%0 Journal article %A Müller-Wille, Staffan %A Reitner, Joachim %T Palaeobiological reconstructions of selected Spinctozoan Sponges from the Cassian Beds (Lower Carnian) of the Dolomites (Northern Italy) %R 10.23689/fidgeo-2543 %J Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen %V 9 %X PalaeobiologicaJ models of four selecled species of sphinctozoan coraIIine sponges from the Cassian Ileds (Lower Camian, Dolomites) have been established using, among othels, luminescence tecbniques. The latter has beeil Sllccesfully to wimate the organie content and diagenetic history ofthe skeletons. Recent in"estigations yield the differentiation ofthree steps in the secretion ofthe skeleton in coralline sponges, according to which skelelal elements can be classified. The identification of these elements rendels infoiiuation on the way ofsecretion ofthe skeleton, the relative position ofthe soft tissue, and the function ofthe skeleton. Two basic type.s of sphinctozoan organisation can be distinguished: a matrix type, where a rigid framework, secreted in an organo-spicular matrix peneti"ates the soft t.issue (as in suomatoporoid coralline sponges) and a cortex type, where the skeleton is secreted by a speziali'WI layer (cortex) surrolmding the sponge body. These organizational types bear no phylogenetic implication. %U http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/6856 %~ FID GEO-LEO e-docs