Modeling light curves of type Ia supernovae
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The main topic of this work is the introduction of time dependence into PHOENIX. This has been achieved for both the radiation field and the matter in the SN Ia model atmosphere. First, time dependence in the radiative transfer equation has been implemented. Two discretization schemes have been used for the implementation of the time derivative. Test calculations have been performed to confirm the correctness of the implementations. The radiation time scale computed with the time dependent radiative transfer is comparable to a simple analytic approach. Perturbations of the inner boundary condition of the atmosphere move through the whole atmosphere. For instance, an atmosphere with a sinusoidally varying inner light bulb leads to an atmosphere where the luminosity varies sinusoidally everywhere. For the next extension of time dependence for the matter, a simple hydrodynamical solver has been implemented. It computes the changes in the energy of an SN Ia atmosphere by considering the homologous expansion, energy transport and the deposition of energy by g -ray emission due to the radioactive decay of 56Ni and 56Co. Test calculations verified that each part of the solver works correctly. The energy deposition heats the atmosphere and increases the observed luminosity, whereas the adiabatic e expansion cools the atmosphere. The energy transport always pushes the temperature structure of the atmosphere towards the radiative equilibrium state ...