Designing iron-amended biosand filters for decentralized safe drinking water provision 1 2 3 4 5 6 Noubactep C.a,c (*), Temgoua E.b, Rahman M.A.a,d (a) Angewandte Geologie, Universität Göttingen, Goldschmidtstraße 3, D-37077, Göttingen, Germany. (b) University of Dschang, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Science, Dschang, Cameroon. (c) Institute of Water Modelling, Mohakhali, Dhaka - 1206 , Bangladesh (d) Kultur und Nachhaltige Entwicklung CDD e.V., Postfach 1502, D-37005 Göttingen, Germany 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (*) e-mail:; Tel. +49 551 39 3191, Fax: +49 551 399379 Abstract There are ongoing efforts to render conventional biosand filters (BSF) more efficient for safe drinking water provision. One promising option is to amend BSF with a reactive layer containing metallic iron (Fe0). The present communication presents some conceptual options for efficient Fe0-amended BSF in its fourth generation. It is shown that a second fine-sand layer should be placed downwards from the Fe0-reactive layer to capture dissolved Fe. This second fine-sand layer could advantageously contain adsorbing materials (e.g. activated carbons, wooden charcoals). An approach for sizing the Fe0-reactive layer is suggested based on 3 kg Fe0 per filter. Working with the same Fe0 load will ease comparison of results with different materials and the scaling up of household BSF to large scale community slow sand filters (SSF). Key words: Biosand filter, Iron/sand filter; Point of use, Drinking water, Zerovalent iron. Acronym List BSF Biosand Filter RZ Reactive Zone SSF Slow Sand Filtration WHO World Health Organization 1 1 Introduction 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Safe drinking water may derive from surface water or groundwater. Surface water is often polluted with pathogens (e.g. bacteria, viruses). Groundwater is mainly contaminated/polluted by inorganic species (e.g. arsenic, iron, nitrate, uranium). Both surface water and groundwater may be turbid (physical pollution) and contain organic and inorganic contaminants from both natural and anthropogenic origins [1-5]. Accordingly, at any location available water may contain biological, chemical and physical contamination. The World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water quality [6] outline a preventive management framework for safe drinking water [2,7-9]. The WHO guidelines [6] entail: (i) health based targets, (ii) system assessment from source through treatment to the point of consumption, (iii) operational monitoring of the control measures in the drinking water production, (iv) management plans documenting the system assessment and monitoring plans and (v) a system of independent surveillance that verifies that the above are operating properly. Whenever a water is polluted, e.g. after the WHO Guidelines [6], it should be rendered safe before consumption. Universal appropriate treatment technologies should be able to efficiently remove all three classes of contamination. For rural and peri-urban areas in the developing world, the treatment system should ideally occur in a single-stage filtration process at household or small community level [2,7,10-23]. From the available technologies, household biosand filters (intermittent slow sand filters) have been tested the most [2,24-36]. Currently, at least 500,000 people are using biosand filters (BSF) to provide safe drinking water [28,30,32]. However, it has been traceably shown that BSF do not remove all of the pathogens from water. Accordingly, several attempts are tested to improve the efficiency of conventional BSF [14,16,20,27,28,37-45]. For example, Baig et al. [16] used locally available biomass in their innovative biosand filter and reported on significant efficiency enhancement. On the other hand, amending BSF with metallic iron (Fe0) has been proven beneficial for water treatment [27,28,38,39.40,45,46]. However, as with most innovations, the early 2 development of Fe0-amended BSF is marked by empirical designs [32]. Therefore, the Fe0- amended BSF technology should now be translated into rational engineering design criteria. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 The present communication is a part of a series of theoretical works based on the aqueous chemistry of iron corrosion and aiming at easing research on water treatment using Fe0 [47- 51]. The expansive nature of Fe0 oxidative dissolution followed by precipitation of FeII/FeIII species (oxides and hydroxides) at pH > 4.5 [52,53] is properly considered. Much of the impetus for this work has come from the work of Noubactep et al. [12], who have proposed (i) Fe0 as a universal agent for save drinking water provision, and (ii) to amend BSF with a reactive zone made up of Fe0 and inert materials (e.g. sand). Subsequent works have rationalized the mixture of Fe0 with (i) inert materials [47,54], and (ii) reactive but non expansive materials [51] for long-term water treatment. A key question that remains is how to avoid that dissolved iron is present in the treated water? An analysis of published data from Khan et al. [37] to Ingram et al. [46] suggests that a fine sand layer must be placed downstream from the reactive zone containing Fe0. Based on this observation several design options are discussed. For the sake of clarity a conventional BSF will be first presented. 