Characterizing the reactivity of metallic iron upon methylene blue discoloration in Fe 1 2 3 4 0/MnO2/H2O systems Noubactep C. Angewandte Geologie, Universität Göttingen, Goldschmidtstraße 3, D - 37077 Göttingen, Germany. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 e-mail:; Tel. +49 551 39 3191, Fax: +49 551 399379 Abstract A simple method is proposed for testing the reactivity of elemental iron materials (Fe0 materials) using methylene blue (MB) as reagent. The method is based on the oxidative reactivity of FeII for reductive dissolution of MnO2. FeII is produced in-situ by the oxidation of a Fe0 material. The in-situ formed FeII reacted with MnO2 delaying the bulk precipitation of iron corrosion products and thus MB co-precipitation (MB discoloration). For a given MnO2, the extent of MB discoloration delay is a characteristic of individual Fe0 materials under given experimental conditions. The MB discoloration method for testing the reactivity of Fe0 materials is facile, cost-effective and does not involve any stringent reaction conditions. Keywords: Adsorption, Co-precipitation, Methylene blue, Manganese oxides, Reactivity, Zerovalent iron. Introduction Since the introduction of permeable reactive barriers of metallic iron for groundwater remediation (Fe0 PRB technology), various Fe0 types were tested and mostly successfully used for environmental remediation. Despite the reported successes, little progress has been made toward characterizing the variability in reactivity among Fe0 samples from different sources [1,2]. Available works attempted to relate corrosion rates to: (i) the rate of hydrogen evolution [3,4] or (ii) to the extend of contaminant removal by used Fe0 materials [1,5]. Among the reactivity parameters, the composition of the aqueous solution, the Fe0 elemental composition (alloying elements) and the surface properties (specific surface area, oxidation 1 state) have been largely discussed [3,6,7]. However, none of these parameters is independent and Fe 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 0 aqueous reactivity further depends on method of manufacture [8,9]. According to Van Orden [8], whether a metal is cast, forged, wrought or welded are as important as the environment in the corrosion process. One major limitation of the current material testing procedures is that each material is used for remediation tests and the reactivity is ascertained at the end of the possibly cost-intensive and time consuming experiments. An alternative approach consisting in testing the reactivity of Fe0 materials in dilute EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) was recently presented [2]. However, EDTA is a strong chelating agent known to delay the process of iron hydroxide precipitation [10] at near neutral pH which is characteristic for most natural systems. There is a need to develop simple, reliable and cost-effective methods to test the reactivity of Fe0 materials. Ideally such methods should (i) be performed under conditions where iron solubility is not enhanced, and (ii) be applicable for material screening in preliminary works to avoid analytical cost. This study proposed a simple approach to compare the reactivity of Fe0 toward methylene blue discoloration. Four materials of known relative reactivity [2] were tested to ascertain the efficiency of the new method. The selected materials are representative for the large array of powdered and granular Fe0 materials used in environmental remediation. Background of the experimental methodology Methylene blue (MB) discoloration in the presence of Fe0 results mostly from MB co- precipitation with in situ generated iron corrosion products [11,12]. Therefore, in a Fe0/H2O system, the extend of MB discoloration should increase steadily from the start of the experiment to the time of total discoloration. If the process of corrosion product precipitation is delayed, the resulting MB discoloration is also delayed. The differentiation of the reactivity of Fe0 materials in Fe0/MB/H2O systems is based on the reaction of FeII with MnO2 [13,14]. FeII is generated in-situ from Fe0 oxidation. Because liberated FeII species are used for the reductive dissolution of MnO2 (at the MnO2 surface), 2 they are not available for quantitative MB co-precipitation. Thus, the blue intensity of MB solution will not decreased as rapidly as in the system without MnO 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 2. Accordingly, for parallel