Europeanisation - peripherisation? EU-enlargement and touristical strategies of rural areas. Report of SOKRATES Intensive-Programme in Greifswald, 19th of March - 31st of March 2006

Heinz, Michael
Klüter, Helmut ORCIDiD
Äänismaa, Ulla

Heinz, Michael; Klüter, Helmut; Äänismaa, Ulla (Ed.), 2006: Europeanisation - peripherisation? EU-enlargement and touristical strategies of rural areas. Report of SOKRATES Intensive-Programme in Greifswald, 19th of March - 31st of March 2006. Greifswalder Geographische Arbeiten; 2006, 40, Univ. Greifswald, S., DOI: