large copper and lead-zinc- silver deposits in the Mount Isa area are hosted by a single rock unit, the Urquhart shale. According to our model fine-grained carbonaceous shale layers preferentially failed by plastic shearing, whereas meta-siltstones remained elas- tic or failed in tension, depending on the magnitude of deformation and the pore fluid pressure. If lead-zinc silver mineralization is assumed to have oc- curred early orogenic or late syngenetic in consolidated and lithified sedimen- tary rocks, the pelitic layers of the Urquhart shale would have deformed plastically, becoming more permeable than elastically deforming siltstones. A second hydrothermal event occurred af- ter the metamorphic peak of the (ca. 1590–1550Ma) Isan orogeny. Numerical simulations suggest that during this late orogenic event the orientation of layer- ing and the proximity to major fault sys- tems controlled fracturing and perme- ability increase in the Urquhart shale. Deformation patterns similar to the ob- served extent of dilation and brecciation occur in the case of E–W shortening and top-to-E simple shearing. These geome- tries correspond to the second and third 1 Gessner et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 deformation events recognized at Mount Isa, during which meta-siltstone layers in the Urquhart shale failed in tension and massive silicification occurred. The fractured siltstones provided pathways for an upward flowing, over-pressured basement fluid, from which quartz was deposited during cooling. An oblique strike-slip strain geometry correspond- ing to the fourth major deformation event, localized strain in steeply-dipping pre-existing fault zones, and again, in the mechanically anisotropic Urquhart shale. The reactivation of steep struc- tures provided access to surface de- rived fluids during a third hydrother- mal event, causing the precipitation of dolomite followed by chalcopyrite ore. The change from regional contraction and simple-shear to strike-slip changed the hydraulic architecture significantly, favouring upward flow, lithostatic fluid pressures and hydro-fracturing in the former case, and access to surface- derived fluids in the latter. These findings support a sequential model for copper mineralization at Mount Isa, where alteration from a reduced base- ment fluid preceded introduction of a surface-derived oxidized metal-bearing brine. 2