experiments with a given MnO2 and various Fe0 samples, the extent of MB discoloration will be a reflection of the chemical reactivity of individual Fe0 samples. Therefore, if a Fe0 sample is low reactive no or little delay of MB discoloration will be observed (assumption 1). For reactive Fe0 samples the more reactive the sample the more extensive the discoloration delay (assumption 2). The used methodology for testing the reactivity of Fe0 in MnO2/MB/H2O systems consists in following the process of MB discoloration in a given MnO2/H2O system as influenced by various Fe0 while testing the validity of assumptions 1 and 2. It should be kept in mind that MB discoloration and not MB removal is discussed in this study. For the discussion of MB removal TOC measurements for instance should have been necessary to account for MB reduction to colorless leuco-methylene blue (LMB) [15] which remains in solution. Materials and Methods Solutions Methylene blue (MB) is a traditionally favourite dye of choice for laboratory and technical purposes [16,17]. Its molecule has a minimum diameter of approximately 0.9 nm [18] and is also used as redox indicator [15]. The used initial concentration was 12 mg/L (~0.037 mM) MB and it was prepared by diluting a 1000 mg/L stock solution. All chemicals were analytical grade. Solid materials One scrap iron (ZVI1) and three commercially available iron materials (ZVI2 to ZVI4) have been tested in the present study. Table 1 summarizes the main characteristics of these materials together with their iron content. Before used ZVI4 (Tab. 1) was crushed and sieved; the size fraction 1.0-2.0 mm was used without any further pretreatment. The specific surface area of the materials were not available nor determined. This parameter is known as one of the 3 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 most important reactivity factors [20]. However, it is not the objective of this study to investigated the impact of the specific surface area on the reactivity of the material, but rather to compare the material in the form in which they could be used in field applications. Therefore, all other materials were used as obtained. Crushing and sieving ZVI4 aimed at working with materials of particle size relevant for field applications. The materials differ regarding their characteristics such as content of metallic iron, additives, grain size and shape. No information about the manufacture process (e.g. raw material, heat treatment) was available. The used MnO2 is commercial sample from Merck (85 - 90% MnO2; synthetic pyrulosite). The powdered sample was used without any pre-treatment. Discoloration studies Batch experiments with a shaking intensity of 50 min-1 were conducted in essay tubes for an experimental duration of 6 days. The essay tubes were immobilized on a support frame. A rotary shaker HS 501 D from “Janke & Kunkel”, DCM Laborservice was used. The batches consisted of 0 to 9.0 g/L of the synthetic pyrulosite (MnO2) and 5 g/L of each Fe0. A parallel experiments with the Fe0 materials alone was performed. The extent of MB discoloration in the investigated systems was characterized by allowing 0.0 to 0.20 g of MnO2 and 0.11 g of each Fe0 to react in sealed sample tubes containing 22.0 mL of a MB solution (12 mg/L) at laboratory temperature (about 20 ± 2 ° C). Initial pH was ~7.8. After equilibration, up to 3 mL of the supernatant solutions were carefully retrieved (no filtration) for MB measurements (no dilution). Each experiment was performed in triplicate and averaged results are presented. Analytical methods MB concentrations were determined by a Cary 50 UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 664.5 nm using cuvettes with 1 cm light path. The pH value was measured by combined glass electrodes (WTW Co., Germany). Electrodes were calibrated with five standards 4 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 following a multi-point calibration protocol in agreement with the current IUPAC recommendation [21]. Expression of experimental results After the determination of the residual MB concentration (C) the corresponding percent MB discoloration was calculated according to the following equation (Eq. 1): P = [1 - (C/C0)] * 100% (1) where C0 is the initial aqueous MB concentration (about 12 mg/L), while C gives the MB concentration after the experiment. The operational initial concentration (C0) for each case was acquired from a triplicate control experiment without