Effects of Insect Mass Outbreaks on Throughfall Composition in Even Aged European Pine Stands - Implications for the C and N Cycling

Mellec, Anne le
Karg, Jerzy
Bernacki, Zdzislaw
Slowik, Jolanta
Korczynski, Ignaczy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.4172/2157-7617.1000101
Persistent URL: http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?gldocs-11858/6788
Mellec, Anne le; Karg, Jerzy; Bernacki, Zdzislaw; Slowik, Jolanta; Korczynski, Ignaczy, 2011: Effects of Insect Mass Outbreaks on Throughfall Composition in Even Aged European Pine Stands - Implications for the C and N Cycling. In: Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change, 1, 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4172/2157-7617.1000101. 


In this paper we report on the herbivore-affected C and N concentrations in the throughfall and altered canopy to soil transfer during a Pine Lappet (Dendrolimus pini L) mass infestation in 60-year-old Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L) forests. Our investigations covered a period of 7 months and could show, that herbivore defoliation significantly altered C and N concentrations in the throughfall solution and enhanced organic matter input situation to the forest floor. Compared to the uninfested site mean concentrations of the throughfall solution at the infested site under strong frass activity contained 80% more C and 61% more N. Additionally, C and N inputs were with 131 kg C ha-1 time-1 and 9.6 kg N ha-1 time-1 higher under strong frass activity during 3 months compared to the input at the uninfested site. We assume that outbreaks of phytophagous insects play an important key role in monoculture forest by influencing the nutrient turnover.
