Metallic iron filters for universal access to safe drinking water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (for CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water – Accepted 04-Sep-2009) Noubactep Chicgoua*(1), Schöner Angelika(2), Woafo Paul(3) (1) Angewandte Geologie, Universität Göttingen, Goldschmidtstraße 3, D - 37077 Göttingen, Germany. (2) Institut für Geowissenschaften, Ingenieurgeologie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle; Von-Seckendorff-Platz 3, D - 06120 Halle, Germany. (3) Laboratory of Modelling and Simulation in Engineering and Biological Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, Box 812 Yaounde, Cameroon 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 (*) corresponding author:; Tel. +49 551 39 3191, Fax: +49 551 399379. Abstract The availability of sustainable safe drinking water is one of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The world is on schedule to meet the MDG to “halve by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water in 2000”. However, present technologies may still leave leaves more than 600 million people without access to safe water in 2015. The objective of the present article is to present a concept for universal water filters primarily made of metallic iron (Fe0) and sand. The concept of Fe0/sand filters is based on the combination of: (i) recent development of slow sand filtration and (ii) recent progress in understanding the process of contaminant removal in Fe0/H2O systems. The filters should be made up of more than 60 % of sand and up to 40 % of Fe0. The actual Fe0 proportion will depend on its intrinsic reactivity. The most important question to be answered regards the selection of the material to be used. The design of the filter can be derived from existing filters. It appears that Fe0/H2O based filters could be a technology for the whole world. Keywords: Contaminant removal, Point of use, Safe water, Water filtration, Zerovalent iron. Acronym List AMD Acid mine drainage BSF Biosand filter CIM Composite iron matrix EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetate KAF Kanchan™ arsenic filters 1 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 MDG Millennium Development Goal NGO Non-governmental organization POU Point-of-use ZVI Zerovalent Iron Introduction Naturally readily available waters (shallow groundwater; surface water, water from boreholes and springs) are the main sources for drinking water production. These waters may become contaminated with organic/inorganic chemical pollutants and pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses) from various origins: (i) natural (geogenic) hydrogeochemical processes, (ii) artificial recharge with wastewater or water from septic tanks or leaking sewage pipes, (iii) discharges of wastewater and/or manure run-off from agricultural land. To produce safe drinking water from natural waters, chemical pollutants and pathogens need to be removed. One effective natural way is the passage of surface water through soil, as is the case in bank filtration [1-4]. The effectiveness of bank filtration to produce safe drinking water from natural waters depends on four major factors: (i) the extent of water pollution, (ii) the nature of the soil, (iii) the thickness of the soil or the travel distance within the soil, and (iv) the water flow rate or travel time. One can learn from nature and produce drinking water at small scale. For this purpose, it can be assumed that for a sufficient amount of any relevant treatment material in a filter, an adequate water flow rate will yield satisfactory contaminant mitigation. The reactive material can be (i) a natural material, (ii) a synthetic material or composites, or (iii) a mixture of materials. The material amount determines the thickness of reactive layer in the filter. The water flow rate determines travel time. During the past three decades, treating water at the household level has been shown to be one of the most efficient means of preventing waterborne diseases world wide [5-10]. Here are six examples for illustration: the use of (i) commercial filtration devices (e.g. Brita) mostly in 2 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 developed countries [11-13], (ii) ceramic pot filters or Kosim filters in Ghana [14], (iii) 3- Kolshi filters and SONO filters in Bangladesh [6, 15, 16], (iv) Kanchan™ arsenic filters in Nepal [17, 18], (v) Danvor plastic biosand filter [19], and (vi) Potters for Peace Filtron ceramic filter [19,20]. Promoting household water treatment and safe storage helps populations to actively take charge of their own water security. Therefore, providing people with the