%0 Journal article %A Westphalen, Marc Alexander %A Lischeid, Gunnar %A Meier-Uhlherr, Ron %A Zak, Dominik %T Abschätzung der Phosphorbelastung des Vorfluters eines degradierten Quellmoores in NO-Brandenburg %R 10.23689/fidgeo-2933 %J TELMA - Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde %V 47 %X Abstract: In this study, a sub-area of one of the largest drained spring water mire complex in Germany, a part of the Sernitz Valley close to Greiffenberg (Uckermark), was examined for the potential risk of phosphorous release in the adjacent watercourse „Sernitz“ post rewetting. The area is characterized by a high degradation of the top soil layer and a species-poor phytocoenoses of countryside reed beds as a result of the drainage over hundreds of years. In consequence of the changes in the peat characteristics and the associated substantial soil shrinkage, some areas of the fen exhibit permanent inundated conditions. Overall, the important ecosystem functions provided by the fen, e.g. water and nutrient retention, are being altered negatively. For an assessment of the rewetting effects on the internal P release and the risk of elevated P export, investigations on substrate quality and porewater chemistry were performed in the period of June to October 2015. For this purpose, three representative investigation areas were selected within the study site. These areas are clearly different from each other in terms of water level and vegetation but they all possess several decimeters thick layer of highly decomposed peat. The highest P release potential was found for the fen area with alternating water levels. Despite the overall high P release potential in the upper degraded peat layer, there was no evidence of elevated P export to the adjacent watercourse due to rewetting. %U http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/7247 %~ FID GEO-LEO e-docs