Berliner geowiss. Abh (E) 9 253-281 8 Abb., 4 Taf. Berlin 1993 DO'G" "2$.' d __ t Palaeobiological Reconstructions of selected BIOGENE SEDtMENUnON Sphinctozoan Sponges from the Cassian Beds (Lower Carnian) of the Dolomites (Northern Italy) • S. MÜLLER-WII.LE & J. RElTNER PalaeobiologicaJ reconstruction of selecled Sphinctozoan Sponges from the Cassian Beds (Lower Camian) ofthe Dolomites (Northem IlaIy).- Slaffan MÜLLER-WILLE & Joachim REITNER. Berliner geowiss. Abh. (E) 9: 253-281; . Abstrad: PalaeobiologicaJ models of four selecled species of sphinctozoan coraIIine sponges from the Cassian Ileds (Lower Camian, Dolomites) have been established using, among othels, luminescence tecbniques. The latter has beeil Sllccesfully to wimate the organie content and diagenetic history ofthe skeletons. Recent in"estigations yield the differentiation ofthree steps in the secretion ofthe skeleton in coralline sponges, according to which skelelal elements can be classified. The identification of these elements rendels infoiiuation on the way ofsecretion ofthe skeleton, the relative position ofthe soft tissue, and the function ofthe skeleton. Two basic type.s of sphinctozoan organisation can be distinguished: a matrix type, where a rigid framework, secreted in an organo-spicular matrix peneti"ates the soft t.issue (as in suomatoporoid coralline sponges) and a cortex type, where the skeleton is secreted by a speziali'WI layer (cortex) surrolmding the sponge body. These organizational types bear no phylogenetic implication. Es wurden paläobiologische Modelle von vier ausgewählten Arten sphinctozoider Schwälluue alls den Cassianer Schichten (Unteres Kam, Dolomiten) unter Zuhilfenalime von I ~lmineszenZll\ethoden eisIeIlt. Diese konnten mit Erfolg zur Abschätzung des Gehalts an organischen Stoffen und der diagenetischen Geschichte der Basalskelette eingesetzt werden. Neuere Untersuchungen erlauben die von drei Schritten in der Genese des Basalskeletts der corallinen Schwämme, die zu einer Klassifikation der Skelettelemente herangezogen werden können. Eine Identifikation der jeweiligen Elemente entsprechend dieser Klassifikation liefert Infoiinationen über die Art der Sekretion des Basalskeletts, die relative Position des Lebendgewebes und die Funktion des Skeletts. Zwei gnmdlegende Organisalionstypen können innelhalb der Sphinctozoen unterschieden werden: ein Matrix-Typ, bei dem das in einer organo-spikulären Matrix sekretiert wird, die den Weichkölper durchzieht (ähnlich den stromatoporoiden "CoraIline Spongien") lind ein Cortex-Typ, bei dem die Sekretion des Basalskeletts in einer spezialisierten, subdeiioalen Schicht (Cortex), die den Weichkölper umgibt, stattfindet Diese Organisationstypen haben keine Implikationen. Adnsl of the authors: Dipl.-Geol. S. Müller-Wille & Priv.-Doz. Dr. J. Reitner, Institut fllr Paläontologie, Freie Univelsität Berlin, MalteseIstr. 74-100, HallS D, 0-12249 • 1 IntroductioD The Sphinctozoa erected by S1E 1882 are a mainly fossil group of sponges with an ara- gonitic or Mg calcitic basal skeleton, which is built up by chambers. Though the sponge affinities of this taxon have been known since long time, due to occasional findings of scleres in some representa- tives, it remained an enigmatic group up to the dis- covery of the recent species Vaceletia crypta. This can be explained by the fact that the sphinctozoans represent a highly polyphyletic taxon. As most workers had asSllmed monophyly for this sponge group on the ground of the similarities in skeletal organization, they encountered conflicting characters, leading to great di fficulties in solving questions conccming the biology and phylogeny of these animals. Examples are the controversial discussions about sclere mineralogy (S1EIN- 1882, RAUFF 1914) or soft tissue organization (RAUFF 1914, SEll..ACHER 1962). the sphinctozoan cora11ine sponges play an important role as reefbuilders in Pemuan and Triassic times (OlT 1967a, SENOWBARI- DARYAN & RIGBY 1988), an understanding of their biology is crucial for facial analysis of bio- helms of this time. Since the (re)-discovery of coralline sponges in the beginning of the sixties an actualistic approach to the palaeobiological re- construction of coralline sponges has been possible. The new information was readily taken up by palaeontologists working on fossil representatives (like ZIEGLER (1964b) for pharetronids or OlT (1967) for sphinctozoans), but not until the discovery of the recent demosponge Vaceletia crypta (VACELET 1977) and thorough in- vestigations of scleres in fossil species (e.g. REITNER 1987b,1990) it became clear that the sphinctozoans are highly polyphyletic. This fact makes it necessary, to expect different life strategies in different sponge taxa with sphinctozoid basal skeletons. To avoid the pitfalls of deductions from phylogenetic assumptions four species have been selected from the rich and weIl preserved fauna of the Cassian Beds, representing at first glance different "end members" of sphincto- zoan organization. Asswning that all stern from 254 • • i N • ·st. C."'an • .. "\ , 20km I Fig. 1: The material used in this study is originated from three locations with "erratie boulders" with Cassian fauna (Calllian, Triassie). S = Seelandalpe (Alpe di Specie) R = Vale di Rimbianco P = Passo Giao different lineages, a palaeobiological model has been established for eaeh of them, in the end leading to the differentiation of organiVltional grades (sensu SIMPSON 1961). Therefore the species were, as far as possible, only assigned to higher taxa in the system of the Porifera by eharaeters of spieulation. 2. Material The material was eollected by J. Reitner from three locations in the Dolomites near Cortina d'Ampezzo (see fig.l). They have long been famous for a very rieh and exeellently preserved invertebrate fauna, the Cassian fauna, in the Cassian Beds of lower Carnian age. UnfOI'tunately this fauna appears only in so ca1led "erratie boulders", i.e. theyare exposed in blocks of up to several eubie meters volume em- bedded in an argillaceous matrix, whieh makes faeial and stratigraphie correlation diHicult. To date it secms the most probable, that they stern from small biostromes or biohetms whieh arose in shallow water at the transition between the Upper Cassian Dolomite, where existing basins had been filled with platfonn debris and the base of Dürren- stein Dolomite, with its onset of a new trans- gression phase, thus being of Julian age (austriacum-zone). Others interpreted them as small pateh reefs in the baek reef area or as Cipit boulders transported into the basins of the Upper Cassian dolomite (see fig.2; for further infOllnation see FÜRSICH & WENDT 1977, BOSSELINl 1989, RUSSO et al. 1991). An overview over the sponge fauna of the Cassian Beds is given by DIECI et al. (1968). The investigated tbin sections are deposited at the Institut für Paläontologie at the Freie Uni- versität Berlin. 3. Methods The observations for this study were taken only from thin sections, using nOIIl1al as weH as pola- rized light. Additionally, luminescenee teehniques were applied. These techniques have been in use in carbonate sedimentology only sinee a short time, so that some technieual and explanatory annotations are necessary. Lumineseence is the capability of certain minerals, to emit light when exeited by an energy source due to certain impurities of the erystal lattice. Techniques can be distinguished according to the exeitation souree. For this study ultraviolet and further short wave length light and an electron beam were used as energy sourees. Good general informations about luminescenee techniques are contained in MARSHALL (1988) and MACHEL et al. (1991). The luminescenee caused mainly by ultra- violet light from a Hg-high pressure lamp (epitluorescence) is generally believed to be eaused by the exeitation of organies inclosed in carbonates (van GUZEL 1979). We got best results using two different non-UV filter sets to dete .. mine the auto- Fig. 2: NORIAN z ce z a:: ce u z C - :-:-:.:-:.-:-;.:.~-:.:.:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:.:-:-:-:-: . . '. -.-.-.'.".-.-.-.-.-.".".".-." ---"-------"-"-" ·0"0·.-.·.·.·." J.-.-." J,",".".-." _"." .-."."_ .' .",".-.••.•.. -.-.-.-... -." .".".".-.".-.-.-.-." .. " .-."." .-." -"." ."." .".-... "." .