2 Biosand filter (BSF), The BSF was developed at the University of Calgary in the early 1990s by Dr. Manz [27,28]. The BSF is a downscaling of the slow sand filtration (SSF) technology [55] for intermittent water filtration at household level. The BSF has been reported to be efficient at removing chemicals (e.g. iron, manganese, and sulphur), pathogens (e.g. bacteria, viruses) and turbidity from low turbid water [27-30]. Unlike a ‘simple’ slow sand filter, the BSF has the ability to perform multiple functions as a single unit [4]. In a BSF, settlement, straining and filtration act in synergy to remove biological, chemical and physical contamination/pollution. Ideally, safe drinking water is produced. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 The most important process in a BSF occurs in a biological layer (biofilm) called the Shmutzdecke [4,12,33,34,57]. The Shmutzdecke develops in the presence of atmospheric 3 oxygen on the surface of the uppermost layer of sand that is responsible for the removal of microorganisms. Ideally, the fine sand layer downwards from the Shmutzdecke is almost anoxic (O 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 2 free) as O2 is consumed by microbial activity within the Shmutzdecke. It should be anticipated here that water exiting such an anoxic system is ideal for a Fe0 filter (reactive zone) as volumetric expansion is mostly limited to the formation of Fe3O4 with an expansion coefficient (η) of 2.08 [52,53]. Under oxic conditions more volumetric expansive iron oxides and hydroxides formed (η ≤ 6.40). As a rule, the larger the η value, the more rapid the loss of hydraulic conductibility (permeability loss) of the reactive zone. 2.1 Design of a BFS The engineering principles of household BSF is described in several recent communications [2,4,27-30,32,56-59]. All household BSF share five basic design components [56]: (i) a good source of sand and gravel, (ii) a bucket filled with 40 to 75 cm of fine sand (sand bed), (iii) a layer of static standing water (supernatant water), (iv) a maturation time of 14 to 21 days for formation of the Shmutzdecke, and (v) a flow control system. Ideally, water should flow freely from the filter (not tap). Intensive research is still targeted at designing smaller, lighter (portable), less expensive but efficient BSF [4,60]. Alternative BSF designs for better efficiency in aqueous contaminant removal have been tested [2,4,45,46,58,59]. Tested design parameters include: (i) sand type, sand size and sand depth [31,32,61], (ii) maturation time or time to formation of the Shmutzdecke, (iii) elevation head, (iv) standing water depth, (v) filter pause time or daily water throughput, as well as (vi) amendment of conventional BSF with reactive layers containing metallic iron (Fe0). The present communication is focused on the design of Fe0- amended BSF. Each of the six named operational parameters enumerated above has been reported to significantly impact the performance of the BSF for water treatment [2,4,33,45,59]. In particular, despite amendment with Fe0, resulted BSF are still tested for their capacity for 4 microbial attenuation and the removal mechanism controversially discussed [33,62,63]. This controversial discussion is not in accordance with the contemporary knowledge on the mechanism of contaminant removal in Fe 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 0 beds [14,15,64-70] as iron corrosion products should be regarded as ‘collectors’ in BSF [71]. 2.2 Operating mode of a BSF The supernatant water layer provides a head of water that is sufficient to drive the water through the filter bed, whilst creating a retention period of several hours for the water [2,55,72]. A BSF is doted with a underdrain system which provides an unobstructed passage for treated water from the filter bed and supports the sand bed. The outlet flow control maintains submergence of the medium during operation to minimise potential air-binding problems. Water percolates slowly through the porous sand medium. Thereby, inert particles and micoorganisms are removed from the aqueous phase. An algal mat forms on the surface of the sand bed and this is termed Schmutzdecke (a biolayer or biofilm of living organisms). After several months of operation, the surface of a BSF becomes clogged due to the deposition of suspended solids. At this time, cleaning of the filter bed is required. The BSF is cleaned by scapping off the top 2-3 cm of the sand bed including the Schmutzdecke layer. After a scraping of the sand bed, a re-sanding is necessary with the accompanying maturation time of the formation of a new Schmutzdecke. 