Histological investigation 01 organisms with hard skeletons: a ca se study 01 siliceous sponges F HOffmann\ 0 Janussen2, W DfÖSe', G Arp', J Reilner' 'l.WtwIJIyatGOrJiF'I'j""~oI~.~Grtq).~3,D-37'On~rio ....... _ ,~ /nsIiIIAe _ NaIuI-. ~~. Matiw v_ ... Soot:Cim I. s..a.:~ 25. D-6CI32S FrriJutI *" .w.m. Getrnanr Abstract Silicrous ~nd c~lul'OO\ls spongH rommonIy an" lreared w,ll\ lions. H istology of "pkulatNl sponge ms .... "",,...,;mls a chaUenging problem in sponge histot«hl\Ology. Furthennore. Il~ in " Iu hybridiution (FISH).a key mrihod for studying spong~ zs:xiated lIIiocrobes, is not poesible alter add tre>tment. Fot a brood ra"se of sjliceous spon~ species, we dr-..,lop<'mmcod embedding , i55UC blocks with LR Whi'" l'11Sin combined wilh '" i1Ioc 5taining techniqu<'!l for largc spedmens with thkk and numcrous spiculcs, but pa,affin embcdding and subsequcol 5taining for whole smaU spedmcns. f or F1Sl-I on siliceous ~ponS<'!l' .... e remmmcnd Histocryl cmbcdding [f the spkule rollieni is high, bul paraffin embcdding If I1 is Iow. Classical hislologkal tc<:hniques Me u!l«l for d wilh simple body pl.IU roIlsisting of only a fe .... sp«i;Jlite in .itu hybridization (flSH) on ~ponge """tlons (e,g., Man~ l'l al. 2000, Wet>ste, CI al. 2001) bec~m~ popular fOT identificalion and localiz.alion of spongc·aS5OCiated b;.cleTia within sponge tiss...." Paraffin is lhe dassica.1 cmbedding lechnique for light mkroscopk ""amin.otion of any tissue (Ro- mcis 198':1), ;an(! ;1 commonly is used for sponge hi~tology. Cryotechniquet, which im"ol, ... cutting frou ... rissoe blocks on • special CJyomicrotome, an! faSIeT and ca.ie •. For boIh tl'Chniques, s iliceou, or (.!cai"1!OUS Spi(u!es must be remo-'ed wHh hyd- rofloork add (HF) or hydnxhloric .eid (HCC), '" re;pectively, to ob\.oin S<.'Chon, of good '1u.1lity. This procedure has ",veral disadvantoges. First, it ma k.,,; oi>s<;,,,.'ation 01 thc skc1ctal arrangement in lhe """tions impossible . 5e<:ond, il ri~h in sili~oous .pirol"". aS most cold-waler sponges are (Barlhel 1995), the lissue may ~ollap", alter .pieule rem""a! Furlhennore, afler HF Irealmeni, FlSH is no longer possible (personal <'>l>servation). F"" .pongc sp<.'Ci"" lacking a mineralized skeleton, HF treatment can be omitted and FISH is possiblc on both paraffin """liorlS (Manz el al. 2(((1) and cryosections (Frie- dlich d a1. 1999. Websler and Hill 2001. Webster el a1. 2(01), Ilmbcdding in resin is an alternative l<'Chnique. Some methylmelhacrylal~ (M MA) ",sins are uscd in hislolngy, usually in kits combined wilh benzoyl pero~ide (Romeis 1989). Trade names includc Techn""iI and Histocryl. MMA "",ins ha,'e b.:en uSCt",.llQ 8wi"I",.i. wilh HF prior 10 embcdding in Teehn""il 8100, Resins originally designed for Iransmission elee- IMn microscopy also h.-,ve been used for lighl mkroscopy, Cakified biofilms were .tained m Mx prior 10 cmbcdding with ei!her lipophilk dyes after dehydralion or walc,- soluble dy"" on hydrated sampI"", and cul wilh a cireular ,,",w using a diamond knife (Reitner 1993, Arp 1999). Bhauacharyya et 01. (1999) des.:ribtod a Similar methOO for undeealcified rat libia . Embedding in lR While combined wilh m biO( staining has OCcn applied sucees.fully on spong"" wilh a calcareous basal s keleton (Wörheide 1997) and on silierous sponges (Reilner 1992, 1993, Holfmann CI al. 20(3). An easy melhOO for oblaining """Iions wilhoul HF Irealmeni is . imply to Cul lhe fixed, unem- bedded sponges by hand wilh a sharp sealpel inlo < I mm secti"". and k1 lhem air dry (Hoop'°r 2(((1, Soesl et al. 2(((1), Sections oblain~>d in Ihis way are good lor cxaminotion of skclela l .rehile-c- lure for taxonomie delermination, bul !issue SITUC- !ures aTC d~'Slroyed. Margot cl .1. (2002), howe""r, uSCdding. culting and st.lining using a wide range 01 spong<"S from Ih~ Norwegian, Anl,1T'clk and Medilerranean Seas, The aim of lhe sludy reported here was 10 ~" 'alu"te mclhod, Ihal a110w preparation of lissue _Iions appli"able for histologieal inv<"Stigahon o.nd FlSH 01 siliceous .ponges Wilhoul remO\'ing Ihe .picules. Although SOme 01 the d~'SCrib<.>d embedding lechniques may also be used during many ye.rs from differenl loc.lities, Spedes from Iho.o Sula Ridgc region, Norwegian Sea (M' OS' N; 08' OS ' E), were sampled in May, 1999 on Ihe Norwegian reseaKh \'essel /01"," Hjor/ using a lriangular dredge, in July/Augu'l, 1999 on Ihe German research "essel P~dlYrl and the mann~>d submersible Jago. Sponges from lhe Kors/jord ""ar lhe city. 01 I.Iergen. Norwegian west c"",1 (60' 1)9' 12- N; OS 08' 52" E) were sampled in Augusl and Sep lember, 2(((1, and in Oclober, 2001 on lhe Norwegian ~aKh """",Is Hans BraUs/rom and Au .... Ua using a lriangular dredge. Sponges Imm Sul. Ridge were growing in associalion wilh living and d<'Caying oor31 rws 01 Wp),f!iJ> p<'rluSQ , on drop .tones or in solt oottom sedim, ... ts nc.lr Ihc rcds al 200- 300 m deplh (Frei"'ald cl al. 2002). In Kors/jord, Ihe sponges were growing on a hard bottom slope 100- 300 m d""p. During Ihe deep sea expedition ANDEEp 11. 28,02.- 1.04.2002, sponges ",ere co11e<:!t.>d from lhe Anto"'lic Weddell Sea by Agas. iz Irawl and ~pi. benlhic sledge Qanuss-en, in p",s.). In Ihe M~>diler' ranean deep "' •• we r«orded large popUI.llions of very small sponges. whieh ha"e bo", ... conected in the course of sc"eral expeditions, During Ihe 1993 and 1998 expeditions wilh lhe ~aKh ,""s SEI Mr/ror (Me25 and Me40), many ~k>d iterranean deep sea slations in Ihe Sporades Basin, Sea 01 Crete and Ihrough"uI lhe Le,'anl Ba,in we", sampled by Irawl. epibenlhic s k>dge and box co",r (Hiekc cl al . 1994, 1999), As parI 01 a deep "'. monitoring exp<.>dilion off Ihe coasl of l.raeL a few Irawl'le,led a new sampling lechnique in Ihe deep ",a and relrieved very sma11, .pong"S « I cm). Spcci~'S used for Ihis ",porl are li.led in Table l. All sp''Cimen were fixed in 2% formaldehyde+ 0.04% glularaldehyde in /ilter-slerilized sea w.ler, in 4% formaldehyde in sterilized sea waler, or ~,-. formaldehyde in pho!!;phate buffered saline (pBS) solution p.-epared wilh d istilled waler. Fi ,~>d ,,",m· pIes Subsequ~nlly were dehyd raled in .ln elh.lnol seri"" (15, 30, .nd 50'% EIOH in artificial sea water or I'BS) .• nd sto .... >d in 70'% elhanol. 192 Bio/8CIlnic & Hislocllemislry 2003. 78(3 - 4): 191- 199 Hexactio s"» I./a/acos.,.,.."~'" Tt:#'IUi"T 1910 c.w~ enl81C!icus Sc>o..o.n " K1"",,~-...co< 18\0 ~n.'P. - ............,.. PlBkoffis ~It ~ 1880 T.tr~ ~rI ~S0u.A8 \880 Geoodiot ~ EIc.Jrrwto_ 1858 Geodia lI\IIC8IIdnrIoi ~ \ 858 'SCJ'S pliIIIy&fll Sou.A8 \8110 1henea murlc8!8 E\owI;_M, 1858 Thenea n, sp. Tantoti1;m sem/IIllberltes s.:-.oT 1870 TiInklIUn n. 'P. Sd>BtiIM ~ RnLy " CkNDv "., 5d>em!l!!i trIIicto$mtnus R ........ " 0.""" "" Rhizaxioellll n. 'P. C~rI";tio 000 '101 pi-.. Foocapi& Itwq:w 8owmoNcl hardening m .. SI be longe., For ~JIer samplcs, the times should be the same, or .her experiJT\C1\tmS- may be. little Moner. Em~' ding kdmiqut'S e'-al .. ated in our i ludy an: li51('(1 in Toble 2. Paraffin TIS$~ blocks ... ere <'frIbedded in p.liraffin os d .... ..rn~ ea..Jier (Romcis 1989). To n:rn()\'e air, blocks "",1«<1 ,,' ith paraffin ... en' pL1<:ed in . p;oralfin bath in a deslccator 10.- a few minules at 60" C. Paraffin blocks ... "re co"k-d on a ~ 5' C pb!" prio.- 10 cutting. Paraffin _tions 3< lO )Im thick w"re cul .. sing a rotary mkrot~ HM 3-10 E (Microm, Walldo rf. G.-rmany) with single-us.e blades. Thick. !ioectiOll5 ca" be made by using I"" trim_ ming option on the rotary m;cmtorne and cutt;ng each S<.'Ction a i if trimming Ihe block, 1>,HtiruJarly fO'r Stud y 01 the skeletal .. chi te"' .. re, whi(h ;. imporlant 1O'r taxonomy, 30- 50 11m sectioru are re55 slides. dew.~oo by xyleno: tre.>t""",r and dried fO'r 3t least 1 h al 60" C prior to 5taining or FISH. Staining techniques acrording 10 Coldner and Gie~ (Rom~is 1989) ga'-e gaod resultl;. SKtioni wc"" mounl~'(\ wilh Biomount or Enteibn b;,lsam (Plano w. ''Iannel. Wdzl~r, Genruony; Merck. Dannsladt. Germany) and """,~ under a light microscope. For 4·.6-diamidino-2·phenylin· dole (DAI'I) staining, se<:tions ,,"cre COIWed wilh 3 1- 3 )lg/ml DAPI So.llution fOT S 10 min in the dark. rinsed wilh d istilled watcr. mo unted with CitifluOl" anlifading agent (Plano W. Plannet), and """'eittsburgll. PA) as dcscribed by Ihe manufxw ...... Frozen bIoo::ks Werdding in L~ Whlle. We dewlope'" can be achle,-ed using Ihis me1hod. 5...:lions 20 HXXl 11m aTC cul, and can be ground to appro~i­ mole1y 5 11m. hen uJlrarnicrotom" !ol'Cliotu for electron microscopy can be obtaincd from spieu· laled tissue blocks (Uri2 et a1. 