-.".-.-.-.-.-." -- + Upper CauIan L.I ------"---,,,,---,--,I Bain aedimen18 255 , Ralb1 Fm. , } ' Upper ca.lan Fm. , Lower CauIan Fm. 2 • • J) 3 Fig. 6: A: Growth strategy of the basal skeleton of Cryptocoelia zitteli B: Biomineralization process of Cryptocoelia zitteli (for explanation see text) Remarks: REITNER (1992) assigned C. zardinii to the Geoüdae, due to the finding of sterraster microscleres in some specimens. The species has until now been found in the lower Camian Cassian beds, the Upper Call1ian Lechkogel beds (ENGESER & APPOLD 1988) and in Norian Cipit boulders in Turkey (SENOWBARI-DARY AN 1990). Demospongiae inc. sed. Genus Cryptocoelia STE 1882 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE 1882 (Text fig. 6, plate Wfig. 1 & 2, pI. IV/fig. 4 & 5) zitteli n. gen n. sp.: ,p.176, pL7, fig.5, pL5, fig.4 1967a Cryptocoelia zitteli STE : OTT, p.42, pL9, fig.5-7 1968 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE : DIECI et al., p.149, pl.33, fig.2 1971 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE : JAB- LONSKY, p.342, text-figs 8-9 1973 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE : JAB- LONSKY, p.185, pU, figs 1-2, pL2, figs 1- 2 1973 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE :WOLFF, text-fig.4/3 1974 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE : ASSE- RETO & MONOD, text-fig.14/A non 1978 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE : SENOWBARI-DARY AN (in: FLÜGEL et al.), p.I71, pL24, fig. 4, pL26, fig.l, pL28, fig.3-4 non 1980 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE SENOWBARI-DARY AN, pl.3, fig.3 • • 1980 Cryptocoelia zUteli STE : DULLO (in: DULLO & LEIN), pLI, fig.8, pl.3, fig.3 1981 Cryptocoelia zUteli STE : SE- NOWBARI-DARYAN, pLI, fig.I-2 non 1981 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE NOWBARI-DARY A,N, pL2, fig.2 : SE- 1981 Cryptocoelia zUteU STE SEK et al., pI. 10, fig.2,4 1983 Cryptocoelia zitteli NOWBARI-DARY AN p.183, pI. 6, fig.3 : TURN- 1983 Cryptocoelia zUteli STE RICH, pL5, fig.l 1987 Cryptocoelia zUteli S et al., pl.3, fig.9/A & . SE- •• SCHAFER, : BEN- :DULLO 1990 Cryptocoelia zUteli STE : SE- NOWBARI-DARY AN, pL29, figs 3-4, pl.34, fig.l non 1990 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE SENOWBARI-DARY AN, pL29, fig.lA • • 1991 Cryptocoelia zitteli STE : BOlKO et al., p. 140, pl.41, pI. 42, fig 1 • Material: 10 specimens in 12 thin sections were investigated, whereof 6 were stained with a solution of alizarine-s and potassium-hexacyano- fenate-III. Autoepifluorescence was observed in 6, CL in 3 thin sections. Description: The basal skeleton of C. zitteli shows the same overall appearance as that of C. zardinii, i.e. it is composed of ca. 1 mm flat chambers overlapping each other and sustained by somewhat irregular 0.1-0.2 mm wide trabecules and pierced by small round exopores of 0.1-0.2 mm diameter. Through the skeleton runs a retro- siphonate, narrow (0.8 mm in diameter) spongo- coel with endopores. In contrast to C. zardinii these chambers fOIm up to I cm wide cylinders wich may be branched. The bases of the trabecules are sha1ply separated from the roof of the preceding chamber by thin micritic lines (probably of micro- bial origin, because they sometimes contain fila- mentous structures), while their tops broaden to form the segment roof. The secondary and tertiary basal skeleton contains the same elements like C. zardinii, i.e. vesicula and laminated deposits of skeletal car- bonate inside the voids of the primary and secondary basal skeleton. Vesicula are often seen to close off ontogentic older parts of the skeleton. Here too, there is a correlation between disturbance of skeletal architecture, encrustation (c. zitteli is very often incrusted by small Tubiphytes-skeletons) and secretion of secondary and tertiary skeletal elements. In one specimen it was possible to ob- serve a monaxone sclere, built into a trabecule of the basal skeleton. It is assumed to belong to C. zitte/i, because other foreign particles were never seen being incorporated into the skeleton. It shows the same diagentic alteration as those in C. zardinii, thus probably being of originally silicious composition. Despite the great similarities in general appearance, C. zitteli can clearly be distinguished from C. zardinii, due to its peculiar microstructure. The primary skeletal elements are quite distinctly laminated, i.e. they are composed of discrete elements, having a dark envelope and containing coarser crystalline, thus lighter, material. In speci- mens of good preservation, Autofluorescence is very bright in the coarser crystalline inner part of these elements. In specimens with stronger dia- genetic alteration, CL shows bright colours in these areas, of the same colour and intensity as early diagenetic cements, pointing at relatively early solution events. Some specimens are totally recrystallized by late diagenetic non-Iuminescent Fe-calcite. In these ske1etal elements are only distinguishable by pyrite secreted in small crystals around them, in some instances even tracing the lamination. The strong recrystallization of some specimens and early diagenetic recrystallization events point, 260 when contrasted with the preservation of Mg calcitic C. zardinii, at an originally arago'ntic mineralogy of the basal skeleton. Remarks: With the discovery of a siliceous spicule in C. zitle/i, a demosponge affinity is highly probable (hexactinellids are not known to form calcareous basal skeletons). By its peculiar rnicrostructure it is clearly set off from other sphinctozoan groups. To avoid confusion with other species (e.g. Solenolmia manon, which is sirnilar in general appearance), only species described in literature, which show this lamination, were taken up into the synonmy list. Wether all species contained in the family Cryptocoelidae erected by SENOWBARI-DARYAN (1990) possess this distinctive feature, which rnight be an acceptable argument for monophyletic origin, seems doubtful. C. zit/eli is a frequent part of biohermal limestones from the Ladinian-Carnian western Tethys (DULLO et al. 1987, TURNSEK 1984) and the upper Triassic of the southwestern Parnir (BOIKO et al. 1991). Other species of this genus are known from the Norian and Rhaetian of Sicily (SENOWBARI-DARY AN 1980, 1990). Genus Jab/onskya SENOWBARI-DARYAN 1990 Jablonskya andrusovi (JABLONSKy) 1975 (Text-fig. 7, pI. II1fig. 3-5, pI. IIIIfig. 2) 1975 C%spongia andrusovi n. sp.: JAB- LONSKY, p.267 ff., pis 1-3 1978 Follicatena cautica OTT: SENOWBARI- DARYAN (in: FLÜGEL ET AL.), p.167, p1.28, fig.2 1981 C%spongia andrusovi JABLONSKY: SENOWBARI-DARY AN, pl.5, fig.2 1983 Colospongia andrusovi JABLONSKY: SENOWBARI-DARY AN & sCHÄFER, p.181, pl.2, figs 2,7 1987 Colospongia andrusovi JABLONSKY: DULLO et al., p.532, p1.4, fig.2 1989 "Colospongia" andrusovi JABLONSKY: SENOWBARI-DARY AN, p.475, pl.2, fig.8, pl.l1, figs 7-9 1990 Jab/onskya andrusovi (JABLONSKY): SENOWBARI-DARY AN, p.140, text-fig. 15, p1.9, figs 7-9, p1.49, figs 1,3-4, p1.51, fig.8 1991 C%spongia andrusovi: RUSSO et al., pI. 50, fig.2, pI. 51, fig.4 •• partim 1992 Ce/yphia submarginata STER): REITNER, p. 131 ff., text-fig. 24/e-f, text- fig. 25/a, pI. 10, fig.l; non: text-fig. 24/a-<1, text-fig. b, pUO, figs 2-5, pis 11-12 Material: 11 specimens (partly fragmented) in 5 thin sections were investigated, whereof 4 were stained with a solution of alizarine-s and t4..4-.r:):" I '~ ""-'.*::..: ", ,. .. ~' /<.r;~ . . ~ ') "'\ ', '. . 1 ·' • • I •• 1\ ' · ~ .. , . ' 1 " ~""!!, fI" · · ·. i'~ . . ' " , ' ~'. · _· .. ... :'>l -' I ' . ,I - . I , ' ..•. • 'j. ' "\!'·'l . . I ' . ,.', 1 ' \ " .."} . .... I I' I . . . .. : . • , . ~ • ', • ' • • ' JIo .\1- . . .,,:,. ' rA ., • f , ' I I . ' ''' "' · . . , .~. ~ · . . .1 . .. .' ; - 1.,.. ;..... . - . " \ . . - /7,' '" I " . . . /1' .. I_ J ,)".', ., ... . I ".' '. V (I., ', 1" .. -1 ... / • , '1 .. . .. ~ - , ', ' ,' ," ', 11 ' ,. ', 1.- •• ',' , 1. ·0: ..... . . .. '. , I. - ' .. . '. ". • • .. # ..... • • • • · .. "---... - • • • •••• • • . , .... • 1 3 261 • , I • . ~I • . . J l\ . . • . • • " ~ ' ••.. , J ~ . ~- .. \, . / . . , " • • J I '.. .' I . "" · . , I · " -' . IJ . · . " . · ... ". ', /AI ·\I . . '.' , :.. ~. .. . :I " . - · . e ... , . .. , ~-~ . " . • . ~ . . - '" · .",,> .. ' ... ,/ ' . . I .. ' '- . . /"- . .' - '. ,/ .' . ." '" .. . . '. \ .. • • • · . . . ~ - .