Do U/Pb-SHRIMP Dating and Pb Stepwise Leaching (PbSL) Analyses Confirm the Lack of Precambrian Basement Outcrops in Thailand?
Wemmer, Klaus

Putthapiban, Prinya
Kleinhanns, Ilka C.
Wilsky, Franziska
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Hansen, Bent T.; Wemmer, Klaus; Putthapiban, Prinya; Kleinhanns, Ilka C.; Wilsky, Franziska, 2014: Do U/Pb-SHRIMP Dating and Pb Stepwise Leaching (PbSL) Analyses Confirm the Lack of Precambrian Basement Outcrops in Thailand? . In: Open Journal of Geology , 04 , 10 , 505 -517, DOI:
U/Pb-SHRIMP dating and Pb stepwise leaching (PbSL) experiments on zircons and garnets, respectively have confirmed the lack of Precambrian outcrops within the crystalline basement of Thailand. The obtained data for the high grade metamorphism show Indosinian ages ranging from 225 - 200 Ma as previously suggested for the vast majority of outcrops in NW-Thailand ([1] and references therein), as well as a small group of ages in the range of 445 Ma in the Lampang Province. Further, the age of a thermal imprint around 60 Ma was confirmed near Surat Thani, Peninsular Thailand, and only a few indications of older ages for the unknown source areas were detected in detrital components.