Enhancing sustainability of household water filters by mixing metallic iron with porous materials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Noubactep C.*(a,c), Caré S.(b) (a) Angewandte Geologie, Universität Göttingen, Goldschmidtstraße 3, D - 37077 Göttingen, Germany; (b) Université Paris-Est, Laboratoire Navier, Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech, LCPC, CNRS, 2 allée Kepler, 77420 Champs sur Marne, France; (c) Kultur und Nachhaltige Entwicklung CDD e.V., Postfach 1502, D - 37005 Göttingen, Germany. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 * corresponding author: e-mail: cnoubac@gwdg.de; Tel. +49 551 39 3191, Fax: +49 551 399379 (Accepted: 08 Jun 2010) Abstract: This study conceptually discusses the feasibility of enhancing the sustainability of conventional iron/sand filter (Fe0/sand filter) for safe drinking water by partially or totally substituting sand (quartz) by porous materials. Relevant materials included activated carbon, dolomites, limestone, pumice, sandstone, and zeolites. The rational was to use the internal volume of porous additives as storage room for in-situ generated iron oxyhydroxides (iron corrosion products) and thus delay time to filter clogging. Based on previous works a filter with a volumetric Fe0:quartz ratio of 51:49 was used as reference system. The reference system is clogged upon Fe0 depletion. Results showed that totally substituting quartz by pumice particles having a porosity of 80 % yields to a residual porosity of 41 %. This encouraging result suggested that the possibility of using Fe0/MnO2/pumice systems for a synergic promotion of Fe0 reactivity (by MnO2) and filter permeability (by pumice) should be investigated in more details. Keywords: Drinking water, Iron/sand filter; Long-term reactivity; Pumice; Zerovalent iron. Capsule: Partially or totally replacing quartz by porous materials is a potential efficient tool to lengthen iron/sand filter service life. 1 1 Introduction 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Safe drinking water is becoming worldwide an increasingly scarce resource mostly due to industrialization [1-3]. The situation is exacerbated in rural areas of the developing world where no centralized drinking water system is available. Therefore, efforts have been made to develop simple, efficient and affordable methods for safe drinking water production at household or small community level [4-9]. An ideal water treatment system for developing countries should remove all possible biological and chemical contaminants in a single-stage filtration process (Prerequisite 1). Only reverse osmosis membranes have been reported to achieve prerequisite 1. However, this high cost technology is not always affordable for the populations in need [1,10-12]. Therefore, efforts to develop simple, efficient and affordable filters (achieving prerequisite 1) for households and/or small communities is an area of ongoing active research [2,3,12-15]. In recent years, a great deal of work has been devoted at identifying suitable, low-cost, and readily available materials to be used in efficient household filters. Potential media include activated alumina, agricultural by-products (e.g. rice hulls), apatite, clay minerals, granular activated carbon (GAC), industrial by-products, iron-oxide (coated sands), manganese-oxide (coated sands), metallic iron (Fe0), peat and peat moss, phosphate rocks, seaweeds and their derivatives, wood chips, and zeolites [2,3,16,17]. Some enumerated materials are regionally readily available (e.g. apatite, clay minerals, zeolites) at no-expense or at a fairly low cost. However, only metallic iron (Fe0) is universally available. Next to its universally availability, the superiority of Fe0 is justified by the fact that during the dynamic process of its aqueous oxidative dissolution (iron corrosion), several classes of biological and chemical contaminant can be removed from water [14,18-23]. In particular Fe0 beds could quantitatively remove aqueous inorganic (e.g. MoVI) and organic (e.g. non-polar carboxylated organics) substances that are not readily removed by iron oxyhydroxides [24,25] Therefore, upon proper design, Fe0 filters necessarily achieve prerequisite 1. 