~ .' .'. - • • • • • . . .. . ·.· 1'- ... ", ., ,=. 'J · . , \ "" ... ' "1 -" ....:(.·V_ "; . " .' . . ' .' '( , / -.,' " . ~ ",. .... ...,. . "... ) . ". --: I . . " l ..... I ' -" '.' \ 1 - ... " . - - . . , '. .' '. \ I .... - - . . '. _I ' . " . .." . ." '" ", . ' \ '/'" . ~. .. " .. ". " - ' . -' -I " . . ' . .' . . ' " /' - . . · , , " ~." • • • • " . . " • • • • • • • • 4 Fig. 7: Growth strategy ofthe basal skeleton of Jablonskya andrusovi (For explanation see text) potassium-hexacyanoferrate-lli. Intensive autoepi- fluorescence was observed in 4, CL in 2 thin sections. Description: J. andrusovi possesses a primary basal skeleton, that is composed of several spherical or barrel-folilled segments of up to 1 cm diameter, ananged in a catenulate manner. Tbe walls have a thickness of ca. 0.4 mm and are pierced by a lot of regularily arranged exopores of 0.1 mm diameter. In the top of the segment or losely spaced on the outer walls appear larger, up to 1 mm wide openings (oscula), surrounded by a collar-like extension of the wall. Tbe walls contain irregularily branching 0.05 wide "channels", which never lead outside the wall. It was shown by • SENOWBARI-DARYAN (1989), that these are not spicules, due to their ultrastructure, so that he tel med them as "pseudospicules" . Tbe microstructure of the primary basal skeleton is irregular micritic, being of an original high-Mg calcite composition (11 Mol% MgC03 after RUSSO et al 1991), like in C zardinii. Auto- epifluorescence shows high intensity, especially in the described "channel-like" structures, pointing at contained organies, while CL is only weak. a hint at little diagenetic alteration. This primary basal skeleton is not secreted, where it rests on a substrate, be it a preceding segment or an allen substrate. Succeeding chambers are often separated by thio layers of micrit coDtaioiog particles. The segments of the primary skeleton are mostly filled with vesicular filling tissue - only one small specimen lacking these structures - comprising the secondary basal skeleton. These vesicula are ca 0.2 mm, at the maximum 0.4 mm thick, adding an inner layer of up to 0.7 mm thickness to the segmental walls of the primary basal skeleton and thus dosing the exopores. It is also fot med at the base of segments, such that intersegmental walls gain the three-Iayered appearance. Vesicules can also be contained inside the exopores. The vesicules show an arrangement with the concave sides pointing out of the segment. In some cases one or two exopores are left open, with a succession of vesicules pointing towards them with their concave side. The last voids, being in contact with the environment by these open exopores are often filled with sediment. They sometimes have a tubular form, leading to the osculum at the top of the preceding osculllm. Similar tubular structures may run through the center of segments, interconnecting them. Because they are fonned by impenneable vesicules, they can not be inter- pretated asretrosiphonate spongocoels as has been done by SENOWBARI-DARY AN & SCHÄFER (1983). At the osculllm they are frequently sustained by bundles of monaxone scleres, pointing back into the chamber.They were probably primarily siliceous, as shown by their replacement by highly Illminescent (CL) early diagenetic cements and non-lllminescent late diagenetic Fe- calcite. Another frequent and peculiar structure are small, roundish objects of up to 0.4 mm diameter and with a larninated appearance. They are in dose contact to the vesicular filling tissue, actllally being fonned by it and may contain smaIl sedimentary partides as cores. They thus resemble the elements of the pisolithic filling tissue of Pisothalamia described by SENOWBARI-DARY AN & RIGBY (1988). Remarks: The Mg calcitic mineralogy distinguishes J.andrusovi dearly from the Genus C%spongia, with which it shares a lot of other characteristics. The dosure of the exopores by the secondary basal skeleton and their rarer appearances in vertical sections often provoked confusions with other apo rate sphinctozoans such as Follicatena (SENOWBARI-DARY AN 1978) and Ce/yphia submarginata (REnNER 1992). Up til now J. andrusovi has only been found in Call1ian reef limestones of the Western Tethys (Dolomites, Northern Calcareous Alps, Carpathi- ans, former Yugoslavia and Turkey). 262 Porifera inc. sed. Genus Amb/ysiphone//a STE Amb/ysiphone//a strobiliformis DIE CI et aI. 1968 (text-fig. 8, pI. IWfig. 1, 3 & 4, pI. IV/fig. 6) 1968 Amb/ysiphone//a strobilijormis n. sp. : DIE CI et aI., p.142, text-fig.9, pI.29, figs 1- 3, pl.33, fig.3 Material: 5 specimens in 3 thin sectioos were investigated, all being stained with a solution of alizarine-s and potassillm-hexacyonoferrate-lII. Auto-epifluorescence was observed in 2 thin sections, CL in 1. Description: A. strobiliformis has a catenulate primary basal skeleton, whose flat chambers are of trapezoidal fonn and of up to 2.8 cm width and up to 4 mm height. The segments get broader with ontogeny while staying constant in height. Each segment, sometimes separated by a layer of micritic crusts, rests on the preceding one with the oarrower end, such that the whole skeleton gets fllnnelshaped with a dear outer segmentation. If the chambers reach a certain width (about 1 cm) a narrow secondarily retrosiphonate spongocoel is instalied, which later (at a segment width of ca 2 cm) wideos to fonn a funnel in the segment roof (primarily retrosiphonate). The segment walls are about 0.6 mm thick, getting much thicker at the upper edges of the segments. In their outer portion they contain irregular branching pores of 0.05 mm diameter, while the segment roof is pierced by openings of up to 0.23 mm diameter. The spongocoel wall is quite thin and penetrated by irregular pores. The skeleton is rooted by skeletal material intruding into pores of the substrate. The microstructure of the primary basal skeleton is spherulitic with spherulits of 0.1 mm diameter. Due to intensive diagenetic alteration by replacement in fOlIl1 of Fe-calcite, auto- epifluorescence as weIl as CL show weak luminescence colours, a hint to originally aragonitic composition. In some instances, spherulits contain small cores of intense epifluorescence, caused by remaining organics. The secondary and tertiary basal skeleton are weakly developed in A. strobiliformis. Only some of the charnbers contain thick vesicula, which dose off large, basal parts in the respective chamber. Inside these spaces, the inner side of the segmental wall may be covered with another layer of skeletal carbonate with an orthogonal microstructure. It is interpreted as the tertiary basal skeleton, being produced by epitactic growth of the spherulits in voids left by the living tissue of the sponge. The same process is responsible for the fact, that a lot of pores of the outer walls are dosed secondarily. f T - r t t r..--I . . . .. " 1 263 2 3 , 1. .. , ,- - - Il-. . ... . ... . .. . o. . . . \. • .. • • • ",' ',, ' 1 : • • • . . r . . '. .. . . . . \., .; " . '" . ,' .. ": . '/ ' ,"" • • ..... • : . •..... -.!. :~ ... ' .. C-" -"" - , -~ • • • • . • - ... • • • . . ,. . . .. . " • • • - .e . ' . ...- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • ______ ~ -_.- 1 4 ~- 3 ~-- 2 Fig. 8 : A: Growth strategies of the basal skeleton of A mblysiphone/Ja strobiliformis B: Biomineralization process of Amblysiphone/Ja strobiliformis (for explanation see text) 6. Palaeobiological reconstructions 6.1. Palaeobiological interpretation of general features of sphinctozoan coralline sponges Sphinctozoans, with their chambered basal skeleton, have long been interpreted as sponges, though their eloser affinities remained doubtful. 