2.3 Limitations of a conventional BSF Discounting any design limitations, the BSF is not destined to treat chemical contaminants in general and inorganic contaminants in particular. In fact, the affinity of sand for metal adsorptive removal is very low [73,74]. Accordingly, whenever chemical contamination is suspected, alternative to conventional BSF should be sought. One such an alternative is the amendment of conventional BSF by a reactive layer containing reactive Fe0. The suitability of 5 Fe0/sand filters for water treatment arises from the fact that iron corrosion products act as collectors [71,75] for all classes of contaminants [62,66,76]. 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 The suitability of Fe0-amended BSF for the developing world arises from the fact that the quality of available water is rarely assessed. A perfect illustration is the arsenic crisis in South East Asia where people have consumed As-contaminated waters for decades [41,77]. On the other hand, success of conventional BSF and other water treatment technology are not currently validated by biological and/or chemical analysis but by the decrease of the frequency of water born diseases [4,8,13,21,44]. For all these reasons, the need of a technology able at removing all classes of contaminants for water is obvious. 3 Fe0-amended BSF on an historical perspective The present section will consider only stand-alone Fe0 filters for save drinking water provision. 3.1 First generation Fe0-amended BSF: removal of chemicals The efficiency of iron-oxide-coated sand for contaminant removal is well-documented and has been used for water treatment in household filters for decades [20,42,78-80]. Conventional BSF have been proven efficient to remove dissolved iron from the aqueous phase. Moreover, BSF has been proven more efficient in removing inorganic contaminants (e.g. As) when the inflowing water was rich in dissolved Fe. Accordingly, Khan et al. [37] amended conventional 3-Kolshi filters with a layer of Fe0 to achieve better As removal by a BSF-like filter. It is very important to notice that Fe0 is added by Khan et al. [37] to produce iron oxides for As removal in filters. Accordingly, the Fe0-amended 3-Kolshi filter can be regarded as first generation Fe0-amended BSF. The first generation Fe0-amended BSF was proven very efficient but not sustainable because of too rapid loss of hydraulic conductivity [40,41,77]. As demonstrated in previous works [12,47-51,54], “diluting” Fe0 with (inert and) non-expansive materials is a pre-requisite for sustainability. In other words, the first generation Fe0-amended BSF was wrongly designed. 6 3.2 Second generation Fe0-amended BSF: removal of pathogens 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 The second generation Fe0-amended BSF was born with the work of You et al. [81]. These authors demonstrated that adding Fe0 to a sand filter, efficiently removed viruses. The removal was ascribed to pathogen adsorption onto iron (hydr)oxides formed via (anaerobic) iron corrosion. Virus removal by Fe0 was rapid and most of the removed viruses were irreversibly bound. The irreversible bounding of viruses by Fe0 corresponds to co- precipitation as presented two years later by Noubactep [64-70]. Strictly, the filter of You et al. [81] is not necessarily a biosand filter but a Fe0 filter for pathogen removal. In fact, the formation a Schmutzdecke layer is not explicitly intended. Rather, Fe0 itself is the pathogen removing agent. However, recent research based on You et al. [81] are testing Fe0-amended BSF as alternative to conventional BSF [33,45,46,63,72]. 3.3 Third generation Fe0-amended BSF: removal of chemicals and pathogens The third generation Fe0-amended BSF was born with the work of Ngai et al. [38]. The filter designed by Ngai et al. [38,39] combines the concept of a BSF with the innovation of a diffuser basin containing reactive Fe0. In this design, pathogens are removed mostly by physical straining provided by the fine sand layer (sand bed) [23]. Chemical contamination (e.g. As) is removed by adsorption onto iron oxides and hydroxides generated from rusted Fe0. A fundamental mistake was recently discovered in this design [12]. In fact, molecular O2 necessary for the formation of the Schmutzdecke is quantitatively consumed by the over- laying Fe0 layer. In other words, a reactive over-laying Fe0 makes the BSF inoperative for pathogen removal as no Schmutzdecke is formed. Thus, the obtained filter is at best a first generation Fe0 filter and strictly not a Fe0-amended BSF because the ‘Fe0 unit’ and the ‘BSF unit’ are two different components of the filter. On the other hand a pure Fe0 layer (100 % Fe0) at the entrance of the filter will rapidly clog due to the formation of voluminous corrosion products (η > 2.1) [52,53]. 