Browsing by Subject "Vulkanformen und Vulkantypen {Geologie}"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Asymmetrical deformation of the Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion Island) summit cone
(11. Symposium "Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie", 2006-03)Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion Island) is an active basaltic shield volcano in the south-western part of the Indian Ocean. The activity consists essentially of lava being issued from two rift zones close to the summit cone. ... -
Holocene shield volcanoes in Iceland
(11. Symposium "Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie", 2006-03)Holocene shield volcanoes (lava shields) are common in Iceland, but they are restricted in space and time. As regards space, most of the shield volcanoes in Iceland occur within two bands in the West and North Volcanic ... -
Origin of Central Andean collapse calderas
(11. Symposium "Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie", 2006-03)Regional strains in tectonically active volcanic provinces may have a profound influence on the mode of collapse caldera formation. Conversely, the deformation pattern, more specifically, the symmetry of plan-view strain ... -
Tektonische Entwicklung des Geitafell-Vulkans, Südost-Island
(11. Symposium "Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie", 2006-03)Der Geitafell-Vulkan ist ein erloschener tertiärer Zentralvulkan (Stratovulkan) in Südost-Island. Aufgrund tiefer glazialer Erosion ist das Innere des Vulkans bis hinab zur erloschenen krustalen Magmakammer aufgeschlossen. ...