10 some cases there were proposals to ascribe them to hydrozoans (c. zit/eli; STE 1882) or even to algae (Celyphia submarginata; RAUFF 1914). Arguments for their poriferan origin where spicules (Barroisia; RAUFF 1914) or tubular systems inside the cbambered skeleton combined with a system of exo- and endopores (SEILACHER 1962, OIT 1967a). The latter can be used as an argument, because it implies a filtering life habit (compare experimental results of BALSAM & VOGEL, 1973, referring to archaeocyathids). Further evidence for the above assumption came from the (re-)discovery and elose examination of recent poriferans with calcareous basal skeletons and especia1ly of the sphinctozoan Vaceletia crypta. All species described in this study show either of these features and microstructural sirnilarities to recent cpralline sponges, so that their poriferan nature is confinned. As has been noted earlier, this study tries to ouiline palaeobiological r models for different sphinctozoan species separately, so that details will follow in the succeding sections. But two general features are common to all sphinctozoans, such that their interpretation is best dicussed in this section. These are the possession of achambered basal skeleton and the fonIIation ofvesicula. The fonnation of massive, calcareous, basal skeletons is known from a variety of sponges today. Basically the secretion of such a skeleton should follow the general pattern, proposedly valid for all metazoans and given by the following model (following WHEELER & SIKES 1989): Ca' '-ions attach to free ca1boxyl-groups of the so-called soluble matrix (i.e. soluble in EDT A-solution) fOlilled by polypeptids in an ordered manner. The structure and composition of these polypeptids (ß- sheets) determines the nucleation rate and mineralogy (aragonite or calcite) of the resulting precipitate. To develop the ability of the soluble matrix to capture Ca' '-ions, a second set of organic macromolecules, the insoluble matrix, is needed, on which the soluble matrix can be attached. Details for this process are still unknown for sponges, but it seerns probable that exo- pinacodenn cells produce the soluble matrix, while specialized cells of lophocyte or collencyte origin ("Iarge cells with granules" in Acanthochaetetes, REITNER 1991b) provide the insoluble matrix. During the described process, the participating organic substances are enriched in the precipitate, and can be made visible by using epifluorescence • nucroscopy. As this luminescence can be observed in all species under examination here, it is highly probable, that a similar process is responsible for their skeletogenesis. It was especially RAUFF who argued in a very polemic manner for a diagenetic origin of calcareous basal skeletons, especially in his very detailed work on Barroisia (RAUFF 1914). That the basal skeletons of sphinctozoans were produced by the organisrns themselves can be derived from two other facts too. These are the frequent overgrowth by epizoans (SElLACHER 1962, ZIEGLER 1964a) and by borings (STE 1882, OTI 1967a). In this study a boring occured only once in C. zardinii, but epizoans are very frequent (mainly Inicritic crnsts of microbial origin, Tubiphytes and coralline sponges in some cases). As a matter of fact, these two arguments do not show, that the skeleton was produced during lifetime, but that calcification had to occur shortly after or during death at the latest. Another i mporta nt interpretation, that can be derived from encrustations and borings of each individual chamber is, that each chamber of a sphinctozoan is the result of a discrete calcification step. This lead HERAK (1944) to regard the single chamber as representing the individual, while the whole skeleton represented a colony of first order (called "Person"), which in turn can form branching colonies of second order. The basal skeleton in coralline sponges serves three main functions: 1. It enhances the resistability against mechanical stress. SC CHER & PLEWKA (1981) computed a far higher resistability against mechanical stress of the basal skeleton in Ceratoporella nichoJsoni, a chaetetid coralline sponge, than in scleractinians. 264 2. It provides the sponge with a permanent substrate, which can be resettled after ecological crisis or scavenging. Some coralline sponges are known to store special cells for reproduction and nutrition ("thesocytes", known from Acantho- chaetetes weIlsi. MerJia normani and Petrobiona massiliana, VACELET 1991, REITNER 1992). Experimental results on this topic where gained by JACKSON & PALUMBI (1979). 3. The basal skeleton can be seen as a container for Ca' , -waste deposits, which occur during metabolic Ca' , -detoxification by the sponge. This is especially true for the tertiary basal skeleton (for discussion see REnNER 1992). The mechanical strength of the skeleton is considerably diIninuished by the segmentation in sphinctozoans. The advantage of this strategy of skeletogenesis is, that the organisms gain a much higher speed in vertical growth. This is the reason why sphinctozoans are generally more readily found in bafilestones than in true framestones. At least this is true for the material underlying this study, with the exception of C. zardinii, which houses in smal I crypts in coralline sponge- hydrozoan framestones (compare FAGERS'IR0M 1984). Except for possessing a basal skeleton, there is hardly any other feature common to all coralline sponges. The only exception is the possession of vesicula, which is also known from skeletons of archaeocyaths, scleractinans, brachiopods, bryozoans and rndists (ZIEGLER & R lETSCHEL 1970). Their distinct nature, which lead us to designate them as secondary basal skeleton, has been recognized early. SElLACHER (1962) and OTI (1967a) interpreted them as residues of an retreating epithelium, in analogy to the scleracti- nians. In VaceJetia crypta they are known to be formed by thin organic lamella, which are produced by the basal endopinacoderm, and separate the upper part of the skeleton inhabitated by the sponge tissue from the basal part, which has been left by the sponge during upward retreat and is filled with an organic mucus (VACELET 1979, REnNER 1992; compare also SENOWBARl- DARY AN 1990). They are impermeable, which also can be seen in fossil species, as voids deliInited by vesicula are nearly always sediment- free in contrast to other voids. Due to their fonnation at the base of the living tissue, they are of great value in palaeobiological reconstruction, because they enable to detect strategies of retreat in the basal skeletons. The function of such lamellas is primarily to separate parts of the basal skeleton, which can not be supplied with food, from the remaining living tissue. This is shown by specimens in our material, where vesicula are fOIllled in the vicinity of encrnstations covering the pores, and of contact zones with other skeletalized organisms. Food • crises may also force the organism to retreat from the basal parts of skeletons, and last but not least the sponge may reach its maximum size of the soft body, which leads to the same result. The remaining voids below the vesicula are filled with an organic mucus, which may calcify in a later stage (tertiary basal skeleton). Because the secretion of the tertiary basal skeleton may be interpreted as a Ca I l-detoxification (see above), the vesicula may also have an osmoregulatory function. The interpretation of vesicula is complicated by the fact, that there are sirnilar structures called tabulae in chaetetid Acanthochaetetes weIlsi, which are fOfllled by the basal exopinacoderm, and enclose thesocytes (see above). The importance of this strategy will be discussed in the section on J. andrusovi. 