7 3.4 Fourth generation Fe0-amended BSF 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 The fourth generation Fe0-amended BSF was born with the work of Gottinger [43]. It is characterized by a reactive zone containing a mixture of Fe0 and an inert material (e.g. sand). Fe0 is purposefully mixed with sand to prevent clogging [12]. It should be noticed that mixing Fe0 and sand is current in the research on Fe0 for groundwater remediation [74,82-86]. The present communication is limited to household and small community Fe0 filters. However, the results are up-scalable to larger Fe0/H2O systems. The filter designed by Leupin et al. [87,88] fulfilled these criteria but is classed here as the chronology is not an absolute factor. Furthermore this filter was designed mainly for As removal. Gottinger [43] was the first researcher to mix Fe0 and sand on a volumetric basis and test several Fe0/sand ratios (e.g. 50/50 and 40/60 and 0/100) in triplicate columns. Rangsivek and Jekel [89-91] tested 10/90, 20/80 and 30/70 Fe/pumice volumetric mixtures for metal removal but the tests were not systematic. They mostly worked with the 10/90 mixture without specifying the rational [89,91]. Independent theoretical calculations [47,54] have shown that the threshold value of the volumetric proportion of Fe0 for which the column reactive zone is clogged at Fe0 depletion is 52 %. The calculations were based on the assumption of ideally packed spherical Fe0 particles for which an initial porosity of 36 % is relevant. Natural sand is never perfectly spherical. Kubare and Haarhoff [32] reported an average porosity of 45 % for sand beds. However, the theoretical threshold value for Fe0 depletion of 52 % (corresponding to 36 % porosity) will be considered in discussing the design of Fe0-amended BSF. The meaning of this value is that any filter containing more than 52 % Fe0 (volumetric proportion of the solid phase) will clog before Fe0 completely depletes. The excess Fe0 amount relative to 52 % should be regarded are pure material wastage with the additional curse of shortening the filter service life [54]. 4 Designing Fe0-amended BSF 4.1 Strategic planning 8 The presentation above showed that a Fe0-amended BSF should be sequenced as follows: (i) supernatant water (e.g. 5 cm), (ii) fine sand (e.g. 40 to 50 cm), (iii) Fe 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 0/sand (x cm), (iv) fine sand (y cm), (v) sand (e.g. 5 cm) and (vi) gravel (e.g. 5 cm). The thickness of individual layers is from Lea [56]. In the design of Jenkins et al. [72] sand and gravel are replaced by gravel and rock respectively. The major feature for these layers is the difference in particle size. The above sequence suggests that the depths of the Fe0/sand layer and that of the underlying fine sand are yet to be determined (x and y values). However, the paramount question is which Fe0 material should be used? Characterizing the intrinsic reactivity of Fe0 materials [43,92-98] is a key issue for designing Fe0-amended BSF. The ideal material should be able to efficiently provide clean water for at least 12 months (one year). Therefore, all tested materials should be characterized for their intrinsic chemical reactivity [94,95,98] and their sphericity in order to enable results comparability. Next to the intrinsic reactivity, used devices should be characterized by [32,61]: (i) their dimensions, e.g. internal diameter and depth of reactive layers for cylindrical columns, (ii) the particle size and the surface state of used materials (e.g. Fe0, gravel, pumice, sand), (iii) the mass of Fe0, and (iv) the volumetric proportion of Fe0 in the reactive layer. The next section will discuss the thickness of the reactive layer. 4.2 Thickness of the Fe0/sand layer A cylindrical bed is considered; H is the height and D is the internal diameter. The cylinder contains a reactive zone with the height Hrz (x value from section 4.1) and the volume Vrz. Hrz is necessarily lesser than H (x < H or Hrz < H). Beds are supposed to be filled by spherical granular materials. The compactness (or packing density) C (-) is defined as the ratio of the volume of the particles to the total packing volume (Vrz). Considering the granular material as composed of mono-dispersed spheres subjected to soft vibrations, the compactness C is generally considered to be equal to 0.64 for a random close packing [51]. It is assumed that the particles are non porous. 9 233 234 235 The initial porosity Φ0 (-) of the reactive zone and the thickness Hrz of the reactive zone are respectively then given by: Φ0 = 1 – C (1) V D 4 H rz2rz .