Zeitschrift für Geophysik 38 / 3
Untied, J.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23689/fidgeo-3470
Vaněk, J.: Seismological Evidence on Discontinuities in the Mantle (S. 355); Davydova, N. I., I. P. Kosminskaya, N. K. Kapustian and G. G. Michota: Models of the Earth’s Crust and M-Boundary (S. 369); Giese, P.: The Special Structure of the PMP Traveltime Curve (395); Tregub, F. S.: Relation between P-Wave Amplitudes and Discontinuities in the Earth’s Crust (S. 407); Beranek, B.: The Results of Deep Seismic Sounding in Czechoslovakia (S. 415); Christoskov, L.: On the Amplitude Curves of Body Waves for Short Epicentral Distances and Their Oscillatory Character (S. 429); Ruprechtová, L.: Recent Interpretation of the Core Discontinuities (S. 441); Choudhury, M. A.: P-Wave Attenuation in the Mantle (S. 447); Galkin, I. N., V. T. Levshenko, V. I. Myachkin and A. V. Nikolayev: Inhomogeneity of the Earth with Respect to Physical Processes of Earthquakes (S. 455); Babuška, V.: Anisotropy of the Upper Mantle Rocks (S. 461); Červený, V.: Theory of Elastic Wave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Media (S. 469); Behrens, J., R. Bortfeld, G. Gommlich and K. Köhler: Interpretation of Discontinuities by Seismic Imaging (S. 481); Červený, V. and J. Zahradník: Amplitude-Distance Curves of Seismic Body Waves in the Neighbourhood of Critical Points and Caustics — A Comparison (S. 499); Richards, P. G.: Seismic Waves Reflected from Velocity Gradient Anomalies within the Earth’s Upper Mantle (S. 517); Nedoma, J.: Investigation of Linear Harmonic Field of SH-Waves in a Stratified Inhomogeneous Medium Using the Finite Difference Method (S. 529); Plešinger, A. and R. Vích: On the Identification of Seismometric systems and the Correction of Recorded Signals for Identified Transfer Functions (S. 543); Vaněk, J.: Seismological Evidence on Discontinuities in the Mantle (S. 355); Davydova, N. I., I. P. Kosminskaya, N. K. Kapustian and G. G. Michota: Models of the Earth’s Crust and M-Boundary (S. 369); Giese, P.: The Special Structure of the PMP Traveltime Curve (395); Tregub, F. S.: Relation between P-Wave Amplitudes and Discontinuities in the Earth’s Crust (S. 407); Beranek, B.: The Results of Deep Seismic Sounding in Czechoslovakia (S. 415); Christoskov, L.: On the Amplitude Curves of Body Waves for Short Epicentral Distances and Their Oscillatory Character (S. 429); Ruprechtová, L.: Recent Interpretation of the Core Discontinuities (S. 441); Choudhury, M. A.: P-Wave Attenuation in the Mantle (S. 447); Galkin, I. N., V. T. Levshenko, V. I. Myachkin and A. V. Nikolayev: Inhomogeneity of the Earth with Respect to Physical Processes of Earthquakes (S. 455); Babuška, V.: Anisotropy of the Upper Mantle Rocks (S. 461); Červený, V.: Theory of Elastic Wave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Media (S. 469); Behrens, J., R. Bortfeld, G. Gommlich and K. Köhler: Interpretation of Discontinuities by Seismic Imaging (S. 481); Červený, V. and J. Zahradník: Amplitude-Distance Curves of Seismic Body Waves in the Neighbourhood of Critical Points and Caustics — A Comparison (S. 499); Richards, P. G.: Seismic Waves Reflected from Velocity Gradient Anomalies within the Earth’s Upper Mantle (S. 517); Nedoma, J.: Investigation of Linear Harmonic Field of SH-Waves in a Stratified Inhomogeneous Medium Using the Finite Difference Method (S. 529); Plešinger, A. and R. Vích: On the Identification of Seismometric systems and the Correction of Recorded Signals for Identified Transfer Functions (S. 543);