2 Ideally, a household filter should reduce contaminant concentrations to acceptable levels whilst retaining adequate permeability and reactivity over extended time periods (e.g. 12 months). Due to the volumetric expansive nature of iron corrosion [26-29], designing iron filters with long-term adequate permeability is a challenge for the scientific community [30]. In fact, very efficient Fe 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 0 filters (e.g. the 3-Kolshi filter) for safe drinking water have been tested in Bangladesh and Nepal for arsenic removal [31-34] but were abandoned because of service lives of only 6 to 24 weeks [35-37]. Hussam [37] reported that 3-Kolshi filters were “highly functional, but not sustainable” as the filters experienced permeability loss after 3 to 6 months. The alternative to 3-Kolshi filters was an improved filter called SONO filters [13,33,37]. The heart of SONO filters is a manufactured porous composite iron matrix (CIM). CIM is manufactured from Fe0 and resulted filters could work for up to 11 years [37]. The present theoretical work is part of ongoing efforts, aiming at reviving conventional Fe0 filters. The objective is to design efficient stand-alone Fe0 filters for households and small communities. A recent article [30] has shown that mixing non porous sand (quartz) with Fe0 is an efficient way to lengthen Fe0 filter service live while saving up to the half amount of used Fe0. It was shown that a filter with 51 vol-% Fe0 necessarily has a longer service live than the conventional iron filter (100 % Fe0), likely with the same efficiency. In the present work calculations will be made to access the possibility to further optimize filter efficiency by partly or entirely replacing quartz by porous materials. Relevant materials (Supporting Information) included activated carbon and natural minerals (e.g. MnO2, TiO2, zeolites) and rocks (e.g. dolomite, limestone, pumice, sandstone). For the sake of clarity, the Fe0/sand/H2O system will first be presented. 2 The Fe0/sand/H2O system 2.1 Descriptive aspects Aqueous contaminant removal in the presence of Fe0 (e.g. in Fe0/H2O systems) is an heterogeneous reaction ideally involving five steps: (i) contaminant mass-transfer from the 3 bulk solution to the Fe0 surface, (ii) contaminant adsorption on the Fe0 surface, (iii) chemical reaction at the Fe 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 0 surface, (iv) desorption of the reaction products from Fe0 surface, and (v) mass-transfer of the reaction products into the bulk solution [38,39]. The kinetics of the process of contaminant removal in a Fe0/H2O system are necessarily dependent on the availability of the Fe0 surface as well as the rate of mass-transfer of the contaminant to the reactive Fe0 surface (Fe0 accessibility). Accordingly, mixing an inert material (e.g. sand) and Fe0 is coupled with a decrease of the contaminant removal rate as the pathway to the Fe0 surface is lengthened (Assertion 1: mixing sand and Fe0 decreases Fe0 accessibility). The process of aqueous iron oxidative dissolution at pH > 4.0 is characterized by the expansive nature of iron corrosion products (iron oxides and oxyhydroxides or simply iron oxyhydroxides). Depending on the nature of iron oxyhydroxide, a volumetric expansion of up to 6.4 has been reported [28]. In other words, an iron oxyhydroxide molecule may occupy a volume up to 6.4 times the volume of atomic Fe in the lattice structure. Accordingly, a pure iron bed (100 % Fe0) will clog sooner than a bed containing the same iron mixed with inert material (e.g. sand). Therefore, mixing sand and Fe0 should be regarded as a tool to sustain permeability of an iron bed (Assertion 2: mixing sand and Fe0 increases bed service life). Assertion 1 and Assertion 2 clearly show that the role of sand in an Fe0 bed is antagonistic. Accordingly, a well-designed Fe0/sand bed must conciliate limited Fe0 accessibility and extended service life. It is obvious that a critical volumetric Fe0:sand ratio exists above which bed clogging will occur upon Fe0 depletion. That is the Fe0 proportion for which in-situ generated iron oxyhydroxides will fill the inter-granular pore volume of the initial bed. The results of such calculations for the Fe0:quartz is recalled in the next paragraph. 