additive material (so-called blank). This procedure was to account for experimental errors during dilution of the stock solution, MB adsorption onto the walls of the reaction vessels and all other possible side reaction during the experiments. Results and Discussion Effect of MnO2 on the process MB discoloration in Fe0/H2O systems Figure 1 compares the extent of MB discoloration in the three investigated systems: (i) 0 to 9.0 g/L MnO2 (System I), (ii) 0 to 9.0 g/L Fe0 (System II) and (iii) 5 g/L Fe0 and 0 to 9.0 g/L MnO2 (System III). From Figure 1a it can be seen that System II is more efficient at discolouring MB at all tested material loadings. This observation is consistent with the intrinsic nature of both materials. MnO2 acts mostly as an absorbent with limited adsorption capacity. Fe0 and its oxidation products can adsorb MB. Oxidation products of Fe0 include Fe(OH)2, Fe(OH)3, FeOOH, Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and green rust [22-24]. Their role in the mechanisms of aqueous contaminant removal is yet to be properly characterized [24,25]. It is certain that, during their precipitation corrosion products sequestrate MB in their structure [11]. Therefore, in a Fe0/MB/H2O system, MB discoloration may occur via adsorption and co- precipitation. Reduction to colourless LMB is also likely to occur. Whatever the actual MB discoloration mechanisms in Fe0/H2O systems are, the addition of various amounts of MnO2 5 to 5 g/L Fe0 should have increased the extend of MB discoloration relative to the experiment with 5 g/L Fe 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 0 alone as represented in Fig. 1a. Accordingly, the discoloration extend of 52 % with 5 g/L Fe0 in the absence of MnO2 should increase with increasing MnO2 loading to reach 95 % discoloration at 9.0 g/L MnO2. This theoretical prediction (Fig. 1a) could not be verified experimentally as shown in Fig. 1b. Instead of increasing with increasing MnO2 loading, the discoloration extent decreased from 52 % at 0 g/L MnO2 to 40 % for MnO2 loadings > 2 g/L. This observation is compatible with MB co-precipitation as main discoloration mechanism. The observed discoloration extent of 40 % for MnO2 loadings > 2 g/L corresponds to the discoloration in: (i) system I (MnO2 alone) for MnO2 loadings > 6.5 g/L or (ii) system II (Fe0 alone) for Fe0 loadings > 2.0 g/L. This observation suggests that mixing 5 g/L Fe0 with 0 to 9.0 g/L MnO2 results in a system less efficient at discolouring MB than a system with only 2.5 g/L Fe0. Note that if MB was acting as redox indicator, the discoloration extend should have steadily increased with increasing MnO2 loading. This observation corroborates the prediction that iron hydroxides sequestrate MB while precipitating. Effect of various Fe0 on the process of MB discoloration Figure 2 compares the extent of MB discoloration by tested Fe0 materials in the presence and in the absence of MnO2. From Fig. 2a the following order of efficiency can be observed: ZVI3 < ZVI1 ≅ ZVI4 < ZVI2. This order of efficiency was the same than that obtained by Noubactep et al. [2] while testing the same materials for UVI removal and for Fe dissolution in 0.02 M EDTA ( see also Tab. 2). These results suggest that MB discoloration in Fe0/H2O systems is a simple method to differentiate the reactivity of materials. However, due to the diversity of possible discoloration mechanisms, it was important to make sure that Fe0 oxidative dissolution is evidenced. For this purpose MnO2 is added to the systems to evidence the effects of in-situ generated FeII. Fig. 2b summarises the results. The same order of reactivity was found (ZVI3 < ZVI1 ≅ ZVI4 < ZVI2). A close consideration of Fig. 2b reveals that ZVI3 is low reactive (assumption 1: no delay of MB discoloration) because unlike for the 6 three other materials no initial discoloration decrease was observed upon MnO2 addition. All other materials are more reactive than ZVI3 (assumption 2: the more extensive the discoloration delay the more reactive the sample). Powdered ZVI2 was the most reactive material. The increased MB discoloration efficiency with ZVI2 is due to the increased Fe 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 0 surface area resulting in a better solid/H20 contact. Again granular ZVI1 and ZVI4 showed very close reactivity, suggesting that the MB discoloration method is as powerful as the two other tests but essentially simpler. The reactivity of used materials is also reflected by the final pH value (Eq. 2). According to Eq. 2 (H+ production), the more reactive a material, the lower the final pH value (Tab. 2). 