Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation in Porous Rocks Considering the Exploration and the Monitoring of Geological Reservoirs

Boxberg, Marc S. ORCIDiD
Friederich, Wolfgang

Boxberg, Marc S.; Friederich, Wolfgang, 2021: Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation in Porous Rocks Considering the Exploration and the Monitoring of Geological Reservoirs. DOI: 


Modelling the propagation of seismic waves in porous media gets more and more popular in the seismological community since it is an important but challenging task in the field of computational seismology. The fluid content of, for example, reservoir rocks or soils, and the interaction between the fluid and the rock or between different immiscible fluids has to be taken into account to accurately describe seismic wave propagation through such porous media. Often, numerical models are based on the elastic wave equation and some might include artificially introduced attenuation. This simplifies the problem but only approximates the true physics involved. Hence, the results are also simplified and could lack accuracy or miss phenomena in some applications. The aim of the conducted work was the consistent derivation of a theory for seismic wave propagation in porous media saturated by two immiscible fluids and the accompanying numerical solution for the derived wave equation. The theory is based on Biot's theory of poroelasticity. Starting from the basic conservation equations (energy, momentum, etc.) and generally accepted laws, the theory was derived using a macroscopic approach which demands that the wavelength is significantly larger than the size of the heterogeneities in the medium due to the size of the grains and pores or due to effects on the mesoscopic scale. This condition is usually fulfilled for seismic waves since the typical wavelength of seismic waves is in the order of 10 m to 10 km. Fluid flow is described by a Darcy type flow law and interactions between the fluids by means of capillary pressure curve models. In addition, consistent boundary conditions on interfaces between poroelastic media and elastic or acoustic media are derived from this poroelastic theory itself. The nodal discontinuous Galerkin method is used for the numerical modelling. The poroelastic solver is integrated into the 1D and 2D codes of the larger software package NEXD that uses the nodal discontinuous Galerkin method to solve wave equations. The implementation has been verified using symmetry tests and the method of exact solutions. This work has potential for applications in various scientific fields like, for example, exploration and monitoring of hydrocarbon or geothermal reservoirs as well as CO2 storage sites.