knowledge and affordable tools to treat their own drinking water at the point of use is a noble objective. The present study aims at presenting a concept using metallic iron (Fe0) as universal filter material for water treatment at the point of use (POU) in general and at household level in particular. The secondary objective is to demonstrate the suitability of Fe0 for water treatment in remote locations of developing countries. In these regions, available water could be chemically safe (no geogenic or anthropogenic contamination). In this case, microbial contamination due to lack of sanitation and improper hygiene is the sole source of water contamination. Table 1 summarises some relevant water pathogens and related diseases [21]. The presentation is based on the state-of-the-art knowledge on the mechanism of contaminant removal in the presence of Fe0 (Fe0/H2O systems) which will be presented first. Mechanisms of contaminant removal in Fe0/H2O systems Passive remediation of water pollution by using Fe0/H2O systems has been developed for about 20 years [22-24]. Applications of these innovative systems included (i) groundwater remediation, (ii) drinking water treatment, and (iii) wastewater treatment. Successful quantitative removal of metals (e.g. Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, U, Zn), non-metals (e.g. As, Mo, Se, Sn), anions (e.g. AsO43-, F-, MoO42-, NO3-, PO43-, SeO42-, SO42-), organic dyes, organic compounds (e.g. benzene, chlorinated solvents, phenol, pesticides, toluene), bacteria, suspended solids, and viruses has been reported [16, 25-30]. Almost all studies dealing with pollutant removal were limited to proving the viability of Fe0/H2O systems for a few target 3 pollutants and were not incorporated within a broad-based understanding of Fe0 remediation technology. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 It is interesting to note that another technology, electrocoagulation [31-33], using Fe0, could exhibit similar efficiency for a large spectrum of contaminants. Iron electrocoagulation can be considered as an electrochemically driven accelerated corrosion process. In both cases (passive Fe0/H2O and iron electrocoagulation), pollutants are removed from water by a multitude of mechanisms operating synergistically. Likely removal mechanisms include: (i) adsorption onto Fe0 and Fe oxides/hydroxides, (ii) co-precipitation with Fe oxides (or co-precipitation on the substrate), (iii) direct reduction by Fe0, (iv) indirect reduction by FeII or H/H2, (v) indirect oxidation by in situ generated radicals HO.. The exact sequence of these reactions depend on the system. Because redox-insensitive pollutants have been quantitatively removed in passive Fe0/H2O systems, any individual redox process could not be the fundamental removal mechanism as originally assumed [23, 34]. Therefore, the fundamental mechanisms of contaminant removal in Fe0/H2O systems are adsorption (including surface complexation) and co-precipitation [35, 36]. Certainly, for some contaminants, such as CrVI which are reducible even in the aqueous phase by FeII (under local anoxic conditions), quantitative reduction may precede adsorption and co- precipitation. However, considering the nature of the Fe0/H2O system, there is no reason to consider quantitative reductive transformation a priori for some species. Moreover, a Fe0/H2O system should be considered as zone of precipitating iron oxides/hydroxides [37]. During this process expansive amorphous iron hydroxides are generated and further transformed by dehydration to more crystalline oxides (Tab. 2) [38, 39]. Diversity in the reactivity of iron oxides in Fe0/H2O systems In order to better understand the role of metallic iron in Fe0/sand filters, the dynamic nature of iron corrosion in Fe0/H2O systems will be discussed. For this purpose, synthetic bulk oxides and oxide-films on Fe0 should be compared in terms of reactivity towards contaminant 4 removal. Synthetic oxides and in situ formed oxide-films are fundamentally different in that the latter are reactive systems (“reactive oxides”) by virtue of the continual generation and annihilation of point defects at the interfaces. Furthermore, oxide-films (passive layers), unlike synthetic oxides, continually grow into the metal at the Fe 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 0/layer interface while being simultaneously destroyed by dissolution or restructuring at the layer/H2O interface [40, 41]. Accordingly, synthetic oxides are strictly “coatings” and hence, with respect to the processes that influence Fe0 reactivity, they are “dead” [40]. Synthetic oxides can only act as contaminant adsorbents. Although synthetic