2 Fe 2+ + MnO2 + 2 H2O ⇒ 2 FeOOH + Mn 2+ + 2 H+ (2) The verification of assumptions 1 and 2 validates the efficiency of MB discoloration for testing the reactivity of Fe0 materials in Fe0/MnO2/H2O systems. Conclusions Methylene blue has been used for the characterization of the reactivity of Fe0 materials. The proposed method is simple and does not involve any stringent reaction conditions. This method is a good alternative for reported costly instrumental procedures [2]. The proposed method has been successfully applied to differentiate the reactivity of four Fe0 materials of known relative reactivity. This method can be used for material screening prior to cost- intensive investigations. Moreover, the test can be further developed to yield a characteristic parameter for Fe0 materials similar to iodine number or methylene blue number for the characterization of activated carbons [16,18]. Acknowledgments Josee Vouffo (student research assistant) is acknowledged for technical support. The work was granted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-No 626/2-2). References 7 [1] R. Miehr, P.G. Tratnyek, Z.J. Bandstra, M.M. Scherer, J.M. Alowitz, J.E. 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Applied Catalysis B: Environ. 56 (2005), 289-303. 10 248 249 250 Table 1: Main characteristics and iron content of the four tested Fe0 materials. The material code (“code”) are from the author, the given form is as supplied; d (μm) is the diameter of the supplied material and the Fe content is given in % mass. Supplier(a) Supplier denotation code form d (μm) Fe (%) MAZ, mbH Sorte 69(b) ZVI1 fillings - 93(c) G. Maier GmbH FG 0000/0080 ZVI2 powder ≤ 80 92(d) Würth Hartgussstrahlmittel ZVI3 spherical 1200 n.d.(e) ISPAT GmbH Schwammeisen ZVI4 spherical 9000 n.d. (a) List of suppliers: MAZ (Metallaufbereitung Zwickau, Co) in Freiberg (Germany); Gotthart Maier Metallpulver GmbH (Rheinfelden, Germany), ISPAT GmbH, Hamburg (Germany), Connelly GPM Inc. (USA), 251 252 253 254 255 (b)Scrap iron material; (c) Mbudi et al. [19]; (d) average values from material supplier, (e)not determined. 11 Table 2: Extent of MB discoloration (PMB) at a Fe0 mass loading of 9.0 g/L, decrease of the percent MB discoloration (ΔP 255 256 257 258 259 260 MB), and final pH value in the presence of 5 g/L Fe0 as the MnO2 loading varied from 0 to 1.1 g/L. For ZVI3 no decrease (ΔPMB = 3.5 %) was observed under the experimental conditions (50 min-1 for 6 days). Data for the rate of iron dissolution in a 2 mM EDTA solution (aEDTA) and the percent uranium removal (PU) are presented for comparison. Material PMB ΔPMB pHfinal aEDTA(a) PU(a) (%) (%) (μM/h) (%) ZVI1 48.8 -4.8 7.8 1.95 81.0 ZVI2 100.0 -38.4 7.4 2.65 100.0 ZVI3 31.9 3.5 8.6 1.54 63.1 ZVI4 49.1 -8.7 7.9 1.86 87.0 (a) Values according to Noubactep et al. [2]. 261 262 12 Figure 1 262 0 2 4 6 8 20 40 60 80 100 (a) theoretical 5 g/L Fe0 + MnO2 MnO2 Fe0 Fe0 + MnO2 M B re m ov al / [% ] material / [g/L] 263 264 0 2 4 6 8 0 20 40 60 80 100 (b) experiment t = 6 days N = 50 min-1 Fe0 = ZVI1 Fe0 Fe0 + MnO2 MnO2 M B re m ov al / [% ] material / [g/L] 265 266 267 13 267 268 Figure 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 (a) ZVI3 ZVI4 ZVI1 ZVI2 M B re m ov al / [% ] Fe0 / [g/L] 269 270 0 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 (b) ZVI1 ZVI2 ZVI3 ZVI4 M B re m ov al / [% ] MnO2 / [g/L] 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 14 Figure Captions 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 Figure 1: Methylene blue discoloration by MnO2, Fe0, and “Fe0 + MnO2” for 6 days as a function of the material loading (Fe0, MnO2). ZVI1 is the used Fe0 source. In Fig 1a the theoretical discoloration extent assuming additive removal of Fe0 (5 g/L) and varying amount of MnO2 is represented. Fig. 1b represents experimental results for the three systems together with the line corresponding to MB discoloration by 5 g/L Fe0 (no MnO2 addition). All lines are not fitting functions, they simply connect points to facilitate visualization. Figure 2: Methylene blue discoloration by the individual Fe0 materials (a) and 5 g/L each material and varying amounts of MnO2 (b). The experiments were performed for 6 days while shaking at 50 min-1. The lines are not fitting functions, they simply connect points to facilitate visualization. 15