2.2 Literature review Iron has been mixed with inert materials (including gravel and sand) since the early stage of investigations regarding the applicability of iron walls for groundwater remediation [40,41]. However, there has been no systematic study designed to rationalize the effects of sand on the 4 efficiency of Fe0 beds. Most researchers employ varying Fe0:sand ratios for filtration beds in the laboratory and in the field on a pragmatic basis [42-48]. Fe 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 0:sand ratios are often given in weight percent without information on the available pore volume nor precise data on further operational conditions including the high of the Fe0/sand bed (Table 1). As a result, controversial reports for the same systems have been reported. For example, while investigating As removal by Fe0 in packed beds, Lien and Wilkin [46] concluded that Fe0 alone performed better than a 50:50 sand:Fe0 mixture. In contrary, Westerhoff et al. [47] observed higher As removal in a Fe0:sand bed than with Fe0 alone. 2.3 The importance of volumetric ratios The main concern of available data on Fe0/sand/H2O systems is their comparability. When the Fe0:sand ratios are given in percent it is not always specified whether it is volumetric or weight based. However, given the large difference between the density of sand (< 2,000 kg/m3) and iron (7,800 kg/m3), it should always explicitly said whether given percent are volumetric (vol-%) or weight (wt-%). Even in some cases (e.g. ref. [42]), the Fe0:sand ratio is given without the high of the reactive zone nor the mass of either sand or iron. 2.3.1 Rationale for use the volumetric ratio The sole calculation that could be founded to rationalize used Fe0:sand ratios is given by Leupin et al. [45] and mentioned by Gottinger [15,49]. The authors used 2.5 g of Fe0 which occupied a volume of 0.32 cm3 and lead to 4.78 g of Fe(OH)3 with a volume of 1.35 cm3 (i.e. 4.78 cm3 as reported in the original work). Then the internal porosity of sand (40 %) is considered to estimate the volume of sand necessary to contain the 1.35 cm3 of iron oxides. Leupin et al. [45] came to the conclusion that at least 9.9 cm3 (i.e. 35 cm3) of sand should be used per gram of iron to avoid the clogging of more than a third of the void volume. The calculus of Leupin et al. [45], considered as a rough estimate by the authors, has to be improved because they have not taken into account the inter-granular voids in the Fe0/sand bed. In fact, the filter has to be considered as a granular medium with two types of porosity: 5 (i) the internal porosity of particle (as mentioned in ref. [45]) and (ii) the inter-granular voids as a function of the compactness of the granular medium. A recent result [30] has allowed modelling the clogging of Fe 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 0/quartz bed. Quartz is an inert, non porous material which can not contribute to porosity loss. This modelling gives the evolution of the inter-granular void as a function of the proportion of reactive Fe0 in the Fe0:quartz mixture. The results showed that it is possible to avoid the clogging of the filter by mixing Fe0 particles with quartz particles. In particular, it was shown that 51 vol-% Fe0 (25 wt-% when Fe0 is mixed with quartz) is the critical proportion for with system clogging (porosity loss) will occur upon Fe0 depletion. The present paper attempts to rationalize the admixture of Fe0 particle with porous particles, including sandstone as used by Leupin et al. [45]. The filling of the total porosity (inter-particles voids and internal porosity) will be considered. The next section will discuss the efficiency of a Fe0/sand filter. 3 Relevant parameters influencing the efficiency of the Fe0/sand filter 3.1 Permeability of granular materials Water permeability is essential for Fe0/sand filter efficiency because it determines the rate of flow and, thus, the filtration ability. Many models have been proposed to relate the water permeability of granular medium to their microstructure characteristics [50-54]. These models show that permeability is controlled by the packing, shape, sorting (particle size distribution), and porous structure of used granular material, but it appears that porosity and tortuosity of granular materials are two of the primary factors that control water flow process [53-58]. In the most general way, permeability depends on the total porosity which is the ratio of the total volume of voids to the total volume of material. More importantly, however, permeability depends on the way in which the total porosity is distributed and thus on the effective porosity. The effective porosity characterizes the degree to which available pores are interconnected. As a rule, if all pores of a granular material are well interconnected, the total porosity is equal to the effective porosity. Tortuosity can be defined as the ratio of the real 6 