TSK 11 Göttingen 2006 Riller et al. Identification of upper- crustal discontinuities us- ing dip curvature analysis of isostatic residual gravity: examples from the central Andes Poster Ulrich Riller1 Hans-Joachim Götze2 Sabine Schmidt2 Robert Trumbull3 Fernado Hongn4 Ivan Petrinovic4 Structural analysts are often faced with the problem of identifying prominent structural discontinuities covered by post-tectonic sedimentary or volcanic rocks. Gravity fields are often used to delineate the trace of buried disconti- nuities but are frequently found to be too crude to localize discontinuities ad- equately. Here, we introduce the im- portance of dip curvature of the iso- static residual gravity for identifying upper-crustal discontinuities. The rela- tionship between Bouguer gravity, iso- static residual gravity and its dip curva- ture, first-order structural elements and distribution of Neogene volcanic rocks was examined in the central Andean plateau, more specifically, the southern Altiplano and the Puna. In the southern Altiplano, strong positive Bouguer grav- ity corresponds to areas affected by late- Cenozoic faulting and large-scale fold- ing of upper crust. Dip curvature anal- ysis of isostatic residual gravity shows that elongate zones of maximum cur- vature correspond remarkably well with the structural grain defined by first- order folds and faults. Similarly, iso- static residual gravity in the Puna is 1 Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-U- niversität zu Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany 2 Universität Kiel, Germany 3 GeoForschungsZentrum Pots- dam, Germany 4 CONICED and Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina largely controlled by prominent, upper- crustal structures but also by the dis- tribution of Miocene and younger vol- canic rocks. The Central Andean Grav- ity High, in particular, is confined by Neogene volcanic rocks and is mostly associated with areas of low topog- raphy, i.e., fault-bounded, internally- drained basins. Dip curvature analy- sis of the isostatic residual gravity field shows that elongate zones of maximal curvature correlate with the strike of prominent Neogene faults. Our study suggests that such analysis constitutes an important tool for imaging upper- crustal structures, even those which are not readily apparent at surface. For ex- ample, upper-crustal faults in the Salar de Atacama area, the presence of which is suggested by the dip curvature of residual gravity, offers a plausible ex- planation as to the pronounced angular departure of the volcanic belt from its overall meridional trend and its narrow- ing south of the salar. In contrast to previous interpretations, our study sug- gests that gravity anomalies of the Cen- tral Andes arise chiefly from late Ceno- zoic volcanism and tectonism. Further- more, dip curvature analyses of gravity fields bear a great potential for eluci- dating first-order structural elements of deformed upper-crustal terranes such as the modern Andes. 1