Zur Ökologie der Wuchsformen von Pinus sylvestris L. im Moosfenn bei Potsdam

Landgraf, Lukas

DOI: https://doi.org/10.23689/fidgeo-3042
Landgraf, Lukas, 2006: Zur Ökologie der Wuchsformen von Pinus sylvestris L. im Moosfenn bei Potsdam. In: TELMA - Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde, 36 95-120, DOI: https://doi.org/10.23689/fidgeo-3042. 


Abstract: The Moosfenn near Potsdam is completly covered by scots pine on wet to dry locations. Their morphology and growth were described in respect to waterlevel and its fluctuation. Investigations were made to describe three shapes of Pinus sylvestris with the special focus on needle length, length of internodes, year ring-width, height, habit and location. In bogs just one shape of scots pine is known today. This paper describes three typical shapes of pine as “turfosa”, “intermedia” and “uliginosa”. Their occurrence correlates closely with the height and the fluctuation of the water level. Therefore the described shapes of pine in bogs arise predominantly zonal. Natural regeneration was observed only in the zones with turfosa- and intermedia-shapes. During germinating on wet surfaces the growth of Pinus sylvestris is clearly restrained. Depending on waterlevel three different root types develop. During the whole development the waterlevel predicts at the most the environmental factor for all three shapes of pine. Two basic growth strategies exist. Small light pines grow upright, big heavy pines disperse their weight on the bog ground. The dying of pines is due to root stocks sinking into the katotelm, by lack of light and by overbalance through wind and overweight.