6.2. Palaeobiology of Cassianothalamia zardinii (text -fig. 5) The basal skeleton of C. zardinii shows very close sirnilarities to the recent sphinctozoan species Vaceletia crypta in all respects, except for its mineralogy being Mg calcitic. This already lead REnNER (1987) and ENGESER & APPOLD (1988) to compare these two fOHIIS. Nevertheless the basal skeleton has to be seen as a convergence, due to their known systematic positions, which shows the high systematic value of skeleton mineralogy. Like Vaceletia crypta, C. zardinii erects its flat cbambers successively, as is shown by the clear separation line between the base of trabecules and the roof of the preceding chamber as weil as by • enclosed encrusters. The creation of a new cbam- ber may have occured according to the following scheme, in analogy to Vaceletia crypta and as shown by fine structures: Part of the soft tissue emigrates from the already existing cbamber and erects an organic matrix, preforming the later skeleton. This organic matrix is composed of an organic envelope (sometimes seen as a thin redbrown line bordering the primary basal skeleton) containing a central thread forwing a network of organic fibres extending into the roof and the tlanks of the trabecule (in some cases seen in fossil material). The whole envelope is filled with organic mucus, which induces the calci- fication progressing from the center outwards. Remaining organics can be seen by auto- epifluorescence in the resulting precipitate. The recrystallization areas in the trabecules may be due to an incomplete calcification. The intel nal structure of theresulting skeleton is very regular, but gets irregular, if the calcification process is disturbed (encmstation, rapid vertical growth). The overall form of the skeleton is balf- spherical, but may be cbanged by the form of the 265 crypt inhabitated or by encrustations. C. zardini shows a high potential of regeneration by asexual budding. That this is provided by reproductives enclosed by the vesicules is not plausible, the latter are not permeable and fragmented specimens are very rare. The resettlement was rather due to remaining soft tissue in the surficial regions of the skeleton. The spongocoel, formed in late ontogenetic stages, served the reduction of the way the water current had to pass through the living tissue. In analogy to Vaceletia crypta the exopores can be interpieted as prosopores and the endopores as apopores. In earlier ontogenetic stages the function of apopores may have been taken over by apical pores. The diameter of these pores (140~) does surely not represent that ofthe ostia, because the latter havediameters of only 50 ~ (BAR 1982). It is much more plau- sible that the skeleton was enclosed by a thin exo- pinacodermallayer, narrowing the pores. The vesicula were most probably produced as described for Vaceletia crypta above. Their position shows, that the living tissue of C. zardinii could inhabit several cbambers. Position and extent of the living portion of the skeleton flucluated highly, showing distinct phases of retreat, probably due to food crises or similar factors. The cor- relation of encrustation or other factors of growth disturbance and the secretion of a secondary and tertiary basal skeleton proves, that the latter play a role in the physiological reaction potential of the organism, when exposed to ecologic stress. In some cases it was observed, that the secondary and tertiary basal skeleton enclose alien particles and scleres, functionally reminding of pearls. The encapture of spicules shows no systematic orien- tation, so they play no integral part in skeleton formation. 6.3. Palaeobiology of Cryptocoelia zitteli (text-fig. 6) In spite of the overall sirnilarity in skeletal architecture with C. zardinii, C. zitteli shows a , very different strategy of skeletogenesis. While the skeleton is also fOIllled by flat, clearly distin- guished chambers, supported by trabecules, the elements of the prirnary skeleton are laminated. These structures point to the fact, that the skeleton of each segment was raised successively by joining discrete elements, and not in a rash, progressing manner as in C. zardinii. In specimens of good preservation, these elements are shown by auto- epifluorescence to resembIe small cushions, pro- vided with an envelope and filled with ca.bonate material rich in organics. The assertion of OTI (1967a), that the trabecules grow downwards is not plausible, and surely due to section effects. Rather the segment was built upwards by piling up the elements. A recent pendant is not known to the authors. Only the secretion of calcillmcarbonate in an extrapinacodellllal layer of mucus, as observed in Acanthochaetetes, may serve as an inter- pretation. This would mean, that the elements, • constituting the trabecules, where fonned in a small void between the basal pinacodenn and the already finished part of the basal skeleton. An alternative could be, that small containers with an envelope of organic material were produced by the organism, and then stacked to fOlm the skeletal elements. The organic mucus inside these containers then induced calcification. Here, as in C. zardinii, the calcification of the secondary and tertiary skeleton followed the same basic process as that of the primary basal skeleton, as is shown by the occurrence of the same rnicrostructural and lurninescence features. The appearance of vesicules, a tertiary basal skeleton, and scleres have to be interpreted as in C. zardinii. That vesicula close off greater parts of the skeleton from the surrounding is rare. This may be due to the cylindrical, branchy habit, which reduces the distance between exo- and endopores. Additionally to this the narrow, retrosiphonate spongocoel served the same function. This growth fonn is also responsible for the fact, that C. zille/i is able to in habit a milieu of higher sedimentary input. A rapid vertical growth is also seen in the much greater segment height, which frequently has the consequence, that the trabecules get highly irregular. Tubiphytes, which is very often seen enclosed in the skeleton, was most certainly a commensal, and points to quite long growth intelluptions between the erection of segments. 6.4. Palaeobiology of Jablonskya andrusovi (text- fig.7) After the two sphinctozoan species described in the previous sections, which have a skeleton composed of tlat segments sustained by trabecules, we now turn to a "typical" sphinctozoan with a primary basal skeleton built up by spherical, hollow chambers. J. andrusovi is very similar to C. zardinii in skeletal mineralogy (Mg calcite), microstructure (irregular micritic with some Jaminations), diagenesis, and organic content (both skeletons with intense auto-tluorescence and remains of organic matrix in foun of red-brown fibres). The only difference in these respects seeIOS to be the occurence of "pseudospiculae" in the walls of J. andrusovi , which are interpreted as an additional element of the organic matrix respon- sible for calcification. Although these facts suggest, that skeletogenesis occured in the same way in both mentioned species, it is unplausible, that J. andrusovi should construct its segmental walls by an organic matrix, raised by a not yet differentiated cell assemblage emigrated from the preceding 266 chamber, because such a structure would be extremly instable. It is more plausible, that the calcification occured in the cortex of an individual already established with an active choanosome on the preceding chamber. This special way of basal skeleton formation will be discussed in more detail in the next section. The exopores, piercing the walls of J. andrusovi, do not show the dimensions of ostia (max. 50 ~). Thus it is problematic to decide, wether they were inhalant or exhalant openings. In the text fig.7 illustrating . the palaeobiology of J. andrusovi, the first alternative was favoured, although it is as likely, that the real inhalant ostia lay in the cortex around the exopores, having been closed during calcification. That they are represented by the channel-like struktures in the chamber wall is unprobable, because these never lead outside the wall. The larger openings in the apex of the charnbers and on their side were surely exhalant openings or oscula. The most striking feature of J. andrusovi is its secondary basal skeleton, developed as adense vesicular filling tissue. The following observations, partly already made by SENOWBARI-DARY AN (1990) and FINKS (1990) are important for the interpretation: l. If one aSSIImes, that vesicula represent remains of a retreating soft tissue with the concave side showing into the direction of retreat, the soft tissue was withdrawn from the chamber in phases, beginning at the base of the chamber and progressing upwards and outwards. 