TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Deckert & Ring Relevance of viscous flow in accretionary wedges Vortrag Hagen Deckert1 Uwe Ring2 The orogenic wedge model (Davis et al. 1983; Platt 1986) marks a con- ceptual breakthrough in understanding the growth and long-term evolution of accretionary wedges. The characteris- tic rheology of subduction-related ac- cretionary wedges is thought to change from Coulomb to viscous when the wedge becomes thicker than ca. 15km, a transition that may influence the sta- bility and dynamics of these wedges. Platt (1986) proposed that viscous flow may trigger extensional faulting in the upper rear part of the wedge and Wallis et al. (1993) argued that viscous flow may cause vertical ductile thinning of the rear part of the wedge. Material fluxes control the geometric shape of an accretionary wedge (Bran- don et al. 1998; Platt 1986). Frontal accretion and erosion both tend to drive the wedge into a subcritical condition as the taper angle of the wedge is pro- gressively reduced. This leads to hori- zontal shortening across the wedge. If underplating is dominantly controlling the flow field in the wedge and frontal accretion or erosion at the rear of the wedge are small, the wedge is super- critically tapered and leading horizontal extension. Horizontal extension leads to a subhorizontal foliation and may eventually lead to normal faulting in the rear-part of the wedge. Despite the importance of these issues, there remains a paucity of detailed informa- 1 Institut für Geowissenschaften, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Becherweg 21, 55099 Mainz, Germany 2 Department of Geo- logical Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand tion about ductile deformation and how viscous flow influences the stability of subduction-related accretionary wedges. Strain measurements are an instrument to address whether viscous flow strongly influences the deformation in accre- tionary wedges. They provide direct in- formation about the kinematics of an- cient orogenic belts. Additionally, they allow understanding important tectonic processes in subduction wedges such as the pattern of flow within the wedge. We focus on deformation analysis on a suite of samples from the Otago wedge exposed in the South Island of New Zealand. The Otago accre- tionary wedge offers a unique opportu- nity to study the tectonic evolution of a typical subduction-related accretionary complex. Its across-strike length of ca. 600 km makes it one of the largest exposed ancient accretionary wedges on Earth. Pressure and temperature esti- mates indicate that our samples are rep- resentative of deformation conditions to depths as great as ca. 35km. This is similar to maximum depths observed for subducting slabs beneath modern fore- arc highs. The deformation measurements show that the strain magnitude is generally small in the Otago wedge. The γoct values, a measure of the distortion a sample experienced (independent from the strain geometry), range from 0.34– 3.87 for the Rf/φ strains, 1.01–4.28 for XTG strains across the whole suite of the Otago rock pile, and 0.08–0.70 for the absolute strains obtained from low metamorphic grade rocks. The Otago samples are characterized by consider- able volume strain that increases from the lower textural zones towards the high-grade interior of the wedge. Our strain results are inconsistent with 1 Deckert & Ring TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 the models which advocate supercrit- ically tapering of accretionary wedges and that supercritical tapering even- tually triggers normal faulting. Tak- ing averages of our strain measure- ments, a residence time in the wedge of 35Myr, burial depths of 30 km, coax- ial deformation and a depth-dependent rate for ductile deformation, we cal- culate vertically-averaged strain rates. Because the principal strain axes of the tensor average are all inclined, the vertical averaging changes the princi- pal stretches. The horizontal princi- pal stretch parallel to the 160°-striking Otago wedge becomes 0.79, that for across strike 0.88 and for vertical strain 0.44. Averaged strain rates are −1.44−16 s−1 for parallel-strike horizon- tal strain, −6.2−17 s−1 for across-strike horizontal strain, and −8.02−16 s−1 for vertical strain. The strain rates are re- lated to volume loss and to the effi- ciency with which dissolved chemicals are advected away. The rates are simi- lar to the ones calculated by Bolhar & Ring (2001) and Ring & Richter (2004) for the Franciscan wedge. These strain rates are orders of magnitude smaller than the 1−14 s−1 strain rates assumed by Platt (1986). Thus, our data imply that the Otago wedge could not shorten horizontally fast, and hence could not have steepened up its surface slope. The fact that shortening was accompanied by volume loss has another important and interesting consequence. Even if a case was envisioned in which hori- zontal shortening was fast enough to steepen up the surface slope of the wedge, the volume loss would not nec- essarily change the wedge geometry into a supercritical configuration triggering normal faulting. As a consequence of the slow strain rates and the high vol- ume loss, viscous flow probably was not fast enough to significantly influence the stability of the wedge and to form a su- percritically tapered wedge. References Bolhar R & Ring U (2001) Deformation his- tory of the Yolla Bolly terrane at Leech Lake Mountain, Eastern belt, Franciscan subduc- tion complex, California Coast Ranges. Geo- logical Society of America Bulletin 113: 181– 195 Brandon MT, Roden-Tice MK & Garver JI (1998) Late Cenozoic exhumation of the Cas- cadia accretionary wedge in the Olympic Mountains, NW Washington State. Geolog- ical Society of America Bulletin 110: 985– 1009 Davis D, Suppe J and Dahlen FA (1983) Me- chanics of fold-and-thrust belts and accre- tionary wedges. Journal of Geophysical Re- search 88: 1153–1172 Platt JP (1986) Dynamics of orogenic wedges and the uplift of high-pressure metamorphic rocks. Geological Society of America Bul- letin 97: 1037–1053 Ring U & Richter PP (2004) Normal faulting at convergent plate boundaries: Mylonitic ex- tensional fabrics in the Franciscan subduc- tion complex in Del Puerto Canyon, Cali- fornia, revisited. Tectonics 23: art. no. TC2006 Wallis SR, Platt JP & Knott SD (1993) Recog- nition of syn-convergence extension in accre- tionary wedges with examples from the Cal- abrian arc and the Eastern Alps. American Journal of Science 293: 463–495 2