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 length that the water travels inside a filter to the thickness of the filter. For a mixture of non porous particles, the tortuosity can be simply estimated as a function of the total porosity considering the solid grains as spherical inclusions in a fluid phase [59,60]. An idealized conventional Fe0/sand filter is made up of spherical iron and quartz particles of approximately equal diameter. The non porous spherical particles provide ample, unrestricted void spaces that are free from smaller grains and are very well linked. Consequently, a Fe0/sand filter initially has a high permeability which is related to the total porosity as water flow will occur through the inter-particular voids. In case of using porous particles with poorly interconnected internal voids (as for pumices, ref. [57] and ref. therein), the water permeability is essentially related to the effective porosity due to the inter-particular voids. In this case the tortuosity of the mixing only depends on the effective porosity. Indeed, part of the water may remain apparently stagnant in the internal pores of particles and slowly diffuses out of the pores. 3.2 Efficiency of a Fe0/sand filter Due to the expansive nature of iron corrosion the voids are progressively filled by (i) in situ generated iron oxyhydroxides, (ii) immobilized contaminants and (iii) in-situ generated biofilms [12,23,61,62]. The ability to accurately predict the process dependent evolution of the permeability of a Fe0/sand filter depends on a detailed description of the processes yielding to porosity loss. In this study, the contribution of biofilms and contaminants to porosity loss is not considered. The volumetric expansive nature of iron corrosion is considered as the sole important path. A second simplification is necessary as iron oxyhydroxides are also porous in nature. It is considered that the pores of generated iron oxides are well interconnected. In this case, the filter permeability is solely modified by the process of oxide formation (pore filling). The permeability of a Fe0/sand filter typically decreases from the beginning of the operation to the time of complete pore filling by iron oxyhydroxides (porosity equal zero). 7 The suitability of Fe0 as reactive medium for drinking water filters relies on two essential characteristics: (i) the interactions of corroding iron with contaminants (adsorption, co- precipitation/enmeshment, oxidation, reduction), and (ii) the improved size exclusion by virtue of the expansive nature of iron corrosion. The efficiency of an iron filter depends on several factors including particle size of Fe 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 0, initial contaminant concentration, and influent pH. These factors are determinant to the time at which the initial porosity is reduced to zero. The present discussion will not address how these factors affect Fe0 reactivity. The evolution of filter permeability due to filling of porosity by iron oxyhydroxides which is the most important parameter determining filter service life will be solely addressed. 3.3 Aim of the paper Permeability variation in an iron filter is important for predicting filter service life. Understanding the dependence of filter permeability on the extent of iron consumption would be decisive in designing filters. An ideal iron filter is a random pack of identical spheres in a column. The porosity of such an ideal system has a fundamental value of 36 % assuming a compactness of 64 % with soft vibration [30,54-56]. The actual porosity value for a Fe0/sand filter will depend on the size distribution of filling particles but this porosity is a good approximation for such mixing. As iron consumption progresses, residual Fe0 particles become compacted and cemented, and the initial porosity (ideally 36 %) progressively decreases down to zero. At porosity zero, the filter is clogged (Figure 1). Cemented Fe0 particles form a continuous frame which had been called “cake”. The described dynamic evolution of the porosity is somewhat equivalent to the formation of quartz (porosity zero) from sandstone (porosity 40 %) by diagenesis [63] (Figure 2). As described above, clogging is inherent to Fe0 filters working at near neutral pH values (more exactly at pH > 4.0). Therefore, lengthen filter service live initially depends on the ability to create additional space for in-situ generated iron oxyhydroxides while maintaining filter efficiency. An obvious possibility is to use porous material which internal porous 8 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 structure may store in-situ generated iron iron oxyhydroxides (Fig. 1) leading to increase the residual effective porosity and thus the residual permeability of the mixing. 