Browsing by Subject "OSL"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Aeolian sedimentation in the Rhine and Main area from the Late Glacial until the Mid-Holocene
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.59, No. 1-2)Äolische Sedimente (sandiger Löss, Flugsand) wurden durch pedologische und geochronologische Methoden (OSL) mit dem Ziel untersucht, hieraus Aussagen zur stratigraphischen Abfolge und zum Ablagerungsalter zu gewinnen und ... -
Chronology of Weichselian main ice marginal positions in north-eastern Germany
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.60, No. 2-3)Bisher basierte die Chronologie des Weichsel-Pleniglazials in Nord-Ost-Deutschland im Wesentlichen auf morphostratigraphischen Befunden und Radiokohlenstoffdatierungen organischer Sedimente aus dem Liegenden glazigener ... -
Environmental development and local human impact in the Jeetzel valley (N Germany) since 10 ka BP as detected by geoarchaeological analyses in a coupled aeolian and lacustrine sediment archive at Soven
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.64)While archaeological records indicate an intensive Mesolithic occupation of dune areas situated along river valleys, relatively little knowledge exists about environmental interactions in the form of land-use strategies ... -
IRSL Signals from Maar Lake Sediments Stimulated at Various Temperatures
(E&G – Quaternary Science Journal; Vol.60, No. 1)Optisch stimulierte Lumineszenz (OSL) und infrarot stimulierte Lumineszenz (IRSL) wurden an sieben Feinkorn Proben von Kern JW3 aus dem Trockenmaar Jungfernweiher gemessen. Zwei verschiedene post-IR IRSL Messprotokolle ... -
New results concerning the pedo‐ and chronostratigraphy of the loess–palaeosol sequence Attenfeld (Bavaria, Germany) derived from a multi‐methodological approach
(Journal of Quaternary Science, 2021-03-18)Loess–palaeosol sequences (LPS) represent important records of palaeoenvironmental dynamics throughout the Quaternary. During the Pleistocene's dry and cold phases, the Danube's riverbed was one of the major sources for ... -
Rare Holocene sediment deposits from Sodmein Playa (Eastern Desert, Egypt)—Stratigraphic assessment and environmental setting
(Geoarchaeology, 2022-11-12)Sodmein Playa is one of the rare Pleistocene open‐air sites in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Based on the associated stone artefact material, it could be assigned to the Middle Stone Age/Last Interglacial. However, it has ...