oxides may be capable of simulating the properties of the deposited outer layers (at the layer/H2O interface), it is difficult to see how they can simulate the barrier layer (at the Fe0/layer interface – “reactive oxides”), whose defect concentration is normally far in excess of that which can be obtained in bulk oxides. “Reactive oxides” are better adsorbents and may co-precipitate contaminants during their formation and transformation to “dead oxides” [25, 35, 36, 42, 43]. “Dead oxides” are good adsorbents of limited and selective affinity to some contaminants. The consequence of this analysis is that Fe0 can be regarded as a permanent source of highly reactive hydroxides (“reactive oxides”) in a treatment system (statement 1). Statement 1 is the major argument on which the concept of Fe0/sand filters for universal access to safe drinking water is built. A schematic illustration of the time-dependant evolution of iron corrosion products is given in Figure 1. The cross-section of a spherical Fe0 material experiencing uniform corrosion is represented. It is assumed that the initial material (Fe0 in Fig. 2) is progressively covered by concentric layers of iron oxides from which the three most internal layers (d1, d2, d3, Fig. 2) are “reactive” (see above) and all the external layers (d4) are comparative in their reactivity to synthetic bulk oxides (“coatings”). While this assumption is somewhat arbitrarily, d1 can be regarded as a layer of amorphous ferrous iron hydroxides (Fe(OH)2), d2 a layer of mixed amorphous iron hydroxides (Fe(OH)2 and Fe(OH)3), d3 a layer of mixed amorphous iron 5 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 hydroxides/oxides (green rust, magnetite) and d4 a layer of aged corrosion products (crystallized iron oxides). The schematic representations in Fig. 1 and 2 have intentionally neglected the expansive nature of the process of iron oxide/hydroxide production form metallic iron [39, 44]. In fact, the theoretical ratio (α1 = Voxide/VFe) between the volume of corrosion products and the volume of iron in the metallic structure varies between 2.0 for Fe3O4 and 6.4 for Fe(OH)3.3H2O (Tab. 2). This volume increase is the principal cause of the expansion and ultimately the loss of hydraulic conductivity (permeability loss) for remediation Fe0/H2O systems. Clearly, Fe0/sand filters end of service is not (or should not be) dictated by Fe0 depletion but rather by loss of hydraulic conductivity. The practical expansion of corrosion products can be discussed from a proper kinetic law which correlates the radius loss of Fe0 and the corresponding volume of accumulated iron oxides [39]. In this work, mixing inert sand and Fe0 is a practical tool to extent filter service life. It is expected that for any appropriate Fe0 material, an optimal weight ratio sand/Fe0 should exist for satisfactorily water treatment in the medium or long term (e.g. ≥ 12 months). Water treatment by sand filtration Promising strategies for providing people with access to safe water are available, but may not be suitable/affordable for areas of low population density with little perspective for economic growth (e.g. rural areas, [45, 46]). It may further prove challenging to guarantee the quality of drinking water in these populations. Methods that allow the treatment of the water at the place where it is consumed (POU methods) may provide a low-cost, promising, easy and flexible solution for increasing drinking water quality in much of the population in need. Slow sand filtration is one of these methods. Basic sand filtration The earliest form of water treatment was slow sand filtration. Slow sand filters were developed in the 1820’s in Scotland by Robert Thom and in England by James Simpson. They 6 became successfully established in Europe by the end of the 19th century [47-50]. This technology used sand filter beds through which water is slowly trickled. The natural formation of a biological layer (biofilm, widely termed as Schmutzdecke) and the filtering action of sand removes bacteria, silt and chemical pollutants. The treatment efficiency is affected partly by physical straining but more importantly by biological action within the biofilm that formed on top of the sand [51]. A household-scale intermittent slow sand filter (the Davnor Biosand filter or Davnor BSF) developed by Manz has been successfully tested by several governments, research and health institutions and NGOs in Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Haiti, Nicaragua, Vietnam and other countries [52, 53]. Lantagne et al. [5] summarized the drawbacks of the BSF as follows: (i) low rate of virus inactivation, (ii) lack of residual protection and