4 Efficiency of the Fe0/sand/porous materials filter 4.1 Background This work tests the hypothesis, that porous minerals and rocks have the potential to enhance the sustainability of metallic iron (Fe0) filter. Therefore, it is not important to work with a well-characterized porous material. The concept of “critical porosity” [63] will be used for the discussion. Critical porosity is defined as “the porosity above which the rock can exist only as a suspension”. The critical porosity, separates two fundamentally different domains – one of consolidated, frame-supported rocks, and another of fluid-supported suspensions (see ref. [63] for more details). Tab. 2 summarizes the critical porosity value of various rock types. The major feature from Tab. 2 is that the potential exists to find rocks of porosity 0 (quartz) to 80 % (pumice). The highest value from Tab. 2 will be used to qualitatively demonstrate the feasibility of extending filter service live by replacing sand by porous material in a conventional Fe0/sand filter. Some suitable porous materials are presented in Supporting Information. It can be noticed that the permeability of porous materials is linked to their porous structure (pore connectedness). In general, due to diffusive processes in porous structures, slower kinetics of water flow will be observed comparative to a conventional Fe0/sand filter. Regardless from the pore connectedness, it is expected that material porosity will effectively store in-situ generated iron oxyhydroxides. This section presents modelling works to evaluate the feasibility of lengthening the service live of conventional Fe0/sand filter for safe drinking water by partially or totally substituting sand (quartz) by a porous material. The delay time to filter clogging is evaluated from the evolution of the total residual porosity. Results for pumices are presented and discussed. It can be noticed that the calculus can be made with other porous particles (by changing its 9 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 critical porosity); the results will be slightly different but the general conclusions will remain identical. 4.2 Design and modelling A reactive zone (rz) of Fe0 with a thickness Hrz is introduced in the fine sand layer of a conventional biosand filter (Fig. 3) [7,64]. The reference reactive zone is made up of 51 vol- % Fe0 and 49 vol-% quartz. This system was demonstrated to allow increased filter efficiency compared to a conventional reactive zone with 100 % Fe0 [30]. The characteristics of the reactive zone are given in Tab. 3. All particles are considered spherical in shape with an average diameter of 1.2 mm. The specific weight of Fe0 and quartz are Feρ = 7800 kg/m3 and ρ 240 241 242 243 244 245 sand = 2650 kg/m3 respectively. The biosand filter is supposed to work under anoxic conditions. Thus, Fe3O4 is the sole iron corrosion product with a coefficient of volumetric expansion equal to Vη Fe3O4 / VFe = 2.1. Quartz particles are replaced by porous particles in order to increase the initial total porosity Φ0 of the reactive zone given by: f ppppQuartz49Fe5100 .)%%( ϕ+Φ=Φ − (1) 246 247 248 249 where the porosity Φ0 (51%FΕ−49%sand) = 1 – C. C is the compactness of the granular material (C = 0.64) [54-56] and “1 – C” corresponds to the inter-particular voids (porosity of the mixing without porous particles); 250 ϕpp (-) is the critical porosity of the porous particles (e.g. 0.8 for pumice, Tab. 2); 251 252 253 254 255 f pp (-) is the porous particle volume fraction determined by VVf pppp = with Vpp the volume of the porous particles and the V the volume of the reactive zone. The filling of the porosity by iron oxyhydroxides can be estimated from a simplified modelling (Figure 1) based on the following assumptions: (i) uniform corrosion: the diameter reduction of the particle is the same for all the Fe particles, 10 (ii) the compactness C and then the initial porosity Φ0 (51%FΕ−49%sand) remain constant. The volume of the granular material is not modified by the corrosion process: no pressure induced by rust formation around Fe particles and no compaction of the Fe 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 0/sand mixture during the corrosion process. (iii) iron oxyhydroxides are fluid enough to progressively fill the available pore space between particles (Φ0 (51%FΕ−49%sand)) and the porosity of the porous particles. The porous particles are enough close to the iron particles to be filled by the iron oxyhydroxides. Under these assumptions, the residual porosity of the mixing Fe0-quartz-porous particles is given by: Φ −π−η−ΦΦ 0 33 0 V RR0341N1= . )(./)..