%0 Journal article %A Brande, Arthur %A Rohner, Maria-Sofie %T Das Blausteinfenn – Vegetation, Entwicklung und Schutz eines Hangmoores im Hohen Fläming (Brandenburg) %R 10.23689/fidgeo-2947 %J TELMA - Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde %V 46 %X Abstract: The Blausteinfenn near the village of Gräben (fig. 1, 2) is at present a degradated mire comprising various tree and shrub succession stages and including some Molinia-Eriophorum-Carex-Sphagnum vegetation. The mire got his name from a nearby erratic boulder (blue granite rock) of penulimate glacial age (Warthe stage of the Saalian glaciation). Under local convenient local and hydrographic conditions the fen developed on a flat eastern slope position of the Verlorenwasser (‘lost water’ brook) lowland, which is connected with the Buckau valley and the Havel river. The mire development started on sandy soils by paludification forming a highly decomposed peat during the Alleröd or more probably the Preboreal chronozone. After a long lasting phase of stagnation further development continued only in the Subboreal and Older Subatlantic chronozone. Passing an alder and birch succession stage and deposition of fen peat, finally the stage of a Sphagnum mire was reached. This ultimate succession stage obviously is a result of overgrowing of peat digging sites already in medieval and at least in modern times. The situation in 2002/04 was found to be a consequence of various mire use such as drainage, continuous peat cutting and fish ponds up to the 19th century and its abandoning lateron, i.e. after 1945. During the last years measures were carried out especially to improve the water regime by regulation of the outwards flow and by dam blocking. Further projects comprise the total closing of ditches in the sensitive mire sites. %U http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/7261 %~ FID GEO-LEO e-docs