removal of less than 100 percent of the bacteria, which leads to recontamination, (iii) current lack of studies proving health impact, and (iv) difficulty in transport and high initial cost, which make scalability more challenging. Accordingly the major problem with BSF is that complete pathogen removal can not be guaranteed. Therefore, if water can be successfully freed from pathogens within a sand filter, this technology can be used with more confidence for safe drinking water at a household level. The presentation on the mechanisms of contaminant removal in Fe 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 0/H2O systems suggests that coupling reactive Fe0 to sand could solve the problem (statement 1). This work has already been done but Fe0 aimed at eliminating arsenic as presented below. Improved sand filtration Recently, the Arsenic Biosand Filter (KanchanTM Arsenic Filter - KAF) was developed and distributed in Nepal by Ngai et al. [17, 18]. The KAF is built on the platform of a slow sand filter, modified to include/increase arsenic removal capability. The KAF combines the concepts of slow sand filtration and an intermittent household-scale system with the innovation of a diffuser basin containing iron nails for arsenic removal. In the KAF, arsenic is certainly quantitatively removed by adsorption onto or by co-precipitation with iron 7 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 oxyhydroxides from rusting iron nails. Pathogens (e.g. bacteria) have been reported to be removed mostly by physical straining provided by the fine sand layer, by attachment to previously removed particles and, to a lesser degree, by biological predation occurring in the top few centimeters of the sand. The KAF was demonstrated successful for simultaneous arsenic and pathogen removal and is considered as the best among all household arsenic filters available in Nepal [18]. Chiew et al. [54] have recently published primary results on attempts to extent the concept of KAF filtration in Cambodia (Fig. 3). Recent developments in the understanding of the process of contaminant removal in Fe0/H2O systems demonstrates that pathogens are certainly removed/inactivated by co-precipitation with iron oxyhydroxides from a rusting Fe0. Therefore, a further development of the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter is to disseminate Fe0 in of the “pathogen removal unit” of the filter (BioSand filter – Fig. 2) or to replace the “arsenic removal unit” by a water saturated Fe0/sand layer. The second possibility is discussed below. Such a filter will remove all possible contaminants (including arsenic and bacteria) from the aqueous solution. Fe0/sand filters The works of Dr. Manz yielded an efficient intermittent household-scale slow sand filtration system for “safe” drinking water [50]. Ngai et al. [18] further developed this system by adding small amount of metallic iron to optimize arsenic (and pathogen) removal. As a rule the nature and extent of water contamination in rural areas of developing countries is unknown [46]. However, despite the variability of the influents the system outputs have to be satisfactory. Based on the state-of-the-art knowledge on the mechanism of contaminant removal by Fe0/H2O systems, the used of metallic iron as universal material for safe drinking water has been suggested [55, 56]. The works of Ngai et al. [18] suggested that the amount of Fe0 in the filter is not necessarily high (e.g. 10 % weight). Furthermore, since chemical contaminants and pathogens are certainly co-precipitated with precipitating iron corrosion products, the flow rate of contaminated waters through the Fe0/sand filter can be enhanced to 8 reach the daily demand of individual families within a few tens of minutes. That is the idea behind Fe 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 0/sand filters. The innovation in Fe0/sand filters People familiar with the problematic of arsenic contamination in Bangladesh and Nepal are aware that an effective Fe0/sand filtration system (3-Kolshi system) was abandoned because of loss of porosity of the system. A close look of the 3-Kolshi filtration system reveals that the top Kolshi was filled with 3 kg of cast iron and 2 kg of sand on top of the iron turnings [15]. In other words the Kolshi with Fe0 (here cast iron) contains a zone of 100 % Fe0 overlying the sand layer. The 3-Kolshi filtration system was replaced by the SONO filter. Here, the primary active material is a porous composite iron matrix (CIM), a mass made of cast iron turnings through a proprietary process to maintain active CIM integrity for years [6, 16]. Again a 100 % layer of composite is sandwiched between