( (2) 265 266 267 268 where R0 (m) is the initial radius of the iron particle, R (m) is the residual radius of the consumed iron particle and η the coefficient of volumetric expansion. The proportion of consumed iron (% consumed Fe) is given by: ).(% R0 RR0100consumedFe 3 33 −= (3) 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 4.3 Results and discussion for Fe0/quartz/pumice mixture The total residual porosity of the mixture Fe0/quartz/porous particle is given in Tab. 4 and in Fig. 4 and 5. Calculations shown that it is possible to increase the total residual porosity by replacing quartz by porous pumice. For instance, totally substituting quartz by pumice particles having a porosity of 80 % yields to a residual porosity of 41 % when iron is depleted (Tab. 3, Fig. 4). For a given residual porosity (case 1, Fig. 4), more iron is consumed by replacing quartz by pumice. For instance for Φ/Φ0 = 60 %, the % consumed Fe is about 40 % for 100 % quartz (point A) and 68 % for 100 % pumice (point B). Accordingly, the long-term reactivity of the filter is improved. Furthermore, for a given % consumed Fe, the residual porosity Φ/Φ0 increases with increasing proportion of pumice. For 68 % consumed Fe0 (case 11 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 2), the residual porosity is about 32 % for 100 % quartz (point C) and 60 % for 100 % pumice (point B). The long term permeability of the filter may be improved by up to 45 %. As shown previously, water permeability depends on the effective porosity and not on the total porosity. Some water can remain more or less stagnant in the internal porous structure of a material exhibiting low interconnectivity of pores (or voids). Water flow in the internal porous structure is always slow compared to water flow in the inter-particular voids. Nevertheless the residual effective porosity of the mixture is increased because corrosion iron products are at least partly stored in the porous structure of particles and not totally in the inter-particular voids (see Fig. 1 and 4). Assuming that the porosity of the porous particles (pumice) is totally filled by iron oxyhydroxides, the residual porosity of the inter-particular voids (effective porosity) is 30% leading to better permeability. Experimental studies to validate the efficiency of porous materials to lengthen conventional Fe0/sand filter service life will consist to evaluate the actual permeability related to the storage of iron oxyhydroxides in porous particles. For instance, 3D imaging by X-ray micro tomography will be an efficient tool to evaluate the residual porosity of the inter-particular voids. 4.4 Generalization: Fe0/quartz/porous materials The results discussed above for a pumice exhibiting a porosity of 80 % can be extended to pumices of various porosities and any other porous particles including activated carbons, dolomites, manganese oxides, rock salts, sandstone, and zeolites. Figure 5 depicts the general trend of the results are similar on the sole basis of the porosity (Supporting Information). As a rule, the total residual porosity of the filter increases with increasing particle porosity. For example a material with a grain porosity of 90 % still exhibits 44 % of the initial porosity upon Fe0 depletion, while a material with a grain porosity of 20 % shows a residual porosity of only 15 %. In practical laboratory experiments, it may be difficult to homogeneously mix materials of very different densities. Remember that the discussion is based on the volumetric 12 filling of the reactive zone by Fe0 and additives (quartz and porous materials) having the same size. The used mass of individual porous materials should be calculated from tabulated density’s values (Tab. 2). 