2. By this process the exopores are closed by a vesicular layer coveriog the inside of the chamber walls. Three cases can be distinguished: The pore is closed inwards from the outside, the pore is closed outwards from the inside and the pore • remarns open. 3. The vesicular filling tisue fonns tubular syteIOS, which interconnect segments or lead outside and are attached to oscula. From these observations the following picture about the skeletogenesis of J. andrusovi arises: In the beginning stands a fully differentiated individual, provided with a SUbdeIßlaJ cortex and resting on the precee.ding chamber. At a certain point, not exactly fixable, the cortex calcifies with the exception of the contact area to the substrate (where probably no cortex was fonned). Later, the soft tissue withdraws from the newly built chamber, leaving behind vesicula. Partly soft tissue, resting on the chamber walls (probably the exopinacodenn) is drawn into the chamber by this process. The soft tissue leaves the chamber through some exopores and the oscula. At the oscula, the exhalant channels leading towards them are pictured by vesicula, including scleres stabilizing them. In the end, a new individual is established on the newly left charnber. This bebaviour can be interpreted as a special of a well known phenomenon in sponges, the tissue regression. During this process the soft tissue is reduced, thereby losing its choanosomal organization and changing a lot of cell types into arcbaeocytes. Such tissue reductions are called forth by ecological crises and/or reproductive phases (for more detailed information see SIMPSON 1984). A special case of tissue reduction is the production of reductiae in Ephydatia jIuviatilis, where large voids appear in the sponge tissue during the metamorphosis, lined by endopinacodenn (as seen from illustrations in WEISSENFELS 1989). This endopinacodenn rnay well bave been responsible in J andrusovi for secretion of vesicula. The seasonal occurence of such processes explains segmentation in this case in an elegant way. The tubular systems enclosed in the vesicular filling tissue show that the basal skeleton probably still bad some storage function, either for nutritive and/or reproductive cells. Such storage function of the basal skeleton are known from a number of recent coralline sponges (Acantho- chaetetes. Mer/ia. and Petrobiona, see V ACELET 1990, REITNER 1989, 1991a) and gemmulae, special reproductive cells also known from marine species in the recent, were found in the fossil sphinctozoan Ce/yphia submarginata by RElTNER (1992). 1f this were the case in J andrusovi. it is possible, that the vesicula were secreted by the exopinacoderm, in analogy to the tabulae of Acanthochaetetes, which seclude the stored theso- cytes from the rest of the soft tissue. The frequent occurrence of fragmented specimens may bave been a way of propagation for the reproductives (propagation by fragmentation is also known in recent sponges, see BATIERSH I I .L & BERG- QUIST 1990). Another function of the dense vesicular filling tissue was of course to stabilize the hollow chambers. It can additionally be observed, that ve- sicula are secreted around intruded foreign particles to foun pisoid-like structures. They would thus bave a function as pearls. 6.5. Palaeobiology of Amblysiphone//a strobili- jormis (text-fig. 8) Like J andrusovi, A. strobiliformis has a primary basal skeleton composed of large, hollow chambers arranged in a catenulate manner. Nevertheless it is different in not possessing such adense vesicular filling tissue. 1f we assume, that the secondary skeleton is always secreted, when the soft tissue retreats, several chambers of A. strobiliformis must bave been inhabited at the same time. This is additionally suggested by the spongocoel penetrating most of the segments. The exopores point at the following course of the water current: 267 the narrow channels on the side of the chamber were inhalant pores, while the wider exopores in the segment roof and the endopores in the spongocoel functioned as exhalant pores. This interpretation is possible, in contrast to J. andrusovi, the exopores show a clear differentiation in size. The difficulty in expJaining the secretion of large, hollow chambers was already hinted at in the preceding section. To solve this question, we first turn to the spherulitic microstructure of A. strobiliformis. Such a microstructure is known from the recent coralline sponge Astrosclera willeyana, where the spherulits, composing the basal skeleton, are secreted around seed nuclei containing high amounts of organics (GAU'IRET 1986). Their existence in A. strobiliformis is proved by the appearance of centers with intense auto-fluorescence inside the spherulits. These seed nuclei are produced intracellularily (according to REnNER (1991b) in vacuols of special cells derived from the pinacodelIn, according to WOOD (1991) in surficial arcbaeocytes) and then transported to their destination, where they grow on epitactically until they merge. This would mean, that A. strobiliformis possessed a specialized subdermal zone as the zone of destination for the seed nuclei. Such subpinacodermal zones are well known from a number of sponge taxa and called cortex (for details see SIMPSON 1984). According to VACELET (1971) a cortex has the function to protect and stabilize the sponge. Thus the growth of A . strobiliformis can be described in the following way: In a fully differentiated sponge provided with a cortex, calcification starts with the intracellular production of seed nuclei by specialized cells. The seed nuclei are transported into the cortex and start to grow epitactically. Because it is known, that the possession of a cortex may inhibit growth, it is probable, that calcification marks a point where the maximum of growth is reached. This is also suggested by the very constant height of the segments. After calcification the soft tissue extends , out ofthe newly formed chamber. Except for chamber height, A. strobiliformis shows a clear ontogeny in the succeei!ing chambers: the breadth of each segment is continually increased. 1f a certain breadth is reached, a secondary retrosiphonate spongocoel is instalied, which later widens to fOlm a primary retrosiphonate spongocoel. This clearly shows, that the installation of a spongocoel is a function of chamber volume, in the way, that it reduces transport ways of the filtered water in the chamber. The occasional appearance of vesicules, shutting off basal parts of large chambers, rnay bave served the same function. The capability to grow epitactically is retained by the spherulits. This is shown by the fact. that the oarrow iobalant cbaonels are closed by epitactic growth, and by the forlllation of an additional inner layer of the walls of an orthogonal microstructure (as part of the tertiary basal skeleton). In both processes remains of organic substaoces in dead portions of the basal skeleton may have been of great irnportance. The pisoidal structures, fixed to the vesicular filling tissue, have to be interpreted as pearls, like in J. andrusovi. 6.6. Comparison with other coralline sponges Because comparisons always are in need of a thorough classification the following one of architectural types in fossil and recent coralline sponges is proposed, mainly resting on the works ofRElTNER & KEUPP (1989), REITNER (1992) and WOOO (1991) l. the crnstal type: The basal skeleton is produced by biomineralization occuring at the base of the soft tissue. Two subtypes can be distin- guished: a) simple crnstal type: simple, solid crnsts are secreted (known from Hispidopetra); Ceratoporella mediates to the chaetetid crnstal type by inserting tubes into its basal crnst. b) chaetetid cmstal type: The basal crnst contains tubes subdivided by horizontal tabulae; surficial astrorhizae may be developed (known from Acanthochaetetes. Merlia and fossil chaetetids) . 