NPP-ID: Non-Pollen Palynomorph Image Database as a research and educational platform

Shumilovskikh, Elena S.
Schlütz, Frank

van Geel, Bas

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Shumilovskikh, Elena S.; Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Schlütz, Frank; Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
van Geel, Bas; Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) form a large group of biological objects found in palynological slides besides pollen grains. This includes various remains of algae and fungi, shells, resting stages and eggs of invertebrates, among others. Publications of NPP-types started in the 1970s with studies of BvG and colleagues, and large numbers of new types continue to be published every year. For an overview of this diverse world of “extra fossils”, we created the Non-Pollen Palynomorph Image Database (NPP-ID) to gather NPP knowledge, structured by acronyms and known taxonomy to assist identification and palaeoecological interpretation ( An integral part is a database of illustrations, descriptions and ecological background of NPPs. While numerical data are routinely stored in open access repositories, the NPP-ID enables the definitions, identification and interpretation of the NPP taxa to be shared. The NPP-ID operates as an open research project aiming to provide open access to descriptions and illustrations of NPPs. However, due to publication rights, access to some original images is restricted and registration by users is required. We encourage palynologists to contribute to the further growth of the database by uploading their own microphotographs or drawings under an open access license. Contributors will be acknowledged by co-authorship in publications on updates of the NPP-ID.