π= (2) 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 The filling of the bed porosity by iron corrosion products determines the filter service life and has been extensively discussed in previous works [51,54]. To completely define the x value (Hrz), Vrz has to be correlated to the mass of Fe0. Vrz is the volume occupied ideally by Fe0 and sand of similar grain size and shape (Eq. 3). For simplification VFe will be expressed as a fraction of Vrz (Eq. 4). Vrz = Vpore + VFe + Vsand (3) αpore + αFe + αsand = 1 (3a) Vpore = αpore * Vrz (4) VFe + Vsand = (1 - αpore) * Vrz (4a) VFe = τ * (VFe + Vsand) = τ * (1 - αpore) * Vrz (5) Where αi is the volumetric fraction of each phase, τ (≤ 0.52) is the volumetric proportion of Fe0 relative to the solid phase (Fe0 + sand) in the reactive zone [54]. Per definition, αpore = Φ = 1 - C and C = 1 - Φ. Thus Eq. 5 reads: VFe = τ * C * Vrz (5a) The mass of Fe0 necessary to fill the volume VFe is given by Eq. 6: mFe = ρFe * VFe (6) Where ρFe is the specific weight of Fe (7800 kg/m3). Combining Eq. 2, 4, 5 and 6 give the following relationship between Hrz (x value) and mFe (Eq. 7): Hrz = 4 * mFe / [(πD2) * τ * C * ρFe] (7) 10 Eq. 7 is the equation of the reactive zone. Three major issues should be considered: (i) τ ≤ 0.52 (52 % Fe 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 0 (v/v)), (ii) Hrz ≥ 5 cm, and (iii) Hrz < H. The threshold value Hrz = 5 cm is considered the minimum height for the realization of a homogeneous well-mixed Fe0/sand reactive zone [99]. Ideally, Hrz is only a fraction of H (Hrz << H) for example, Noubactep et al. [12] considered that Hrz should fulfil the condition Hrz ≤ 0.1 H. The mass of sand to be used is deduced from Eq. 8. msand = ρsand * Vsand = ρsand * (1 - τ) * C * Vrz (8) Where ρsand is the specific weight of sand (2650 kg/m3). 4.2.1 Illustration To discuss the applicability of the established equations, the biosand filter of Lea [56] with a diameter of 30 cm a height of 90 cm is used. The bed volume of this filter is 63.6 L. Accordingly if the reactive layer must occupy at most 1/10 of the bed, its volume should not be larger than 6.4 L. For comparison, at τ = 0.52, 1 kg of Fe0 is mixed to 0.16 kg of sand and the mixture occupies a volume (Vrz) of 0.2 L. When mixed to 8.32 kg of sand, the same mass of Fe0 (1 kg) corresponds to a τ value of 0.02 (about 6 % w/w) and the mixture occupies a volume Vrz = 5.01 L. Given that water treatment by Fe0 is a deep bed filtration, the present example illustrates the necessity of using lower values of τ with the additional advantage of reducing the clogging probability. The discussion in the next section will be mostly based on the threshold τ value of 0.52. 4.3 Discussion This work attempts to sustain research on Fe0-amended BSF by optimizing filter design in the perspective to rationalize experimental conditions and enable/ease results comparison. Accordingly, the most important issue regards sizing a filtration bed. Both for laboratory and 11 field works, one of the first task is to decide which column(s) to use. In some cases, available columns are simply used. But even in these cases, they should be properly filled to achieve reliable results. Sizing a filter bed will be discussed here in two different perspectives: (i) selecting the appropriate bed size, and (ii) selecting the appropriate thickness of the reactive layer (H 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 rz). 4.3.1 Rationale selection of the column diameter Eq. 7 gives the thickness of the reactive zone Hrz as a function of mFe, D, τ and C. From these 4 parameters, C can be considered a constant. Accordingly, Hrz is a function of the used mass of Fe0 (mFe), the volumetric proportion of Fe0 in the solid phase (τ) and the internal diameter of the cylinder (D). Accordingly, Eq. 7 can allow the calculation of the diameter of the column to be used to achieve a certain Hrz at a given τ value. The results of such calculations are summarized in Tab. 1 for τ = 0.52, C = 0.64 cm and the following values of mFe: 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 25.0 kg. From Tab. 1, it is obvious that the sole mass of Fe0 that is applicable for lab experiment (D = 3 cm) is 1 kg. The corresponding Hrz value is 55 cm which represents 61 % of the filter height (90 cm). Rigorously, the resulting system is not a BSF but rather a SONO-like filter. Nevertheless, the following sequence could be tested: 20 cm sand bed, 55 cm reactive zone (x = 55 cm) and 15 cm sand bed (y = 15 cm). Whether this design is satisfactory or not should be tested in laboratory investigation. In the case y = 15 cm sand bed is not sufficient to capture dissolved Fe from the reactive zone, the possibility of adding a second sand bed should be tested (Fig. 1). On the other hand, for Hrz > 0.33 H the perspective of sandwiching an Fe0/filter between two BSF must be tested (Fig. 2). The first BSF removes dissolved O2 among others and the second BSF removes dissolved Fe. Fig. 3 summarizes the results of the variation of Hrz as a function of D (τ = 0.52). It is clearly shown that the thickness of the reactive layer increases with decreasing diameter. It is shown (Fig. 3a) that Hrz values of up to more than 1300 cm (13 m) are obtained for larger mFe values. 