TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Schneider & Rosenberg Kinematics of the SEMP- fault in the western Tauern Window (Stillupp Valley) Poster Susanne Schneider1 Claudio Rosenberg1 Introduction The working area is located in the Stillupp Valley (Tirol, Austria), where the western termination of the SEMP- fault (Salzach, Ennstal, Mariazell, Puchberg), overprints the northernmost margin of the Zentralgneiss. This sinis- tral shearzone, which has a length of about 300km, and causes a lateral dis- placement of 60 km (Linzer et al. 2002), marks part of the northern border of the Tauern Window. Macroscopic Structures The northern part of the study area shows a penetrative, mylonitic folia- tion, which strikes ENE–WSW, dips subvertically, and contain flat-lying, but generally WSW-dipping stretching lin- eations. This mylonitic zone, which has a width of approximately 2 km is sys- tematically associated with shear bands and σ-clasts, indicating a sinistral sense of shear. Occasionally, shear bands are also contained in the YZ plane of deformation, where they indicate a S- side-up sense of shear. Besides mostly in this part the deformation of the rocks is overprinted by brittle tecton- ics. South of the mylonitic zone, the foliation is folded by isoclinal folds with axial planes subparallel to the foliation described above. These folds can be cor- related to the upright, large-amplitude 1 Freie Universität Berlin, Malteserstr 74–100, 12249 Berlin Germany folds, which form the three gneiss cores of the western Tauern Window. Further south, folds become more open, with ax- ial planes dipping gently southward. We attribute these folds to the early Alpine phase of shortening, which affected the Zentral Gneiss (e.g. Lammerer 1988), before doming of the Tauern Window. This area is also affected by ductile shear zones of several meters width and a periodic distance of about 100m. These shear zones strike WSW–ENE, dip steeply southwards and show a S- side-up sense of shear, indicated by the foliation drag and shear bands. Microscopic Structures On the basis of the quartz microstruc- tures a gradient in the deformation tem- perature across the sinistral shear zone can be inferred. Quartz grains in the northernmost samples were deformed by dislocation glide associated with incipi- ent bulging recrystallization. Towards the South, the deformation and recrys- tallization mechanisms of quartz show a transition to dislocation creep and sub- grain rotation recrystallization, followed by dislocation creep and grain bound- ary migration at the southernmost end of the sinistral shear zone. This change in the deformation and recrystallization mechanisms goes together with a grain size increase of the new grains from ca. 0.04mm in the North to ca. 0.12mm in the South. The folded foliation south of the sinistral shear zone shows a high-temperature fabric, characterized by dynamic recrystallization of quartz. Hence, there is no evidence for a static overprint separating the first and the second phase of folding. 1 Schneider & Rosenberg TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Interpretation In summary, the structures and mi- crostructures described above suggest that the upright folds of the western Tauern Window formed during shear- ing along the SEMP Fault, which be- comes ductile as it enters the northern margin of the Tauern Window. In addi- tion, a pronounced, southward increase in structural level, as exposed across the strike of the shear zone, points to a transpressive type of deformation. Therefore, in addition to a left-lateral displacement, the SEMP Fault accom- modates a vertical S-side-up component of displacement, which contributes to the exhumation of the Tauern Window. References Lammerer B (1988) Thrust-regime and transpression-regime tectonics in the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps). Geologische Rundschau 77, 143–156. Linzer H-G, Decker K, Peresson H, Dell’Mour R, & Frisch W (2002) Balancing orogenic float of the Eastern Alps. Tectonophysics 354, 211–237. 2