%0 Journal article %A Heller, Christian %A Klingenfuss, Christian %A Möller, Diana %A Zeitz, Jutta %T Bewertung der Ökosystemleistungen von Moorböden am Beispiel Berlins – Grundlage für den Moor- und Klimaschutz %R 10.23689/fidgeo-2944 %J TELMA - Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde %V 46 %X Abstract: Undisturbed peatlands with high water levels provide complex and important ecosystem services (ESS) on a small scale and are vulnerable ecosystems that require special protection. In the project „Berlin’s Peatlands and climate Change“, a system was developed with which to assess important ecosystem services (climate protection service, habitat service, filtering function, water retention service, cooling service) on the basis of soil, site and vegetation properties and to identify priorities for action. For this purpose, all peatland soils in Berlin were investigated and their ESS were assessed. Currently, there are 740 ha of peatland soils in different sites. They show a great variety of soil types and soil substrates and represent nearly the whole variety of mire types of Northeastern Germany (except ombrotrophic bogs) which enables a good transferability and applicability of the assessment system. A detailed description of the methodology and the obtained results for every single peatland site is freely accessible on the project website (www.berliner-moorboeden.hu-berlin.de, partly in English). %U http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/7258 %~ FID GEO-LEO e-docs