2. the matrix type: biomineralization occurs in an organo-spicular matrix, penetrating the sponge tissue. The following subtypes exist: a) stromatoporoid matrix type: the encrnsting basal skeleton is composed of vertical and horizontal elements forming a more or less regular network. Threedimensional astrorhizae systems or mamelones maY occur (known from Minchinellidae, Astrosclera, Calcijibrospongia and fossil stromatoporoids). b) inozoid matrix type: branching basal skeletons with an intelllai structure like that of stromatoporoids. Prominent chanoel systems may penetrate the whole skeleton (early ontogenetic Astrosclera, fossil inozoaos and some fossil stromatoporoids) . c) sphinctozoid matrix type: Horizontal and vertical elements of the basal skeleton are arranged to fOI 111 achambered skeleton, sometimes pene- trated by spongocoels (knmm from recent Vaceletia crypta and some fossil sphinctozoaos). The archaeocyaths (if sponges at all), established as a separate type by WOOO (1991), can be identified as representatives of the matrix type. The first two studied species, C.zardinii and C. zitteli, with their trabecular skeletons, are easily fitted into this scheme as representatives of the sphinctozoid matrix type. This is also true for the 268 fossil taxa Verticillitidae and Vaceletiidae, established by REITNER & ENGESER (1985), as is shown by comparisons with Vaceletia crypta. From these two taxa C. zardinii is only different in spiculation and mineralogy of the basal skeleton. Other fossil taxa of the same architectural type are Solenolmia ("Dictyocoelia'~ manon and the genus Zardinia, which even shares the same mineralogy of the basal skeleton with C. zardinii. Interesting comparisons can also be made with archaeocyaths (see DEBRENNE & VACELET 1984. ZHU- RA VLEV 1989). . C. zitteli with its very special mode of biomineralization can only be compared with a few fossil representatives in this respect. There are only some members of the family Cryptocoeliidae and some Palaeozoic stromatoporoids with a similar laminated microstructure. In contrast the two other studied species, J. andrusovi and A. strobiliformis, represent a third basic architectural type within the coralline sponges, which we call the cortex type. It is characterized by the fact, that biomineralization of a basal skeleton occurs in a specialized, subdermal zone of the more or less spherical sponge individual. Thus the classical sphinctozoans are distributed in this classification among two groups, notwithstanding possible transitional forms. The cortex type is not known from the recent. The growth strategy of J. andrusovi with its retreat from the chambers, is weIl known from other fossil taxa. As examples may serve: the genus Colospongia (see OTT 1967b) from the Triassic and the genus Salzburgia (see SENOWBARl- OARYAN & DI STEFANO 1988). There are also great similarities with the glomerate sphinctozoan Alpinothalamia (see SENOWBARl-OARY AN 1990). A . strobiliformis, last but not least, re- presents the most widespread type of sphinctozoan, being composed of more or less hollow chambers, pierced by numerous pores. With its aragonitic basal skeleton of a spherulitic microstructure it is part of the family Sebargasiidae, responsible for the , sphinctozoan radiation in the Upper Carboniferous and the PeIlllian (FINKS 1990). If they compose a monophylum is doubtable though, after all we know about the strong tendency of sponges, to develop secondary basal skeletons in independent evolutionary lineages. Of interest is the inter- pretation of pisoid-like structures inside the skeleton of A. strobiliformis as pearls, which liken structures in Amblysiphonella? bullifera (SE- NOWBARl-DARY AN & RIGBY 1988) and the "spore-like" filling tissue of Intrasporeocoelia described by RIGBY et al. (1988). If the interpretation is true, these structures should not have a high systematic value. The same is true for the pisoid-like structures in J. andrusovi, which are also known from the Pennian Pisothalamia (SENOWBARI-DARY AN & RIGBY 1988). The model given for J. andrusovi may also serve to get a better understanding of the sphinctozoaos, which possess an aporate skeleton. A lot of them have a prominent vesicular filling tissue, so that it is very plausible, that a calcitication of the cortex without keeping pores open forced the soft tissue to retreat from the skeleton through the larger opeoings (probably oscula) always present in these taxa (compare Follicatena cautica in OTI 1967a, Gyrtiocoelia beedi in SENOWBARI-DARY AN & DI STEF ANO 1988, and Gyrtiocoelia typica in FINKS 1990). In some aporate taxa with a spherulitic microstructure (Thanmastocoelidae, OTI 1967a) the loss of pores may be due to the epitactic growth of the spherulits. The possession of pores may serve as a feature to subdivide the sphinctozoaos of cortex type into further groupings: 3) the cortex type: biomineraliUltion of the basal skeleton occurs in the cortex of more or less spherical individuals. The following subtypes cao be distinguished: a) primarily aporate cortex type: The calcified cortex contaios no pores, but only occasional openings (probably oscula). b) secondarily aporate cortex type: pores in the calcified cortex are closed during retreat of the soft tissue from the chamber by vesicula. c) porate cortex type: pores are left open during the calcification of the cortex and the vesicula. 7. Conclusions 1. The erratic boulders with Cassian fauna from the lower Carnian of the Dolomites contain a diverse fanna of sphinctozoans, which are suitable for palaeobiological reconstructions due to their excellent preservation. 2. Luminescence techniques are successfully be nsed for investigations in biomineralization, because of their capability to resolve certaio structures better than by nOlmal light. Additionally they render the possibility to estimate the role of orgaoics in biomineralization and the course of diagenesis. 3. The comparison of sphinctozoans with recent "CoralIine Sponges" is very valuable for the reconstruction of their palaeobiology. The iosight in genetic relationships forces to modify the traditional classification of basal skeletons. One of the consequences is the introduction of a new tenuioology for the elements of basal skeletons. Three different components cao be distinguished: the primary basal skeleton (fOlming a rigid network), the 269 secondary basal skeleton (vesicules, spread up in the former) and the tertiary basal skeleton (passively secreted ca.bonates in parts of the basal skeleton, which have been left by the living tissue). 4. Cassianothalamia zardinii RElTNER is a sphinctozoan with a trabecular architecture. Its basal skeleton is analogous to that of recent Vaceletia crypta (V ACELET). The Mg calcitic, irregular-micritic basal skeleton is buHt by the calcification of an organie matrix, which penetrates the Iiving tissue. 5. Cryptocoelia zitteli STE erects its aragonitic, trabecular basal skeleton by a successive stacking of discrete elements, which results in a lamellar microstructure. 6. Jablonskya andrusovi (JABLONSKY) erects its Mg calcitic, irregular-micritic chambers by the calcification of a cortex. Later the tissue emigrates from the chamber, in connection with a tissue regression (triggered by ecologic or reproduktive cycles). During this the hollow chamber is filled up with vesicules, which close of the exopores. The basal skeleton possibly posessed a container function. 7. Amblysiphonella strobiliformis DIE CI et al. constructs its chambers by the transport of intracellularily secreted, aragonitic seed nuclei into a cortex. Inside the cortex the seed nuclei grow epitactially to form spherolites. A greater part of the basal skeleton is constantly inhabitated. 8. The analysed taxa can be seen as models for the greater part of sphinctozoans. As a consequence the morphological subdivision of the "CoralIine Sponges" into organizational types has to be modified: while the sphinctozoaos with a trabecular architecture alongside the stromatoporans represent those coralline sponges, which secrete their skeleton in an organic matrix, penetrating the living tissue (matrix type), others consist of large hollow chambers, thus representing another type. Here the calcification happens in a , subdermal cortex (cortex type). Inside this group of coralIine sponges three subtypes can be distioguished: the porate, the primary aporate and the secondary aporate. Taxa with a prominant intelllaI, primary skeleton as weIl as uvifOIm and glomerate fOlIns mediate to the matrix type. In the third type of coralline sponges, the cmstal type, taxa of sphinctozoid architecture are not known. 8. Acknowledgements The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is gratefully acknowledged for finacial support (Re 665/1 & 4) 9.References ASSERETO,R., MONOD,O. 