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 Beside the porosity, further physical and chemical properties of individual porous materials should be considered on a case-specific basis. For example, while rocks and activated carbons are inert in water, MnO1+x will be reductively dissolved in Fe0/sand/H2O systems. The reductive dissolution of MnO1+x by FeII (and Fe0) is necessarily coupled with a volumetric variation (MnO1+x is reduced to MnOOH or dissolved MnII). However, the discussion of the resulting volumetric variation and its impact on the filter permeability is over the scope of this communication. On the other hand, while using activated carbons as porous additive to sustain filter permeability, the pore size distribution of individual materials should be carefully considered. Remember that porous materials are mainly used as magazine for iron oxyhydroxides. Therefore, mesoporous materials are like more suitable than microporous materials because available pores must be accessible to iron oxyhydroxides. 5 Concluding remarks The theoretical principles essential to experimentally test the use of porous materials to sustain Fe0/sand filters are exposed in this study. This approach was rendered possible by revisiting the nature of Fe0-based filters. It was recalled that a filtration system basically works on the size-exclusion principle [14]. Accordingly, at any time, the pore space must be large enough to enable the expansion/compression cycle inherent to iron corrosion. Iron corrosion products (iron oxyhydroxides) reduce filter porosity and thus permeability while increasing size-exclusion efficiency. The first task to enable long-term iron corrosion was to replace a part of Fe0 by an inert material (e.g. quartz) [30]. Table 1 clearly shows that the conventional approach of expressing the proportion of Fe0 by a weight percent is not consistent with the fact that pore volume availability is discussed (expansive nature of iron corrosion). For example, 75 wt-% Fe0 corresponds to 50.5 vol-% which is almost the 13 threshold value for which system clogging will occur upon Fe0 depletion (in a Fe0:quartz system). In other words, for systems with less than 50.5 vol-% Fe 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 0, system clogging due to iron corrosion alone is not likely to occur. Moreover, for much lower Fe0 contents, contaminant breakthrough is likely. Accordingly, some available data are to be re-evaluated. For example, Bi et al. [48] reported on decline in the reactivity of Fe0 for trichloroethylene reduction when the iron content fell below 50 wt-% (25.4 vol-%; only one halve of the threshold value). The discussion above has shown that this iron content is necessarily insufficient for quantitative contaminant removal. The present study positively tests the possibility to extend Fe0 reactivity by replacing quartz by porous materials. Substituting quartz by porous material increased the residual porosity from 0 to 40 % upon Fe0 depletion. It is expected, that different porous materials (minerals and rocks) will be tested worldwide for use in Fe0 filters. The option to synthesize porous materials combining permeability and reactivity sustention should be carefully checked for commercial Fe0 filters. However, the initial goal of this communication is to encourage researchers to improve Fe0/sand filter efficiency by adding readily available porous material. Based on the universal availability of both Fe0 and suitable porous additives, it can be anticipated that the Millennium Development Goal of halving “by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water” can still be achieved [65]. Supporting Information Selected suitable porous materials to sustain Fe0/sand filters (8 pages) Acknowledgments Dipl.-Geol. Manuela Morales Demarco (Geoscience Centre of the University of Göttingen) is gratefully acknowledged for the insightful discussion on the porosity of rocks and minerals. Sven Hellbach (student research assistant) is acknowledged for technical assistance. The manuscript was improved by the insightful comments of anonymous reviewers from Chemical Engineering Journal. 14 References 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 [1] M. Wegmann, B. Michen, T. Luxbacher, J. Fritsch, T. 