20(0), bol the knift. it. usily Ci.ot..'Ct.'S of carbonate cry<;lals (Reitne1" 1993, Re-ilner et al. 1995. Arp 1999). In silk<,<>us sponges. lissue contrail is enhan<:ed and different cell types aOO li;,;,ue siruciures are d .. arly visibl .. (Fig. 20). Slaining with loluidi ..... blue 0 ..., /Neo: cannol bc rerom· m( ... ded fur sponges wilh d .. ",,1lC tissue and numero ous spong"'associal~>d Metcria, t"'<:aullC I~ 1!14 Blorschnic & Hisrochemisrry 2003. 78(3 4): 191 199 Tabla 3. Compa riSOO 01 embeddi ng methOds for siliceous Spo<1gg operat",n , - , , , Sec1ion q!lalily , 0 ++1+ +' +1++ ' H Mintmum SIlCtion Ihickr>ess (~m) , , ""'. , ,,",' '" FISH on section H -, H H DAPI Slaining on seclion H -, H H ~, Giemsa sla inong on secloon H , 0 0 .... very good ... good: 0 poot: Fig . I . DAPI SI!'ur>e<:t 20 I,m LR Whfte SIlCtions of PIlakellia ventilattrum (a) arocl PIilkO<1is simple~ (b), Choanocyte chambers (ce). canals (ca) . and ertiCopy in",!;~'S c.,n bc obl,lin",j using Ihis mdhod (Fig. 2b). Block st~ining. ho""cw,, incre""-,,, thc ~muunl of liss",- ",mpie' n,,,oded on the ",me spo"g" . . \1.l tcri.,t a"ail"biHty may be a lim iting 'aeto" "'p<.<:i., lIy when d e.'li .. g with le'r sm., lI « 10 mm) spon!;", such as jU\'cnilcs "nd S()me deep sea sp<.<:i,.,.. Oll'ing tn Ihe hydrophobie eharaete, and high d ensily o' the ,,·,in, FISH on LR White ,,-"'tinn, i, impos..iblc, Olignnuclootidc prob.!" u,,->d I", FISI·j "re waler .;nluble and will nol penet,., te Ih,· ".,.in. The ",me is Ime lu' DAPI .md hislologie,,1 st"ins in "'lu<..:>us Whlli!(>- n)'l . This I\'as tTU" alS()'M sp'-"ic,> "nd ti"uc p~rt, e""tainin;; many spieu l,·s, c.!; __ thc coTtex v' C .. ,Id,,, sp<"ic"' . Sc"li"ns d"",n 10 5 ~m " .... e suitable 'nT FISI·j (Fil\- 3), S,xti()T\S "I laryin;; Ihicknc'S> "nd 'lua lit y wc'e obl., ;nc, 20 I,m), ",hieh m"k~'S in k 'pretat;on uf FISH .lifflc" 11, b" t the th iekn,_ I, ..
  • used for Histo- eryl .lnd T,,,,h"''''il "-,,tions. Unfnrt "n.,tely. wc nbSCf'\",j incompll'te ~nd irregu l," ,t.,ining wilh Gold,,,,r .lnd Giem", in both ).,Il-·IA ,,'Sins, c;.,rrits (1992) d,oscribed gond "",,,11, lor dill"Mn histolo- gica l ,taining of soft tilogy 01 siliceous sponges 195 Fig. 2. (a) FluorOChromo image (Ca lce tJloo 01 01 Pha~ellia venr~ IabllJm on 100 ~m LR White sections. Bundles 01 sp;cules (spl !ypical lo< lhis species witt1 accompanyir>g ceIIs (ac) are .isitJIe. Note choanocyte chamoor$ (ce) and <:aMis (ca) in tOO cOOaOOSOlTl8 and differenl ~I Iype$ in lhe ectosome (~) et the sponge su~ace. Bars _ 100 ~m. ~n'ed that the time ,,~>eded for slain;ng ror"-b laled negalively wilh se<:lion