th 1E&G / Vol. 65 / No. 2 / 2016 / th 1–2 / DOI 10.3285/eg.65.2.th1 / © Authors / Creative Commons Attribution License E&G Quaternary Science Journal Volume 65 / Number 2 / 2016 / th 1–2 / DOI 10.3285/ GEOZON SCIENCE MEDIAISSN 0424-7116 THESIS ABSTRACT Constraining the timing of deglaciation of the High Alps and rates of subglacial erosion with cosmogenic nuclides Christian Wirsig E-Mail: University: Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Supervisors: Susan Ivy-Ochs, Hans-Arno Synal, Christian Schlüchter, Naki Akçar, Urs H. Fischer, Sean Wille‰ Dissertation online: h‰p:// We use in situ produced cosmogenic nuclides to study two central aspects of the impact of glaciers on the evolution of U-shaped troughs, cirques and overdeepenings in the Alps. One is the aspect of available time – how long did large glacier systems occupy the Alps in the past? —e other is the pace – how fast do glaciers erode their beds? We report chronological constraints on the onset of de- glaciation in three di˜erent study areas in the High Alps; Mont Blanc in the Western Alps, Haslital in the Central Alps and Zillertal in the Eastern Alps (WœžŸœ¡ et al. 2016b). In each study area we mapped glacial erosional marks (striae, crescentic gouges) and trimlines for a local reconstruction of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice surface and ©ow pa‰erns. We select spots close to the trimline on exposed ridges of truncated spurs as preferred targets for dating the onset of ice surface lowering. Furthermore, we constrain the ice surface and terminal positions of local Lateglacial glacier extents by an analysis of mapping results and numerical glacier models. In the Oberhasli region (Fig. 1) we observe the ªrst sign of ice surface lowering of the Aare Glacier at Fig. 1: Longitudinal pro le from Unteraargletser to Guannen showing reconstructions of LGM, Gsnitz and Egesen ice surfaces (W ­ et al. 2016c) based on ice-‡ow direction indicators and surface exposure ages. Two shear stress values, 100 kPa and 150 kPa, were used to model the Gsnitz scenarios. ‘e Egesen ice surface (100 kPa) is constrained to be just slightly higher than Sto• and lower than the directional ange of striae at Bälital (red line). Inset map shows location of Haslital (leš) and Goldbergkees (right) study sites. Figure modi ed from W ­ et al. 2016c. th 4 E&G / Vol. 65 / No. 2 / 2016 / th 1–2 / DOI 10.3285/eg.65.2.th1 / © Authors / Creative Commons Attribution License 23.0 ± 0.8 ka (WœžŸœ¡ et al. 2016c). Published chronologies in the Alpine forelands suggest a similar date for the end of the ªrst LGM advance phase of the piedmont lobes. An only slightly lower ice surface of the Aare Glacier was therea¬er a‰ained then abandoned at 17.7 ± 0.8 ka. We further deter- mine identical ages for the onset of ice surface lowering of 18.5 ± 1.1 ka in the Val Ferret on the southern side of the Mont Blanc massif (Western Alps) and of 18.4 ± 1.4 ka in Zillertal in the Eastern Alps (WœžŸœ¡ et al. 2016b). —e ages suggest synchronous decay of the LGM glaciers in the ac- cumulation zones of the Western, Central and Eastern Alps. To quantify the fundamental process of subglacial ero- sion we present an approach of erosion rate and burial time determination based on comparison of apparent exposure ages derived from same-sample analysis of 10Be, 14C and 36Cl (WœžŸœ¡ et al. 2016a). Due to the more complex production systematics, the production rate proªle beneath the rock surface of 36Cl has a di˜erent shape than the ones of 10Be and 14C. Erosion therefore results in systematically too old apparent 36Cl ages compared to 10Be and 14C. In addition, be- cause of the short 14C half-life, decay during burial causes too young apparent 14C ages compared to 10Be and 36Cl. At Goldbergkees (Eastern Alps), we apply this approach using 10Be and 36Cl to quantify subglacial abrasion rates in the re- cently ice-free (< 100 years) glacier foreªeld. Both nuclides show that several of the analyzed surfaces were eroded by > 300 cm during the late Holocene (WœžŸœ¡ et al. in press). Calculated subglacial abrasion rates are > 5 mm / a. —e deeply eroded surfaces are from sites more than 1 km upvalley of the LIA glacier terminus. On the other hand, several sites were hardly erdoded at all as shown by the presence of inherited nuclides. We observe severe erosion along the lower valley ©anks and both up- and downvalley of a cross-valley bedrock riegel (Fig. 2). References WœžŸœ¡, C., I²³´Oµ¶Ÿ, S., A·¸¹ž, N., Lº»·¼ž, M., Hœ»»¼, K., W¹µ·¼ž, L., V¾µ·¼¿¶ºÀ¼ž, C. Á Sµ¶Âõ¶Ä¼ž, C. (2016a): Combined cosmogenic 10Be, in situ 14C and 36Cl concentrations in proglacial bedrock constrain Holocene history and erosion depth of Grueben glacier, Switzerland. – Swiss Journal of Geosciences. DOI: 10.1007/s00015-016-0227-2 WœžŸœ¡, C., I²³´Oµ¶Ÿ, S., R¼œÄ¿¼ž, J.M., C¶žœŸÄÂ, M., V¾µ·¼¿¶ºÀ¼ž, C., Bœµ¶Â¼ž, M. Á R¼œ¿ÇÂ, M. (?): Subglacial abrasion rates at Goldberg- kees, Hohe Tauern, Austria, determined from cosmogenic 10Be and 36Cl concentrations. – Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (in press). WœžŸœ¡, C., Z¹Ÿ¹Ç¿œ, J., C¶žœŸÄÂ, M., A·¸¹ž, N. Á I²³´Oµ¶Ÿ, S. (2016b): Dating the onset of LGM ice surface lowering in the High Alps. – Èaternary Science Reviews 143, 37–50. h‰p:// quascirev.2016.05.001 WœžŸœ¡, C., Z¹Ÿ¹Ç¿œ, J., I²³´Oµ¶Ÿ, S., C¶žœŸÄÂ, M., K¾À¼ž, F. Á Sµ¶Âõ¶´ ļž, C. (2016c): A deglaciation model of the Oberhasli, Switzerland. – Journal of Èaternary Science 31, 46–59. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.2831 Fig. 2: Erosion depths into bedro• along A) transverse and B) longitudinal valley pro les at Goldbergkees (Austria) calculated with measured nuclide concentrations and known time of post-Lile Ice Age exposure of < 100 yr (W ­ et al. in press). Erosion is deepest part way up the valley sides (Gold4,9,10) and at the stoss (Gold13) and lee (Gold15) sides of the bedro• riegel. ‘e boxes showing the erosion depths are not to scale. Note that the scale anges from A to B but vertical exaggeration (~ 5x) stays the same. Figure modi ed from W ­ et al. in press.