TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Schwarz Evolution and structure of the Upper Rhine Graben — quantitative insights from nu- merical modelling approaches Vortrag Michael Schwarz1 Introduction The Upper Rhine Graben forms the ma- jor segment of the Cenozoic Rift sys- tem of Western Europe. Although the rift was the target of many seismic and geological investigations, the style of lithospheric extension below the in- ferred faults, the depth to detachment, and the amounts of horizontal extension and lateral translation are still being de- bated. In this study, the date base to the Upper Rhine Graben was subjected to a finite element approach in order to include thermomechanical processes of the lithosphere as well as erosion and sedimentation. The study concentrated on the consequences of extension and lateral translational events on the struc- ture and evolution in terms of basin geometry, sediment layer thicknesses, Moho elevation, and shoulder uplift on a lithospheric scale. The numerical ap- proach was three dimensional in order to incorporate the lateral crustal hetero- genities in the Upper Rhine area and the varying ambient stress field. The thermomechanical simulation of a real rift requires the knowledge of the parameters controlling its structure and evolution. Furthermore, field data are needed for assessing the modelling re- sults. Both preconditions could be met by the production of comparative data sets as well as by a parameter study 1 Geologisches Institut, Universität Freiburg, Albertstr. 23B, 79104 Freiburg i. Breisgau before the modelling of the rift evolu- tion. The critical validation of the re- search level allowed the extraction of the parameters to be determined. The results of the parameter study already gave some cues on the points of contro- versy mentioned above. In anticipation of the parameter study, a hypothesis on continental rifting pro- cesses was formulated. It describes the consequences of the potential factors controlling the vertical displacements of the graben, shoulder, and Moho under simplified conditions. Opposite to other concepts, the hypothesis also takes into account the mechanical behaviour of faults as a primary factor. The numeri- cal results of the parameter study were compared with the forecasts of the hy- pothesis in order to identify additional processes acting in the more complex setting of the Upper Rhine Graben area. Moreover, the comparison allowed dis- closing functional relationships between the vertical displacements and the con- trolling parameters. Apart from these insights in the continental rifting pro- cess the parameter variations rendered some important results specific to the Upper Rhine rift system. They are in detail: 1. The vertical displacements in the rift system are controlled primar- ily by the friction, depth, and ge- ometry of the border faults in the brittle domain. The consequences of the temperature and rheology in the creep regime are of minor im- portance. The same holds for the effects of the erosion and sedimen- tation. 2. The boundary faults are sub-listric down to maximum depth of 15 to 16km. The geometry of the faults 1 Schwarz TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 remains the same during the rift- ing. In the pre-rift setting, they flatten from a dip angle of around 65° to some 40° at greater depth. Beneath, the deformation is accom- modated by ductile creep without a need for discrete shear zones in the lower crust and upper mantle. 3. The apparent frictional coefficients mostly lie around 0.3 bis 0.4, but at every point on the fault surfaces lower than 0.5. 4. There are no crustal horizons where a considerable restoration of the isostatic equilibrium takes place. 5. High viscosities can be excluded at any depth in the lower crust. The variability of the lower crustal com- positions is of no consequence for the rift evolution. 6. The upper crustal creep behaviour can be simulated only with much higher viscosities as it is predicted by the quarzite rheology. The re- quirement can be followed by us- ing the creep parameters of a felsic granulite. These results were put into the actual modelling of the Rhine Graben evolu- tion. Therein, the implementation of the thermomechanical processes and the balancing on a lithospheric scale allowed reconstructing the vertical displaments of the graben, Moho, and shoulder over time. The comparative data sets are matched with a rift evolution in two phases. An extension being approxi- mately orthogonal to the Rhine Graben is replaced by lateral translation which leads to a reactivation of the rift in a sinistral sense. The horizontal exten- sion of 7.5 to 8.5 km and a sinistral dis- placement across the entire graben of 4.5 km at most are necessary in order to accommodate the sedimentary thick- nesses. Dextral and sinistral displace- ments along the border faults take place during the period of orthogonal exten- sion as well. These displacements are located at the fault segments where the friction coefficients change laterally due to a switch of the rift polarity. There, the graben block is extended parallel to the graben accompanied by a reduction of the principal stress in the same direc- tion which causes the lateral displace- ments. The conduction keeps pace with the advection of heat at any time during the rift evolution. There is no need for a thermal input of subcrustal ori- gin for initiation of the rift. No thermal anomaly is created by the rifting in the Upper Rhine Graben area. The mod- elling results confirmed the ideas of the graben as an example of a passive rift. The numerical outcomes can serve as decision guidance for solving conflic- tive positions about the geodynamics of the graben system. The fit between model and reality gives preferences for an evolution of the graben in two pe- riods with different kinematics. The lateral displacements calculated in the study lie at the upper end of values which are inferred from structural and geophysical observations in the Rhine Graben region. Other stretching di- rections than orthogonal would result to additional strike-slip displacements above this threshold and, therefore, have to be declined. In the period of lat- eral translation during the Neogene, the regional strike slip setting disintegrates into different tectonic regimes along its strike. The configuration resembles the recent kinematics in the Rhine Graben region. Thus, the study approves the 2 TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Schwarz assumption of regional stress field being nearly constant since the beginning of the Miocene. The modelling results refer only to pe- riods of sedimentary record. They contain no information about the tectonosedimentary evolution in times with hiatuses. The hiatuses are located predominantly in the period of rift- parallel translation. This is at conflict with the calculated displacements which are already at the top of the values in- ferred for the Upper Rhine Graben from other observations. However, the results show that the graben subsidence, espe- cially in a strike slip regime, is highly sensitive to the mechanical properties of the border faults and their orientation to the local stress field. Slight modifi- cations of these factors can result in a sticking behaviour of these faults over large distances which may account for the hiatuses. Apart from continental rifting, south- western Germany was affected by the migration of the Alpine peripheral fore- bulge into the Rhine Graben region. The modelling outcome permits sepa- rating the vertical displacements due to rifting from those related to the bulging processes. Future thermomechanical modelling studies require an implemen- tation of these processes in order to achieve a holistic reconstruction of all geodynamic processes which were active in the Upper Rhine Graben area during the Cenozoic. Therefore, this study is regarded only as a first step to under- stand the interaction between extension, and lateral translation in a spatially and temporally varying stress field with a pre-existing structural inventory. 3