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(wt-%) (kg) (kg) (vol-%) 22 6100 21500 8.8 pilot study sustained permeability [31] 20 0.60 2.40 7.8 50 1.50 1.50 25.4 lab columns sustained reactivity [33] 100 3.00 0.00 100.0 25 0.02 0.06 10.2 50 0.04 0.04 25.4 75 0.06 0.02 50.5 lab columns Fe0 cost reduction [37] 85 0.07 0.01 65.8 100 0.08 0.00 100.0 523 524 525 22 Table 2: Density and critical porosity of selected potential additives for improved reactivity of conventional Fe 525 526 527 528 529 0 filters. All critical porosity’s values for rocks are from Nur et al. [63]. The value for activated carbon is an indicative average value from the literature. Material Density Average Density Critical Porosity (g/cm3) (g/cm3) (%) Quartz 2.65 - 0 Sandstone 2.2 - 2.8 2.50 40 Limestone 2.3 - 2.7 2.50 40 Dolomites 2.8 - 2.9 2.85 40 Pumice 0.36-0.91 0.64 80 Chalks 1.8-2.6 2.20 65 Rock Salts 2.5 - 2.6 2.55 40 Oceanic Basalts 2.8 - 3.0 2.90 20 Activated carbons 0.44-2.50 1.47 55 530 531 23 Table 3: Composition and thickness (Hrz) of the reactive zone for 3 kg of Fe0. Fe0 and sand particles are 1.2 mm in diameter. The value C = 0.64 is considered for compactness. The residual porosity Φ/Φ 531 532 533 534 0 = 0 is obtained for 100 % consumed Fe. [Fe0]0 [Fe0]0 [sand]0 Hrz Φ/Φ0 [Fe0]∞ [Fe0]∞ (vol-%) (kg) (kg) (cm) (-) (%) (kg) 51 3.00 0.98 1.67 0.0 0.00 0.00 535 536 24 Table 4: Composition of the reactive zone for 51% Fe0 (3 kg of Fe0) and 49 % of additive particles (quartz or porous materials). Fe 536 537 538 539 540 0 and additives particles are 1.2 mm in diameter. The residual porosity Φ/Φ0 = 0 is given for 100 % consumed Fe. The value C = 0.64 is considered for compactness. The thickness Hrz of the reactive zone is 1.67 cm. The specific weight and the critical porosity of pumice are respectively = 640 kg/mPumiceρ 3 and ϕpumice = 0.8 (-). 541 542 Pumice Fe0 Quartz Pumice Φ0 Φ/Φ0 (%) (kg) (kg) (kg) (-) (-) 0 3 0.98 0.00 0.36 0.00 10 3 0.88 0.02 0.39 0.07 20 3 0.78 0.05 0.41 0.12 30 3 0.69 0.07 0.44 0.18 40 3 0.59 0.09 0.46 0.22 50 3 0.49 0.12 0.49 0.26 60 3 0.39 0.14 0.51 0.30 70 3 0.29 0.17 0.54 0.33 80 3 0.20 0.19 0.56 0.36 90 3 0.10 0.21 0.59 0.39 100 3 0.00 0.24 0.61 0.41 543 544 25 544 545 Figure 1 546 547 26 Figure 2 547 548 Sand Sandstone Quartz Figure 2: Schematic diagrams showing the evolution of the porous structure during the diagenesis of quartz. As diagenesis progresses. sand grains become compacted and cemented. The initial porosity (40 %) decreases down to zero. Modified after Nur et al. [63]. 549 550 27 Figure 3 550 551 552 553 28 Figure 4 553 554 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 C A B case 2 case 1 3 kg Fe0 Quartz: 100 to 0 % Pumice: 0 to 100 % Hrz = 1.7 cm Pumice (%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Φ/ Φ 0 / [% ] consumed Fe0 / [%] 555 556 557 558 29 Figure 5 558 559 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 porosity (φ) 0 % 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 90 % Φ/ Φ 0 / [% ] porous material / [%] 560 561 562 563 30 Figure captions 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 Figure 1: Schematic diagrams showing the extend of porosity loss as influenced by the substitution of a part of sand by a porous material: initial stage (top) and final stage (down). The final stage corresponds to Fe0 depletion (100 % consumption). At Fe0 depletion, the residual porosity is zero for the conventional Fe0/sand filter. The effective residual porosity is increased for Fe0/sand/pumice filter (see text). Figure 2: Schematic diagrams showing the evolution of the porous structure during the diagenesis of quartz. As diagenesis progresses, sand grains become compacted and cemented. The initial porosity (40 %) decreases down to zero. Modified after ref. [63]. Figure 3: Schematic diagram of an iron-reactive-zone containing Biosand filter. The illustration highlights major principles and generic size dimensions. Modified after ref [64]. The thickness of a reactive layer containing 3 kg Fe0 representing 51 % (vol.) of the filling is 1.67 cm (see Tab. 3). Figure 4: Evolution of the residual porosity Φ/Φ0 versus the % consumed Fe for 51% Fe0 (3 kg of Fe0) and 49% of quartz/pumice particles. Fe0 and quartz/pumice are 1.2 mm in diameter. The %consumed Fe is given by ).(% R0 RR0100consumedFe 3 33 −= with R0 the initial radius of Fe 578 579 580 0 and R the residual radius. The value C = 0.64 is considered for compactness. The thickness Hrz of the reactive zone is 1.67 cm. The specific weight and the critical porosity of pumice are respectively =640 kg/mPumiceρ 3 and ϕpumice =0.8 (-). 581 582 583 584 Figure 5: Evolution of the residual porosity Φ/Φ0 versus the %replaced quartz particles for 51 % Fe0 (3 kg of Fe0) and 49 % of quartz/porous particles. Fe0 and additives are 1.2 mm in diameter. The residual porosity Φ/Φ0 = 0 is given for 100 % consumed Fe for various porous particles with porosityϕpp . The value C = 0.64 is considered for compactness. The thickness H 585 586 rz of the reactive zone is 1.67 cm. 31