TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Schmidt et al. Measurement of calcite crystallographic-preferred orientations by magnetic anisotropy and comparison to diffraction methods Vortrag Volkmar Schmidt1 Ann M. Hirt1 Luigi Burlini2 Bernd Leiss3 Jens M. Walter4 AMS as a petrofabric tool The anisotropy of magnetic suscepti- bility (AMS) of rocks reflects the pre- ferred orientations of minerals. There- fore AMS is a quick and easy way to characterize rock fabrics (Hrouda 1982, Borradaile 1988); the obtained result is also called the magnetic fabric of the rock. The method has been often used to measure the orientation of ferromag- netic minerals, mainly magnetite, but in recent studies it has been increasingly used to measure textures of paramag- netic minerals as phyllosilicates (Lüneb- urg et al. 1999, Cifelli et al. 2004). AMS of calcite textures A fur- ther application is the measurement of diamagnetic textures, especially calcite textures. Calcite is suitable for the AMS method, because it has a high magnetic anisotropy with the minimum suscepti- bility along the crystallographic c-axis. Therefore a preferred orientation of the c-axes, which can be induced by de- formation, generates a magnetic fabric. The relationship between AMS and de- formation of marbles has been investi- 1 Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland 2 Geological Insti- tute, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland 3 GZG, University of Göttingen, Göttin- gen, Germany 4 Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany Figure 1: Example of neutron diffraction pole figures (equal-area, lower hemisphere projection). Compaction direction is nor- mal to the pole figure. Lowest contour line is equal to 1.0 multiple of random distribu- tion (m.r.d.); contour interval is 0.25 m.r.d. gated in laboratory (Owens & Bamford 1976) and field studies (de Wall et al. 2000). However, the diamagnetic fabric of calcite is relatively weak and easily overprinted by paramagnetic and ferro- magnetic phases. In natural carbonate rocks the ferromagnetic and the para- magnetic subfabrics should be separated to assure a correct interpretation of the AMS. This separation can be made by torque measurements in high fields at different temperatures (see Schmidt et al., this volume). Textures of artificial calcite- muscovite aggregates To test how well AMS reflects the ac- tual mineral texture, we produced a se- ries of artificial calcite-muscovite aggre- gates. Powders made from Carrara mar- ble and muscovite single crystals were mixed in different proportions and com- pacted uniaxially at room temperature to obtain a texture. The samples were further compacted hydrostatically to re- duce the porosity and to improve the mechanical properties. The samples show a c-axis preferred orientation of 1 Schmidt et al. TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 the calcite and muscovite along the com- paction direction (Fig. 1). The textures were measured with different methods as AMS, X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction and the results are compared. Sample volumes of more than 11 cm3 were used to measure AMS as well as neutron diffraction; the same specimens could be used for both methods. Low- and high-field AMS measurements were made on all samples. The high- field measurements reflect more accu- rately the weak dia/paramagnetic fab- rics. A nearly perfectly oblate AMS el- lipsoid with minimum susceptibility axis sub-parallel to the compression direc- tion developed even at very low pres- sures, and the principle axes of the AMS ellipsoid are co-axial with the calcite fabric ellipsoids. A general increase in AMS is observed with an increase in compaction. The quantitative correla- tion between the strength of the texture and the AMS will be investigated in the future. Moreover the separation of mag- netic sub-fabrics will be tested on these artificial samples. The first results show that AMS can reflect the textures of the individual phases in a multiphase rock. Literatur Borradaile GJ (1988) Magnetic-susceptibility, petrofabrics and strain. Tectonophysics 156:1–20 Cifelli F, Mattei M, Hirt AM & Gunther A (2004) The origin of tectonic fabrics in ‘unde- formed’ clays: The early stages of deforma- tion in extensional sedimentary basins. Geo- phys Res Lett 31: Art. No. L09604 De Wall H, Bestmann M & Ullemeyer K (2000) Anisotropy of diamagnetic suscepti- bility in Thassos marble: A comparison be- tween measured and modeled data. J Struct Geol 22:1761–1771 Hrouda F (1982) Magnetic-anisotropy of rocks and its application in geology and geo- physics. Geophysical Surveys 5:37–82 Lüneburg CM, Lampert SA, Lebit HD, Hirt AM, Casey M & Lowrie W (1999) Magnetic anisotropy, rock fabrics and finite strain in deformed sediments of SW Sardinia (Italy). Tectonophysics 307:51–74 Owens BH & Bamford D (1976) Magnetic, seis- mic, and other anisotropic properties of rock fabrics. Phil Trans R Soc Lond Ser A 283:55– 68 2