12 However, relevant values must fulfil the condition Hrz ≤ H (H = 90 cm). Fig. 3b is limited to H 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 rz = 0.67 H (60 cm) for a better visualization. Table 1 shows that D = 50 cm is the largest value which may enable a 5 cm Hrz while using 25 kg Fe0. this situation is likely to occur in a field small-community-scale water plant. However, because Fe0 beds are deep bed filtration systems, it is advantageous to use a lower τ value (τ ≤ 0.52) to achieve a thicker Hrz with the same Fe0 mass. 4.3.2 Rationale for the thickness of the reactive zone The thickness of the reactive zone is necessarily correlated to the intrinsic reactivity of used Fe0. It is intuitive to assume that for each Fe0 material, a range of τ values (τ ≤ 0.52) may exist for which filter operation is optimal. A survey of the experimental conditions of available works suggests that they are highly qualitative. For example, Tellen et al. [45] introduced a 5 cm reactive zone containing 0.5 kg Fe0 in 44 cm sand bed without specifying the thickness of the sand layer under-laying the reactive zone. The design of Tellen et al. [45] was slightly modified by Pachocka [33]. She introduced a 3.2 cm reactive zone containing a Fe0 volumetric proportion of 15 % (τ ≤ 0.15). The Fe0 mass is not specified but calculations using Eq. 7 while considering the geometry and the dimensions of her device showed that about 2.2 kg Fe0 was used. Discounting the fact that building a homogenous 3.2 cm Fe0/sand layer is difficult, it is certain that such a thin layer is not suitable for a deep bed filtration process. Accordingly, guidelines are urgently needed to assist the laborious work of amending conventional BSF with reactive Fe0. The suitability of (τ, Hrz) values for several Fe0 materials and material amounts should be tested in laboratory studies before a trend is identified for generalization and scaling up to household and small-community Fe0-amended BFS. For further illustration, calculations are made using Eq. 7 for D = 30 cm and various Fe0 masses. The results are summarized in Fig. 4 and Tab. 2. Values in Tab. 2 are obtained for τ = 13 0.52. Fig. 4 shows clearly, that Hrz decreases with increasing τ values. For example, 25 kg of Fe 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 0 occupy a 13.6 cm at τ = 0.52, 26.2 cm at τ = 0.27 and 101.2 cm at τ = 0.07. While limiting the scale to Hrz = 0.67 H (Hrz = 60 cm), it is shown that 5.0, 10.0 and 25.0 kg are not suitable for τ < 7.0 % ( or τ < 0.07). These examples show clearly that there is an infinite number of possible Fe0-amended BSF. A systematic approach is therefore essential to identify and characterize useful combinations. The next section will discuss the design of a BSF containing 3 kg of a reactive Fe0. 4.4 Constructing a Filter with 3 kg Fe0 A conventional concrete intermittent BSF is used. An approach is suggested to purposefully amend it with a reactive zone containing 3 kg Fe0. First, Eq. 7 is modified to account for the filter geometry. The cross-section (S) is a square with a length (L) of 30 cm (0.3 m). The volume of the filter is V = S*H = L2*H. The modified Eq. 7 reads as (Eq. 7a): Hrz = mFe / [(L2) * τ * C * ρFe] (7a) The results (Tab. 3) show that Hrz takes values from 1.28 to 33.39 cm when the volumetric proportion of Fe varies from 0.52 to 0.02 %. The corresponding admixed mass of sand varies between 0.94 and 49.94 kg. Taking 50 cm as the maximal thickness of fine sand (sand bed) the resulting beds represent 2.6 to 66.8 % of the sand bed volume. Considering the practical constrain that Hrz ≤ 5 cm [99], only τ values less than 0.25 are applicable. That is, 3.0 kg Fe0 should be mixed to at least 6.46 kg sand to obtain a Fe0- amended BSF. The efficiency of selected possible filters (τ ≤ 0.25) should be tested. It is important to notice in this regard that the first permeable reactive barrier (demonstration pilot scale in Borden, Ontario/Canada) contained only 8 % volumetric ratio of Fe0 (τ = 0.08) and has been properly working for more than five years [82,100]. Accordingly, smaller τ values should be tested in parallel experiments. In this effort the suitability of the thickness of the under-laying sand bed should be tested (y value section 4.1 – Fig. 1). 14 For Prz > 10 % (τ ≤ 0.12 – Tab. 3) the alternative of a three-column-system should be used (Fig. 2). In the perspective of a Fe 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 0/sand column in sandwich between two conventional BSF (section 4.3.1) the possibility of using thin columns to save Fe0 must be tested. For example, while using 1 kg of Fe0, halving the internal diameter from 9.0 to 4.5 increases the Hrz value from 6.1 to 24.2 (τ = 0.52 – Fig. 3). This is a 4 times thicker layer for deep bed filtration in comparison to only 5.6 cm Hrz in a conventional BSF (L = 30 cm – Tab. 3). In other words, using thinner columns enhanced efficiency and save Fe0. The mathematical relation for the variation of Hrz values at constant volume (Vrz1 = Vrz2) is easy to establish and is given as follows: Hrz1*D12 = Hrz2*D22 (9) For D2 = D1/2, Hrz2 = 4* Hrz1. This corresponds to the results obtained while working with masses. 