Suitability of terrestrial Lidar and digital photogrammetry for surveying and analysis of fold structures

Leiss, Bernd

Quantitative fold structure analyses at different scales are essential for deducing deformation mechanisms and the reconstruction of the deformation history of orogens. However, not only the field surveying of fold structures, especially in view of their quantification in three dimensions with the classical tools as measuring tape, grid mapping with measuring tapes, geological compass, field book and camera is a time consuming and laborious job, but also the construction of a georeferenced 3D-model of fold structures based on classical data. Another crucial aspect of the classical field surveying of folds is the limitation by poor outcrop conditions. Reasons might be restricted or no accessibility due to high outcrop walls, water or fences, limited visibility because of vegetation, difficult measurability due to very smooth walls or complexity as a result of irregular outcrop walls or distant outcrops. Furthermore, inappropriate oriented outcrop surfaces in respect to the fold geometry can make a survey even worse.
Over the past years modern 3D surveying techniques like terrestrial Lidar and digital photogrammetry became progressively affordable for geological field work and now start to complement or replace traditional methods. We started to utilize these techniques on fold structure surveying and to apply quantitative fold structure analysis on different outcrop settings in Central Germany. Different workflows were developed and tested to optimize data conversion, handling and representation.
We applied a laser scanner and a single lens reflex camera, complemented by a differential GPS device and laser tachymeter. Data conversion, correction and analysis were done by means of different free as well as commercial software packages. To test different outcrop situations, different quarries, salt mines and steep cliffs, exposing from single fold to complex folds in limestone, greywacke, cherts, rock salt or potassium salt, were selected.
As a result, exact 3D point clouds of all exposed folds could be generated by the use of both techniques. The resultant point clouds are suited as excellent visualisation objects as well as base for accurate geometrical measurements in the range of mm or cm of single and complex folds. In addition, the point clouds serve as input dataset for the construction of detailed geological 3D models comprising punctual, linear and plane fold elements.
In summary, terrestrial Lidar and digital photogrammetry are excellent field techniques to survey and document exposed folds in the range of few meters to tens of meters, especially under poor outcrop conditions. Different fold sections can now easily be correlated in 3D space to construct complete fold structures with their 3D-fold geometry. Certain fold elements, e.g. axial planes, can be reconstructed much faster and much more accurate compared to the classical approach. The only limiting factor are the very large datasets and the processing power.
As next steps, we seek (1) to involve drones for completing data sets from inaccessible areas and perspectives and (2) to incorporate 3D-microfabric analysis data in the fold models as e.g. grain shape an crystallographic preferred orientations to better understand stain paths and deformation mechanisms.