Cadomian and Variscan metamorphic events in the Léon Domain (Armorican Massif) resolved by trace element analysis in monazite and garnet

Krenn, Erwin
Finger, Fritz
Brätz, Helene
Klemd, Reiner
Philipp, Sonja
Leiss, Bernd

Vollbrecht, Axel
Tanner, David

Gudmundsson, Agust
The question, whether crustal domains are allochthonous terranes or not is crucial for plate tectonic models of the Ibero-Armorican segment of the Variscan belt. The Léon Domain in the Armorican Massif appears as a displaced crustal block as it bears a resemblance to the South Armorican Domain of the internal Variscan belt (Le Corre et al. 1989). In the central part of the Léon, the amphibolite-facies Conquet- Penze Micaschist Unit (CPMU) overlies the high-grade Lesneven Gneiss Unit (LGU). At the base of the LGU, a high-pressure stage at 700°C/>13 kbar, recorded by garnet-clinopyroxene assemblages in eclogites was followed by a high-temperature event at 800°C/8 kbar with garnet and cordierite in aluminous paragneisses. Maximal temperatures in the upper parts of the LGU were 630°C/6 kbar. In the micaschists of the Conquet-Penze Unit, microstructures indicate a crystallization of garnet and then staurolite during the development of S1 and S2 foliations. Zoned garnet in assemblages with staurolite recorded prograde P–T paths from 490– 610°C at 5–8 kbar in the upper and at 6– 9 kbar in the lower parts of the CPMU. The foliation S2 was overprinted by shear bands with a top-to- SW directed normal sense of shear, corresponding to a dextral strike-slip movement (Balé & Brun 1986). A younger population of monazite with variable Y contents displays Variscan Th-U-Pb ages (EMP dating method) between 340 and 300Ma. In contrast, an older population of Cadomian monazite at 552–517Ma is uniformly rich in Y and was observed in samples with only few or even no garnet. As the 330–340Ma Saint Renan- Kersaint granite postdates the foliations S1 and S2 with peak metamorphic assemblages one can conclude that 340–300Ma Variscan monazites should postdate garnet crystallization.
Armorikanisches GebirgeVariskische Gebirgsbildung
Assyntische Faltungsphase
Metamorphose <Geologie>