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Lond. 25, p.23- 40, 4 figs; London 274 Plate I Fig. 1: CassianolhaJamia zardini REnNER 1987 Two specimens growing together and being separated from each other by vesicula. They show several growth phases due to resettlement of the basal skeleton. The specimen to the left is restricted in growth by encrnstations, such that only a small rest is allowed to grow on in a columnar manner (arrow). The volume of this part of the basal skeleton is reduced by vesiculae. Scale bar is 3 mm. Fig. 2: Cassianolhalamia zardini REITNER 1987 Specimen with a regular primary basal skeleton structure. The secondary and tertiary skeleton fill up nearly all of the skeleton's voids. The whole specimen is surrounded by rnicritic crnsts. Scale bar is 2 mm . • Fig. 3: Cassianolhalamia zardini REnNER 1987 Part of a GirvaneLJa-like crnst growing on a segment roof. It is enclosed by the base of a trabecule of the following segment. Scale bar is 250 ~. Fig. 4: CassianolhaJamia zardini REnNER 1987 A monaxone sclere [1], a sedimentary particle [2] , and GirvaneLJa-like crnsts [3] are enclosed by elements of the secondary and tertiary basal skeleton. The skeletal architecture is disturbed. Scale bar is 250 ~. Fig. 5: CassianolhaJamia zardini REITNER 1987 Two specimens, one dwelling in a smaIl gap between a strornatoporoid and a chaetetid coralline sponge. The overall f01l1l of the basal skeleton matches the form of the gap. Qnly the ontogenetically youngest cbambers were inhabitated as shown by vesicula closing off the older chambers from intruding sediment (arrow). Scale bar is 2 mm. .".,.-., • • • • • i't'. "'."" !.iI • • • • • " • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q , . \ " \. • • • o .' • • • • • • • • ~"" .. ",,_,_,a~,'&· _~ '_' - • , 1> , • . "", ,l<, • • ,j;f , '" • ':' • • • • • i " • '''''- ... ' " • '''" \ • • , • J • • , • • \ • -,i , ,-, '. • • . ~ . , ~'" •• .-" • , N -l VI 276 Plate n Fig 1: Cryptocoe/ia zitte/i STE 1882 Oblique section through a specimen. The lamellar microstructure of the basal skeleton is clearly recognizable [1] , as well as the narrow, retrosiphonate spongocoel [arrow]. The ontogenetic older parts ofthe skeleton on the rightside are cut horizontally and show the irregular, somewhat septal arrangement of the trabecules [2] and a dense secondary basal skeleton (vesicula). The segment roofs are covered by thin, micritic crusts. Scale bar is 2 mm. Fig 2: Cryptocoe/ia zitte/i STE 1882 A sclere integrated into the primary basal skeleton [arrows]. It protrudes from the se<4ment and is covered by the micritic crust also covering the segment roof. The originally siliciouis spicule is replaced by Fe-calcite. The basal skeleton contains vesicula [1] and deposits ofthe tertiary basal skeleton [2]. Scale bar is 1 mm. Fig. 3: JabJonskya andrusovi (JABLONSKY) 1973) Specimen with four chambers. The chamber walls [1] consist of micritic, irregular Mg calcite and contain a dense vesicular filling tissue constituting the secondary basal skeleton [2]. This fonus a second inner layer of the chambers, such that intersegmental walls gain a three-Iayered appearance. The chamber walls are pierced by Ollmerous pores (see tangential sectrion of a wall above specimen) which are closed by the secondary basal skeleton. The vesicular filling tissue contains pseudopisoids [3] and tubular systems [arrows]. Scale bar is 5 mm. Fig. 4: JabJonskya andrusovi (JABLONSKY) 1973) Dense vesicular filling tissue; the thicker vesicula show larnination [arrow]. The pores below on the right side are closed by the vesicular inner layer of the chamber wall [2] . The vesicula point out ofthe segment with their concave sides. The vesicular void at the far right communicates with the surrounding environment by a pore left open [1]. Scale bar is 1 mm. Fig. 5: Jablonskya andrusovi (JABLONSKY) 1973) Pseudopisoid and vesicula inside a chamber. The pseudo-pisod shows a circumlamellar structure and is in direct contact with the vesicula. It contains a sedimentary particle as a core [1]. Scale bar is 250 J.UIl. r- r- N .. ". ._- -i'.' :;J ' . .\ ""~- • > . • . , j , ;;;'-~ .:.....- ... _- .;;- . j /'" • ~ -\ t~ . -... • "', -~ .", - ., ""~-~ T; .,;,;.. ,;! .<.~,­~ . .H; . ~ ,",,' .~ . ';":, H, ~. 8 '" o _/C" • 4. ; ,.... '" • ,.,' r . r '" ~ ., " . . -. ' j • ~,"'-- O;S __ = W' e ",'", """"" • 9 l 4 -4 • I • ,",," 4.. ( , 4 ,. ',", '. -ib>1!I1 'lI ~ < ... ~ ' .. , 278 Plateill Fig. I : Amblysiphone/la strobilijormis DIECI et al. 1968 . Whole specimen with a spongocoel [1], which develops from a primary retrosiphonate to an secondarily retrosiphonate. The chambers are trapezoidal, broadening upwards while keeping a constant height. The upper edges of the chambers are thickened. The outer walls contain labyrinthous pores, while the segment roofs contain wider, straight pores. Inside the chambers are some vesicules and pseudo-pisoids [arrow]. The first segment roots in a bryozoan [2]. Growth is renewed on the spongocoel of the youngest chamber. Scale bar is 5 mm. Fig. 2: Jab/onskya andrusovi (JABLONSKY) 1973) . Part of a vesicular tube directly beneath an osculum. The tube is f01ll1ed by vesicula and sustained by collar-like arranged scleres [1] . The osculum possesses an elevated rim. The chamber walls contain irregular, chartnel-like voids [2] . Scale bar is 500 J.Ul1. Fig 3: Amb/ysiphone/la strobilijormis DIECI et al. 1968 Outer part of a chamber, which has been secluded by a vesiculum [1]. The vesiclular void contains pseudo- pisoids of spherulitic rnicrostructure [2] and and an inner walilayer of orthogonal to clinogonal rnicrostructure [4] added to the spherulitic segment wall. Scale bar is 500 J.Ul1. Fig. 4: The outer edge of a chamber. The wall contains labyrinthous, sometimes branching pores. The spherulitic rnicrostructure of the aragonitic basal skeleton is discernable. Scale bar is 500 J.Ul1 . • < • ~ . " • • , ; , • • • • , • ~ " , . • . " . '. ." • . :.:. .' . .. : , .. ' • • • 4 I I • • • , 279 • • • ~ , • • • , , ' . • • ~ • • 280 Plate IV Fig. 1: CassianolhaJamia zardini REnNER 1987 A monaxone sclere entrapped in the primary basal skeleton. The sclere is passing through a void between two trabecula. The originally silicious sclere appears non-Iuminescent under epifluorescence (yellow fluorescence, high performance wide-band pass filter BP 450-490 nm, LP 520 nm) due to replacement by Fe-calcite. Scale bar is 125 ~ (auto-epifluorescence photograph). Fig. 2: Cassianotha/amia zardini RElTNER 1987 Part of the periphery of the specimen in pI. I, fig. 2 under epifluorescence. Voids in the primary basal skeleton are filled with highly Illminescent material from the secondary and tertiary basal skeletpn. The tertiary skeleton shows a stepwise decrease in luminescence intensity towards the center of voids. Voids filled with diagenetic cements show no luminescence. Scale bar is 125 ~. Fig 3: CassianolhaJamia zardini RElTNER 1987 Part of the primary basal skeleton with vesicula (secondary basal skeleton). The elements of the primary basal skeleton show a somewhat stronger luminescent rim. Voids of the skeleton are filled with early diagenetic cements in two phases: 1. a palisade cement with low lllminescence [1], 2. a non luminescent bladed calcite with a brightly orange luminescing rim [2] . This sequence is developed with much higher thicknesses inside the voids closed off by skeletal elements. In the last cementation phase a non-Iuminescent Fe-calcite is deposited [4]. Scale bar is 250 ~ (combined noc lila I light and cathode-ray luminescence photograph). Fig. 4: Cryptocoe/ia zilteli STE 1882 The lamella of the primary basal skeleton show a bright luminescence under the cathode-ray [2] , enveloping weakly luminescent zones. Colour and intensity of the luminescence corresponds to that of early diagenetic cements [arrow). The envelopes of the trabecules and the vesicula themselves show hardly no luminescence. Scale bar is 500 ~ (cathode-ray luminescence). Fig 5: Cryptocoelia zilleli STE 1882 Two trabecules with distinct lamination. Auto-epifluorescence light one recognizes, that the trabecules are constructed by distinct "cushions", which possess a weak luminescent outer envelope [2] and a brightly yellow luminescing interioc [1] . Between the trabecules vesicula [4] and deposits of the tertiary basal skeleton (3] have been deposited. Scale bar is 125 ~. Fig. 6 : Amb/ysiphoneJla strobiliformis DIECI et al. 1968 Outer wall under epifluorescence (BP 450-490; LP 520).showing labyrinthous pores filled with brightly luminescent grurneleuse micrite [1] . The primary basal skeleton is strongly recrystallized and thus of 10w luminescence, except for some brightly luminescent centers of spherulits [arrow]. Scale bar is 125 ~. 281