Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Combining reverse Monte Carlo analysis of X‐ray scattering and extended X‐ray absorption fine structure spectra of very small nanoparticles 

      Winterer, Markus; Geiß, Jeremias (Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2022-12-23)
      Finite size effects in partial pair distribution functions generate artefacts in the scattering structure factor and scattering intensity. It is shown how they can be overcome using a binned version of the Debye scattering ...
    • ROBL‐II at ESRF: a synchrotron toolbox for actinide research 

      Scheinost, Andreas C.; Claussner, Juergen; Exner, Joerg; Feig, Manuel; Findeisen, Stefan; Hennig, Christoph; Kvashnina, Kristina O.; Naudet, Damien; Prieur, Damien; Rossberg, Andre; Schmidt, Moritz; Qiu, Canrong; Colomp, Patrick; Cohen, Cedric; Dettona, Eric; Dyadkin, Vadim; Stumpf, Thorsten (Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2020-11-23)
      ROBL‐II provides four different experimental stations to investigate actinide and other alpha‐ and beta‐emitting radionuclides at the new EBS storage ring of ESRF within an energy range of 3 to 35 keV. The XAFS station ...