thickn~'Ss. It ~ms thaI lhe spOllg" lissue in Ih ick 5<'.:lions binds lhe .Iain mon' n'adily Ihan il d ucs in Ihin ,;.;..:tion5. T'.Ha ffin 5<-..:lions wilh""t prior diSS.,)ut ion of the si !i~....,u. skeleton were of poor qualit)" in liss,,~ parIs Ihal conl.,in~><;l numerouS thick '" Inn,; spicult'S, c.g" Ihe cortex of Gt'OJ;a or Ihe lissue of ",me Hexactindlida. ){l'Sults \wre bt,tter for lissue wnlaining few or small spicule. (Fig , 4), a nd allho"s" lissu<' S<.'Cl ions .1Iw.1)"s wc'" parti)" torn, usabl~ a",aS fnr FIS)'( and histologieal 51a ining could be found on mosl "",lions. Carcful Ce..eath 1he- CQrtex , tiS$OO Sl"-"'tures as canals (ca] and a large spor>ge eell (eeß wirh indusiens. cw i) are cl&arty visible. Tl1e oIi900L>CIeotide probe EUB3Ja IAmann et a l. 1990), cod by \'arying culting lemp.,ralur<' a nd more pra,ti,c , For oll tc..:hniques described here "sing rola,y microtom .. 'S. ",-'Ction quahty was ne;-c, a. good a, that obtain~>d wilh p rior acid t,,-'~tment. Althou);h S(lme histol Oj;i~a l slaining cou ld oc appli<>J sue· ce»fully on spon);" S<. .:tions w;th sili''''''''5 spicuk'S, wc R..:omm~nd spicu l ~ rcmü\'al für hislulo6i(~1 imeshW,tions IVh~"" "",!ions < 20 ~m are n<>ed~>J, <'.g .. for s tud)"ing fine hss,,,· slr"c!u"" . jI,·lelhods Im embedd ing an d cuuing si liceous spong~'S should bc chosen a"mding to thc aim 01 in\'esligation and 196 Bioleclmic & Hislochemjslry 2003. 76(3 4) : 191 199 FIg. 4. T""I_ 01 ~ SIl. from lhe AnIa,ClIC Weddell Sea. appt<>.Umate/y 4970 m I' bI« 5e~,ning and culting with a drcular sa ... ·. For '-"ry small ~ponges. " 'e rewm- mc."1Id p3laflin embedding of a cenlr.1 longiludi",,! CIlI IhrotJgh lhe ""li ... spong" wi thllut prior acid ln.'3tm~nt. .nd CI,t1 ing or lrimming wilh rotary mlerntome 10 oblain djflc,,-~u SI...:li'm Ihid",~sscs. I'or 1'ISH on siliceous spong~"'. we """mmend HlStocryl embedding ror sl"'Cio.'S or I~"" parts ",llh high spieule conlenl, and para ffin embedding il ehe sp;eule conl"'" i, k>w. Sr<1ions should bc cul ",Ih a roI3ry mkrotome ft), det.iled !iss .... "".mi""l;on. wo. ...,.,.,..,mend dassial hislologie.1 mCll\ods, Lc .• spieule ... moul byacid prior 10 embedding.. cu!ting .nd stain,ng. FIg . ~. Axial cut 01 TlIrlIOOum Ij). from the MeditelTalllNln SN. Easl,,", levanl Ba"",. "I'PfO.UMhI~ 1200 m oeep. .,_"hoJ in I*affin MCtionttd at 30 I""- and ........a -=oordihO 10 GoIdner tRomM 19691 TIw oectIOn Ihrougtl lIIe entlfe specrnen shows lIIe 5PQIIe orianIaoon and IN 0fi3NC basal plahl '" ......-gen ...., wIIC:h sorne 01 Iht ...articaf lj)ICt.lkts ~ (.ffOW). Ba, _ 250 ~m Acknowledgments I\'c Ih3n~ the c ....... 01 "-~3rch H$sds POS<'IolOII , Io/JIIII H,."I , HQm 8raIl5l"''''. and the I\.,.ri"" Biologie,,1 St.tion 01 ~.." Uniwrsily. 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