4.5 Ways to efficient Fe0-amended BSF The presented concept of Fe0-amended BSF is based on the profound understanding of the complex chemical and physical processes involved in the 20-years-old Fe0 remediation technology [64-70,82,100-105]. To mimic the subsurface Fe0 bed as closely as possible, anoxic conditions must be created before the Fe0/sand layer (reactive zone). This condition is satisfied the best by a conventional BSF. On the other hand, to avoid dissolved Fe in the effluent, water from the reactive zone must migrate through a thick fine sand bed. Ideally this is another conventional BSF (Fig. 2). Accordingly, the simplest way to efficient Fe0-amended BSF seems to go through an experimental design with a reactive zone (a small column – Eq. 9) sandwiched between two conventional BSF. After such conclusive principle experiments, the next advantageous step could be to test three compartments in the same column (Fig. 1). In this manner, the important requirement of compact systems for less skilled populations (including illiterates) is properly addressed [19]. Progressively, it is conceivable to 15 miniaturize the system down to Brita-type filters for a limited volume of tap water. However the focus of this communication is on household and small-community Fe 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 0-amended BSF. Provided that a relevant reactive Fe0 is characterized, selected, and used, the effectiveness of Fe0-amended BSF does not need to be demonstrated, except some technology verification in the field (monitoring). Beside proper system design, the two sole tasks are: (i) selecting and processing the appropriate Fe0 materials (including composites), and (ii) avoiding the use of Fe0-amended BSF for waters of pH < 4.5 [12]. In fact, the Fe0 remediation technology is based on the anodic dissolution of iron in neutral and close to neutral aqueous systems. In this pH range, primary iron dissolution is followed by a continuous build up and transformation of a corrosion product layer in the vicinity of Fe0 [106-108]. There is strong evidence that the Fe0-amended BSF will be efficient. For example, Westerhoff and James [109] performed field continuous-flow experiments at τ = 0.25 (PFe = 50 %. w/w) for almost one year for efficient removal of nitrate. During this period, up to 1500 bed volumes of water were treated. Assuming that two bed volumes of a BSF correspond to the daily need of a rural family, the 1500 bed volumes corresponds to the water demand for 2 years. However, the τ value (0.25) of Westerhoff and James [109] was not the result of any systematic preliminary work. Considering that a system at τ = 0.08 was efficient for more than 5 years under anoxic conditions [82,100], it is likely that the system of Westerhoff and James [109] was not optimal with regard to long-term permeability. 5 Concluding remarks Save drinking water provision using Fe0-amended BSF is already proven an efficient technology [33,37,41,45,46,81]. The estimated huge number of people (884 million) still living without access to improved drinking water [110] is an urgent appeal to the scientific community for (i) a rapid improvement, and (ii) a generalized implementation of this efficient technology. This technology primarily has a single serious limitation: available water must have a pH value ≥ 4.5. Fortunately, natural water with pH ≤ 4.5 is unusual. Therefore, Fe0- 16 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 amended BSF should be regarded as a universal technology that can be used at household and small community levels, but in general for decentralized safe drinking water provision. Using a mathematical modelling, the present work has presented several tools to optimise the efficiency of conventional BSF by adding a reactive zone containing a layer of Fe0 admixed to a non expansive material (e.g. MnO2, pumice, sand) [47,51,54]. A systematic procedure is introduced to sustain further research on Fe0-amended BSF. In particular the reactive zone must have a minimal thickness of 5 cm (Hrz ≤ 5 cm), and the volumetric proportion of Fe0 in the reactive zone must not be larger than 52 % (τ ≤ 0.52). As concerning the sequential design of the Fe0-amended BSF, it is essential that dissolved O2 is quantitatively removed from water before its reaches the reactive zone. On the other hand, a find sand layer must be placed downwards from the reactive zone and its thickness should be sufficient for scavenging dissolved Fe from the reactive zone. Like for other filters [4,40] layers of other treatment materials (e.g. activated carbon, wooden charcoal, Zeolite) [111,112] can be purposefully added before and/or after the reactive zone to optimise