Laser ablation ICP-MS in paleoceanography
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The different benthic foraminiferal species (epibenthic as well as endobenthic) colonize wide areas of the ocean floor and are widely used for paleoceanographic reconstructions. To improve these reconstructions, it is an important part in research to continuously develop and refine proxies by e.g. improving measuring techniques as well as introducing other species in paleoceanograhpy. The main focus of the presented thesis is a regional examination of the trace element ratios of the rarely used benthic foraminifer Oridorsalis umbonatus and the investigation of their suitability for paleoceanographic applications. Since O. umbonatus is not very abundant in the sediments, it was necessary . as a prerequisite for such studies . to investigate, whether laser ablation ICP-MS can be used for trace element measurements on benthic foraminifera. Therefore, as a first step, trace elements were measured using laser ablation ICP-MS on a set of modern core top samples collected along a depth transect on the continental slope off Namibia at 25.5.S (320 . 2300m water depth; 2.9. to 10.4.C). The Mg/Ca ratios where than calibrated against bottom water temperatures (BWT). The study demonstrates clearly that benthic foraminiferal trace elements can be reliably measured with the laser ablation technique and that the Mg/Ca ratio of O. umbonatus has the potential to be used as a proxy for BWTs...