two layers of (coarse) sand. The reported loss of porosity is necessarily coupled to the too high proportion of Fe0 in the reactive zone (actually 100 %). Given the relative low concentration of arsenic in contaminated waters, this huge amount of Fe0 (and possibly composite) is obviously unnecessary. As discussed above Fe0 depletion should not occur. However, even the KAF of Ngai et al. [18] contains a 100 % layer of iron nails at the top of fine sand, coarse sand and gravel. The relative amount of iron nails in KAF was small compared to that of reactive materials in 3-Kolshi and SONO filtration systems and the KAF are efficient for several years [17]. Therefore, reducing the proportion of Fe0 in the system is a sensible modification to maintain filter permeability for a long time. The real novelty with the proposed Fe0/sand filters is that no 100 % Fe0 will be available. Rather, the Fe0 reactive layer will be a mixture of at least 60 % sand, gravel or porous volcanic rocks and up to 40 % Fe0. The actual proportion of the Fe0 will depend on its intrinsic reactivity and particle size. The advantage of porous volcanic rocks [57-59] is that generated iron hydroxides may fill their porous structure extending service life (or retarding loss of hydraulic conductivity). On the other hand, Fe0 materials could be produced locally 9 [60-63] or selected from available iron products (including production wastes and by- products) such as nails rivets, nuts, bolts, barbed wire, packing wire, chicken wire mess, fencing wire, steel wool, construction materials and other Fe 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 0 products. Using available Fe0 materials will protect filter users from the market law as increased demand is only indirectly coupled to the original use of the material. For example, it can not be expected that the price of packing wire increases just because it is used for water treatment. Another approach will consist of testing potential Fe0 materials in industrialised countries (including China), that are likely exported to developing countries and built a database for suitable materials. Potential beneficiaries of Fe0/sand filters It is certain that Fe0/sand filters will accelerate the health gains associated with improved drinking water until the goal of universal access to piped, treated water is achieved [5]. Even after this hypothetical goal is achieved, the world will still have to face critical situations (e.g. accidental contamination, earthquakes, epidemic plagues, wars, tsunamis), in which available water should be rapidly treated. These critical situations are managed worldwide mostly by armies and NGOs (including the Red Cross). Therefore, the Fe0/sand filters are not only suitable for developing countries but for the whole world. Recently, an uranium contamination was discovered in drinking water production wells in Barlissen in Lower Saxony/Germany and the wells were precautionary put out of service [64]. Barlissen is a typical situation where Fe0/sand filters could help in industrialized countries. On the other hand, working on Fe0/sand filters will give researchers from developing countries the opportunity to solve a crucial problem with local solutions. The technology is low cost and good results can be achieved with simple equipment. Furthermore, experiments do not involve any stringent reaction conditions nor expensive devices, as the major experiments are to be conducted under atmospheric conditions. It is expected that research groups working on Fe0/sand filters will achieve results which are helpful for the further development of iron reactive walls. In fact, Fe0/sand filters can be regarded as a sort of “rapid 10 small scale column test” which could help to bridge the gap between short-term studies in the lab (few weeks) and field Fe 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 0 reactive barriers (some two decades). In fact, testing Fe0/sand filters offers a unique opportunity to test the reactivity of the same Fe0 material at several sites with natural waters of various characteristics. Clearly, a South/North symbiosis can be expected: a technology developed in the North tested and used in a modified version in the South could contribute to the further development of the original technology (not only for the North). Ways to affordable Fe0/sand filters The concept of Fe0/sand filters is based on scientific understanding of the complex chemical and physical processes involved in an evolving technology (iron remediation technology) that has being successfully applied for almost 20 years. Provided that a relevant reactive Fe0 is used, the effectiveness of Fe0/sand filters is not to be demonstrated, except some technology verification in the field (monitoring). The sole tasks are: (i) selecting and processing the appropriate Fe0 materials, (ii) designing the filters, and (iii) avoiding the use of Fe0/sand filters for waters of pH ≤ 5. In fact, Fe0/sand filters are based on the anodic dissolution of iron in neutral and close-to-neutral aqueous systems. In this pH range, primary iron dissolution is followed by a continuous build up and transformation of a corrosion product layer in the vicinity of Fe0 [41, 65, 66]. Material selection Practically any available Fe0 material (mainly low alloyed steel and cast iron) is theoretically applicable for water treatment. Ideally, any newly obtained Fe0 material should be characterized and tested for water treatment capacity by a standard method. In using activated carbon for wastewater treatment for example, it is generally accepted that a good decolorizing carbon should fulfil at least 200 mg/g removal capacity for methylene blue in batch experiments [67]. Until recently, there was no experimental parameter to characterize the intrinsic reactivity of Fe0 materials [68-70]. Noubactep [69, 70] has introduced a parameter, 11 kEDTA, which could enable purposeful material selection. Per definition, kEDTA is the slope of the line of the time-dependent oxidative dissolution of ion from a given Fe 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 0 material in a 2 mM EDTA solution. kEDTA is determined in batch experiments and characterized material intrinsic reactivity under any given experimental conditions [70]. For example, materials used in Fe0/sand filters should exhibit a kEDTA value above a critical value. This critical value is yet to be determined. The kEDTA value of the iron nails used by Ngai et al. [18] could be used as guide to select the Fe0 loading of the filter. For a less reactive material a larger Fe0 loading than in the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter will be applied and lesser Fe0 loadings are needed for more reactive materials. The long term reactivity of available Fe0 materials has to be tested as well. Initially, iron nails from the KAF filters or iron composites from the SONO filters can be used as starting point. Filter designs Basically, Fe0/sand filters are slow sand filters for intermittent use [49, 50]. Almost 130 years of experience is available for this type of system. The most recent developments are those of KanchanTM Arsenic Filter [18], SONO filters [6, 16] and Kosim filters [14]. These devices can be modified to use a Fe0/sand reactive layer as described above. Alternatively, new designs may be conceived based on local specifications [71]. Fig. 3 shows a cross-section of the filter design used by Chiew et al. [54]. Arsenic removal and bacterial removal units are illustrated. A potential shortcoming of this design is that the "arsenic removal unit" experiences wet and dry periods. In an improved design, the high of the outlet pipe should enable immersion of the Fe0 layer. In all cases the filters should be constructed from local materials and the reactive layer should be embedded in sand layers. Available Fe0 materials (e.g. iron nails, steel wool) should be tested and approved at least in the early stage of technology implementation. The Fe0/sand filter should be manufactured locally by trained workers regardless of their scholar education. 12 To sustain the Fe0 reactivity, intermittent additions (e.g. once a month) of boiled water [16] or lemon juice [72] could be envisaged. 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 While Hussam and Munir [16] used boiled water to eventually kill pathogens, the present review demonstrated that upon purposeful dimensioning, pathogens will be sequestrated by iron corrosion products. Therefore, boiled water should increase/sustain Fe0 reactivity by elevating the temperature. Intermittent temperature elevation certainly disturb the process of iron passivation, and thus sustain Fe0 reactivity as reported by Hussam and Munir [16]. The rational for the use of citric acid is the well-known increase iron corrosion with decreasing pH value [65, 66]. Cornejo et al. [72] tested three commercially available lemon species as citric sources. Commercial lemon species may content undesirable preservatives and little parts of fruit. Even though these undesirable contents are non toxic, these additives should be regarded as contaminants and will be removed in the filtering system as well. In rural areas natural lemon juice should be at least seasonally available at low cost or cheaper than commercial lemon juices. While testing the ability of citric acid (pKa1 = 3.15, pKa2 = 4.77, pKa3 = 6.40) to sustain reactivity, care will be taken to keep the pH > 4.5 to avoid dissolved Fe in filtered water. Again, this technology is not applicable for the treatment of waters of initial pH < 5. Such waters, known as from acid mine drainage (AMD) are world wide available at abandoned and active mining sites [73]. Conclusions The fact that field Fe0/H2O systems have successfully removed various contaminants from polluted water is a testament to their potential, which is yet to be fully realized. This paper presents a concept to realize this potential at a household level by a simple water filtration on a Fe0/sand column. The Fe0/sand filter is an innovation combining two proven water treatment techniques: (i) adsorption and co-precipitation in Fe0/H2O systems, and (ii) size exclusion by slow sand filtration. There is no doubt that a proper material selection and design of the filtration system will contribute to achieve and even exceed the Millennium Development 13 Goal. The original merit of this concept is that it allows researchers from developing countries to actively work on a crucial problem while results will be useful for the developed world as well. Intensive laboratory and field research is needed to develop Fe 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 0/sand filters. The efforts should be accompanied by numerical modeling. This aspect is under investigation in the research group of one of the authors (P. Woafo) using mathematical equations describing the spatio-temporal evolution of pollutants concentration and porosity in the filters complemented by experiments. On the other hand, reportedly efficient filters (e.g. Danvor BSF, Filtron ceramic filter, Kosim filter) can be amended with Fe0 to enhanced pathogen inactivation. Acknowledgments Thoughtful comments provided by Prof. Abul Hussam (Center for Clean Water and Sustainable Technologies, George Mason University - USA) on the draft manuscript are gratefully acknowledged. Sven Hellbach (student research assistant) is acknowledged for technical assistance. The manuscript was improved by the insightful comments of anonymous reviewers from CLEAN Soil, Air, Water. Conflict of Interest The authors have declared no conflict of interest. References [1] J.F. Schijven, S.M. Hassanizadeh, Removal of viruses by soil passage: Overview of modeling, processes, and parameters. Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2000, 30 (1), 49. [2] K.M. Hiscock, T. Grischek, Attenuation of groundwater pollution by bank filtration. J. Hydrol. 2002, 266 (3-4), 139. [3] S. Grünheid, G. Amy, M. Jekel, Removal of bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and trace organic compounds by bank filtration and artificial recharge. Water Res. 2005, 39 (14), 3219. 14 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 [4] W.J. Weiss, E.J. Bouwer, R. Aboytes, M.W. LeChevallier, C.R. O’Melia, B.T. Le, K.J. Schwab, Riverbank filtration for control of microorganisms: Results from field monitoring. Water Res. 2005, 39 (10), 1990. [5] D.S. 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[38] and [39]. Name Formula Structure Density α α1 (kg/m3) Iron a-Fe bcc 7800 - - Hematite 1/2 Fe2O3 Trigonal 5260 0.699 2.12 Magnetite 1/3 Fe3O4 Cubic 5180 0.724 2.08 Goethite α-FeOOH Orthorhombic 4260 0.629 2.91 Akageneite β-FeOOH Tetragonal 3560 0.629 3.48 Lepidocrite γ-FeOOH Orthorhombic 4090 0.629 3.03 Fe(OH)2 Trigonal 3400 0.622 3.75 Fe(OH)3 n.a. n.a. 0.523 4.20 Fe(OH)3.3H2O n.a. n.a. 0.347 6.40 556 557 558 n.a. = not available 24 558 559 Figure 1 560 561 562 25 562 563 Figure 2: 564 565 26 565 566 Figure 3 567 568 569 570 571 27 Figure captions 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 Figure 1: Time dependence evolution of Fe0 and Fe corrosion products from a spherical material assuming uniform corrosion. Fe0 corrosion continuously produces concentric layers of iron hydroxides which are transformed to iron oxides. It is assumed (see text) that the three layers next to Fe0 surface are reactive (d1, d2, d3) while the outer layers are non reactive (d4). Figure 2: Cross-sectional diagram of a uniformly corroding Fe0 particle at t > t2 (Fig. 1). d1, d2 and d3 are supposedly the reactive or transforming layers in which contaminants may be adsorbed, co-precipitated or chemically transformed. d4 is the growing layer of aged corrosion products on which contaminants could adsorb. d4 is less porous than the inner layers but may be fissured. Figure 3: Design of the filter tested for arsenic and pathogen removal in Cambodia by Chiew et al. [54]. Rigorously the pathogen removal unit is a conventional BioSand filter in which suspended solid are removed. 28