the treatment operation. It is essential to notice in this regard that efficient and low-cost traditional methods for aqueous iron removal in packed columns have been described in the literature [112-116]. Further research at several fronts is needed to develop approaches for the proper design of the Fe0-amended BSF. Relevant research fields include the intrinsic reactivity of Fe0, the size, surface state and geometry of Fe0 and non reactive particles, the size of the filter or the column, the configuration the Fe0/admixture layer, the thickness of individual layers, the nature of the admixing agent, the relative particle size of materials in the reactive layer (uniformity), the size of the resulting devices, and the water flow velocity. Further mathematical and numerical modelling should be applied to design and validate experimental results. Pilot scale installations are needed to validate the practicality of experimental and modelling results. 17 Acknowledgements 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 Thoughtful comments provided by Emmanuel Chimi (University of Douala, Cameroon) on the draft manuscript are gratefully acknowledged. 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Desalination 2012, 285, 345–351. 29 Figure captions 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 Figure 1: Schematic diagram of a Fe0-amended biosand filter (BSF). The first column is a conventional BSF. The thickness of the reactive zone (x value) and the aptitude of the under- laying sand bed (y value) to free water from the reactive zone from iron will be tested for each material. For larger x values or very reactive Fe0, a third column could be essential. Figure 2: Schematic diagram of a three compartments Fe0-amended biosand filter (BSF). The first and the third columns are conventional BSF. The thickness of column 2 (reactive zone) depends on the intrinsic reactivity of used Fe0 and can be optimised using Eq. 7 and 9. The dimension of column 3 (second BSF) and also be optimise using Eq. 8 and 9. Figure 3: Variation of the height of the reactive layer (Hrz) as function of the diameter (D 100 ≤ cm) of used filter: (a) all values, and (b) Hrz ≤ 60 cm. The lines are not fitting functions; they simply connect points to facilitate visualization. Figure 4: Variation of the height of the reactive layer (Hrz) as function of the initial Fe0 volumetric proportion for different used masses of Fe0. The lines are not fitting functions; they simply connect points to facilitate visualization. 30 Table 1: Variation of the height of the Fe0/sand reactive layer (Hrz) as a function of the internal diameter (3.0 ≤ D (cm) ≤ 100) of used columns for a τ value of 0.52. The corresponding masses of sand and Fe 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 0 are given. Given that τ = 0.52 is the threshold value for sustainable Fe0 beds, these calculations show clearly that for laboratory studies (D ≤ 12 cm), a maximum of 2.5 kg sand should be used to keep the reactive layer lesser than 10 cm. On the other hand, if a field column has an internal diameter of 50 cm 25 kg Fe0 will build a 5 cm reactive layer. D Fe0 mass (cm) 1.0 kg 2.5 kg 5.0 kg 10.0 kg 25.0 kg 3 55.0 136.2 272.4 544.8 1362.0 6 13.6 34.1 68.1 136.2 340.5 12 3.4 8.5 17.0 34.1 85.1 30 0.54 1.36 2.72 5.45 13.62 50 0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 75 0.09 0.22 0.44 0.87 2.18 100 0.05 0.12 0.24 0.49 1.21 765 766 31 Table 2: Variation of the height of the Fe0/sand reactive layer (Hrz) as a function of the mass of Fe 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 0 for a τ value of 0.52. The corresponding mass of sand is given. Calculations are made for a cylindrical bed with a internal diameter of 30 cm. Given that τ = 0.52 is the threshold value for sustainable Fe0 beds, such a bed should not contain less than 10 kg of Fe0 to fulfil the condition Hrz ≤ 5 cm. The corresponding Vrz value is 3.85 L. Fe0 (kg) 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 20.0 Sand (kg) 0.157 0.314 0.785 1.568 2.352 3.136 6.272 Hrz (cm) 0.27 0.54 1.36 2.72 4.09 5.45 10.90 Vrz (L) 0.19 0.39 0.96 1.93 2.89 3.85 7.71 773 774 775 32 Table 3: Data for the amendment of a conventional BSF with a reactive layer containing 3 kg Fe 775 776 777 778 779 780 0 mixed with several masses of sand (msand) to yield various proportion of Fe0 (PFe). Hrz is the resulting thickness of the reactive layer, Vrz its volume and Prz its volumetric ratio relative to a 50 cm reactive layer. τ Hrz Vrz msand PFe (%) Prz (-) (cm) (L) (kg) (w/w) (v/v) (%) 0.52 1.28 1.16 0.94 76.13 52.0 2.6 0.47 1.42 1.28 1.15 72.30 47.0 2.8 0.42 1.59 1.43 1.41 68.07 42.0 3.2 0.37 1.80 1.62 1.74 63.35 37.0 3.6 0.32 2.09 1.88 2.17 58.07 32.0 4.2 0.27 2.47 2.23 2.76 52.12 27.0 4.9 0.22 3.04 2.73 3.61 45.36 22.0 6.1 0.17 3.93 3.54 4.98 37.61 17.0 7.9 0.12 5.56 5.01 7.47 28.64 12.0 11.1 0.07 9.54 8.59 13.54 18.14 7.0 19.1 0.02 33.39 30.05 49.94 5.67 2.0 66.8 781 33